I am politically perplexed and deeply distressed.

What in the world is going on?
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I am politically perplexed and deeply distressed.

Post by hester_prynne » September 8th, 2004, 1:16 am

First of all. It sounds like Al quaida or whateverthefuck they are called or how they are spelled, is responsible for the horribleness just perpetrated on Russia.
If I remember correctly these were also the people responsible for 9/11.
Under the leadership of Bin Laden right?.
So what gives?
How come we have Saddam? What part did he play?
Why didn't Bush go after Bin Laden? It's like he let him stay loose so he could strike again! And indeed he did!
This is most distressing for me to think about. It doesn't make sense at all. You see, I had heard wind that the Laden's and the Bush's were quite close friends. I didn't give it much creedance until now.
But hell. Actions speak louder than words. I can only surmise now that this is all about Bush and Laden ousting Saddam so that they can take over the world together. Perhaps this is not just a hysterical notion I was self consciously keeping to myself. It must be the underlying mission. It's too obvious at this point.
Next question, who then, are they after in Russia? Who do they need to get out of the way of their mission in Russia? What's the Russian angle they are working from?
And, where Cheney fits in I don't know. Perhaps he's somehow grifted himself into a position within these two families, as a sort of twisted brutha universe broker?
It seems vaguely, like something I saw on tv once. It was a movie, and there was a powerful father, like Bush Sr., and he had a few sons. Bush = Sonny? I think that was the name, and Cheney = ...(you know, the weakling guy...)
What was that movie? I remember the soundtrack more than I do the movie, because it seemed kinda like a movie about boy's games that got very carried away and then rotted into bloody stupid violence. It bored me, but the music was fabulous.
Not to mention that CNN seems to me to be openly leaning more towards Bush. Are they owned by republicans? Or someone plotting to rule the whole world?
It pisses me off, it just isn't even decent journalism! It's blatant republican campaigning on a newschannel! Yuk! The disloyalty to the mission of neutral, honest journalism. I can't get over it! They are hacks, hooked in by vanity and ego, and the usual underestimation of the everyday human being's intelligence. That's the worst sin of all you know, underestimating your fellow human being like that. I get tired of it myself. Don't you? Don't you get tired of being automatically underestimated as a human being? Some dumb yayhoo like GW Bush, who assumes that you're the stupid one? Grrrrrrrrrr. I'd cream GW in a a debate. So would you!
I'm confused.
Won't some kind person please help me sort all this out.
H :?:

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 10th, 2004, 1:59 am

i don't have any answers, hest.. but i love your post and i am too politically distressed and deeply perplexed... and i wish i wrote those words beause, that's poetry...

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Post by judih » September 10th, 2004, 2:38 am

hester, like most americans/canadians, you're trying to sort through the bullshit that makes the headlines.

What's really going on? Good question.
Chechnia was the cause of the Russian school disaster - this morning's news says that there were no Arabs involved. Is that the truth? Who knows.

Al Quaida has been in operation for over 50 years. This is nothing new. Another terrorist group in the stockpile of several. Hamas, Fatach, and so on.

As a relative newcomer to middle east life, i know that history has socked us a solid history of terror. America first tasted it in Viet Nam. Now the whole world is getting attacked - from embassies to hotels to schools.

How to make sense of it? Stay with the ones who know how to fight terror. (and that wouldn't be Bush).


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words and pictures

Post by Zlatko Waterman » September 10th, 2004, 11:18 am

The picture worth several thousand words:

Gaze for a moment ( force yourself) at the cover picture on today's "AntiWar.com" site



Looks like "Mission Accomplished" and "Bringing Democracy " to me-- yessir!


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Post by mtmynd » September 10th, 2004, 12:06 pm

I'm sure we all remember the Oklahoma City bombing on 4/19/95 and Timothy McVeigh. An American terrorist act commited by one of our own. Did we launch jets and missiles at all the Aryan enclaves scattered about our country?

Terrorism. Terrorists. Those that act to terrify and cause fear to their victims.

Zlatko, your lonk to the post of the dead Iraqi child must terrify the Iraqi family and their friends and neighbors.... terrified of the U.S. and its indiscriminate bombing of neighborhoods and homes. Needless to say, but I trust no matter what country we may live in, no matter our religion, our race, our beliefs, we would be terribly terrified of those that drive fear into us. We would very soon seek our own revenge, as mad as that may be, and do anything we could to balance the fear with vengeance - it is our human weakness.

The U.S. (and other more technological developed countries) seek out revenge with what they have created, i.e., larger and more powerful weapons of destruction, an overkill on many levels, but that is what is at the avenging country's hands.

I think the wave of Islamic terrorism is deep rooted in a much more basic human instinct. I'll save that assessment for another time, but I do agree with much of what the more sane and peaceful of the Muslims have recently said - "It is up to the majority of Muslims to protest and speak out against the defilement of those that put a bad name on our religion. It is only when we do so that maybe those radicals will listen. They will not listen to the reason and logic of what they deem are 'infidels'." Will the Muslim/Islamic world unite to carry this message? I can only hope, because if they do not this terrorism will end up another, but more brutal, religious war, a criminal act against all that are involved against the same god that they all pray to.

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Post by Zlatko Waterman » September 10th, 2004, 12:26 pm

"Defilement" is a well-chosen word, mtmynd.

Acts of barbarism like that depicted in the picture I linked to are a defilement of all decent human qualities.

Your comments on vengeance and the awful ego-fired inferno it creates are also good.

"Fear not, only believe . . " was written to inspire early Christians to abandon competing creeds.

But if we take the "what" that is believed as peace and brotherhood we can't go too far wrong.


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