Neo-Cons and Fascism

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Neo-Cons and Fascism

Post by e_dog » October 31st, 2004, 1:20 pm

I've occasionally heard Bush compared to Hitler. This is outrageous! I mean, there's no way Bush is any worse a dictator than, say, Mussolini. But Hitler? No way? It's like the difference between the banality of evil and radical evil.

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So. Which one is the radical?

Post by stilltrucking » November 1st, 2004, 11:21 am

Hannah Ahrend, Eichman in Jerusalem, the banality of evil
"Hell is more like a nasty business office."

I think the interesting thing about our Culture is the fact that technology has become the be all end all.
Stone, cooper, bronze, iron, and silicon.
My earliest memories of Hitler's voice on the radio.
Excuse me while I turn on my TV

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Post by mnaz » November 2nd, 2004, 5:40 am

I've never heard of Bush being directly compared to Hitler. I've heard of the rise of Bush's Admin. being compared to the rise of Hitler.... the power grab and the erosion of civil rights and the inciting of the citizenry against scapegoats for their suffering and insecurity. That's as far as I've heard anyone take it, so far.

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