
What in the world is going on?
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Re: What????

Post by stilltrucking » November 25th, 2011, 6:18 pm

Jesus H. Christ I don't know what am I saying.
I don't know Cecil.
When I say Obama has good intentions, I guess I meant he was looking out for the interests of the Empire.

Nobody had better intentions than Woodrow Wilson.

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Re: What????

Post by stilltrucking » November 25th, 2011, 7:47 pm

Canada is not Brtian Kurt, I obviously suffer from more than my share of patriotic tribal paranoia. The Empire of Canada. The Gross National Happiness of Bhutan, and most of all to the nation of Belgium which has no government and their are proud of it. Those are wonderful governments. I just don't know if our government is any more corrupt than China's. But it is good to read the news as seen from another country's news media.

Did Eisenhower have good intentions in Iran or was that the fault of the ruling class that controls such government instituions as Allan Dulles at CIA.

Hurts my head to think about it Kurt. We few the outvoted. Here in the land of the brave, the land of the free, the asylum for the most dreadful cynicism.
This big old oily rainbowed earth will survive the end of oil, I just don't know what I can do to change anything except vote, and do what I can to spread the vote. I don't see us going to a parlimentary system anytime soon, we got to do these dog and pony shows every four years. And the country is controled by 36 percent of the registered voters. Is that AMAZING!

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Re: What????

Post by Artguy » November 25th, 2011, 10:20 pm

When I want a different perspective I watch the BBC...It is thorough, intelligent and often quite objective..and I love the accents...

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Re: What????

Post by gypsyjoker » November 26th, 2011, 12:12 am

I think that link you gave was quoting CBC.

Our news media in the US have let us down, it is all corporate controlled.
I have more confidence in Al Jazeera.

I used to listen to a lot of BBC, fall asleep to the world news overnight wake up with my head full of cricket scores.
I hear British Accents on Fox news too, smarmy accents puting down American College students as lazy slackers who sleep in at hippy campouts on Wall St. But mostly I like British accents a lot. We southerners are mostly Anglophiles at heart.

I like Canadian accents better than British.
I sometimes wonder what it must feel like being a Canadian, I don't feel the simple pride in being an "American" anymore. Not in years, not since Reagunz anyway.
But I do feel grateful to this land that gave refuge to the refuse of teeming shores that was my family.

But we were brought here by Baron de Hirsch. He could have just as easily sent us to Argentina, and I would be proud as punch to be an Argentine.

And Michelle Obama said she became proud to be an American again when her husband was elected president. Nothing to do with your post sorry. But I think about what she meant, and how she walked back from her statement during the campaign.

It kills me how when a famous actor gets disillusioned with the United States they say they are leaving

Canada is like an empire to me, a mostly benign empire, you got all the power you all want. You don't have to be responsible for electing the leader of the free world every four years. what a joke, I mean it kind of sounds like the holy roman emperor in a way. a cliche, the leader of the nation with the most lethal military on the planet, our comander and chief, he sure has been a more effective commander in chief than any we have had in quite a few election cycles. Yes he can kill our enemies better and faster.

Yes we are the leader of the free world, our money is stamped all over with mythic mystic symbols

god help us
poor Canada, so close to the loony been
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Re: What????

Post by mtmynd » November 26th, 2011, 2:13 am

stilltrucking wrote: Hard for me to believe he could be a one term president.
Me too, JT... me too. If we get anyone else in in 2012 I will not be a happy person... or a happy burro or anything happy at all...(except maybe to be alive... and that is a maybe, you understand.).
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Re: What????

Post by Artguy » November 26th, 2011, 11:20 am

like Canadian accents better than British.
I sometimes wonder what it must feel like being a Canadian, I don't feel the simple pride in being an "American" anymore. Not in years, not since Reagunz anyway.
But I do feel grateful to this land that gave refuge to the refuse of teeming shores that was my family.
...trust me we are far from perfect...I site the oil sands and this bizarre pipeline that our smarmy gov't has in mind...they are also destroying the
...true north strong and free
with mining exploration gone viral now that the perma frost ain't so perma...They say it will create prosperity for the Inuit, the truth is over 90% of the dough will be siphoned south and the more we interfere with the Inuit the more they sniff gasoline and bolster one of the highest youth suicide rates in the world...they no longer know the land..I want to go there and paint the land and it's people before it is a total wasteland...Oh ya and our gov't says the environmental impact of northern exploration will be dealt with as it arises...AAAAK!!!

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Re: What????

Post by mtmynd » November 26th, 2011, 2:15 pm

Corporate interests have become so powerful that they own the politicians and their votes... as we all know. And the wealth of power in the form of oil is far and beyond Exxon Mobile, (headquartered in Texas, U.S.A.), whose profits margins are the highest in history. They are so financially powerful that they can do no wrong or so EM would want the world to believe.

When our political Righties rant about a government that is too big, where is the counter-balance that Exon Mobile (and other giants) are also too big? America is too big to fail, isn't it? Time to re-invent the economic system that is comfortably in the hands of so few. The 21st Century demands renewal all the way around our small planet.
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Re: What????

Post by Artguy » November 27th, 2011, 10:57 am

I'll vote for you Cecil.
What really gets me is that gov'ts small or big and corporate nations really treat us all like we are children so easily molded to their liking... A gov't agency here has set forth on a vigorous campaign to sell us peons on the oil sands...In one ad they had hired a native actor to sell us on the environmental renewal that the project has allowed........

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Re: What????

Post by stilltrucking » November 28th, 2011, 10:08 am

What really gets me is that gov'ts small or big and corporate nations really treat us all like we are children so easily molded to their liking... A gov't agency here has set forth on a vigorous campaign to sell us peons on the oil sands...
more than just government, more than corporations, more than the ruling class. This world we live in, this cultural womb we are born into, enculturation is what shapes us. Government is just the most direct tool

Speaking of governments I am fascinated by theocracy.
When the state does god's will. Sometimes I feel like I am living in one.
Our elections here have become more and more focused on corrrect theology recently. So many politicians here claim to be doing god's will. Is that something new, or am I just noticing it more? Yeah I wish I could remember the lyrics to that Dylan song about god being on our side. We are getting way too serious about our Christian platitudes here in Amerika. I wonder how long I would survive in a godless country like China.

The oil sands is egregious. Outstanding waste of resources. I can hardly believe it is going on. I wonder if someday the US $ will be worth fifty cents in Canada.

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Re: What????

Post by Artguy » November 28th, 2011, 10:59 am

God and and gov't make strange bedfellows.....although religion and nationalism are not much different... Devotion and patriotism run parallel.....both on a path to hell...

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Re: What????

Post by stilltrucking » November 28th, 2011, 11:42 am

I had to edit my last post, some ramble about Zen and Buddhism. I have come a long way as a novice since I met Cecil and SooZen on litkicks. I am pretty certain that after ten years of posing as a want to be zenjudist I have learned to correctly spell Buddhism, I hope.

I sounded like I was spouting Buddhist platitudes about me my ruling class. But your comment about hell brings me back to it.

heaven or hell kurt
is when I don't even know
when obscurity is my staff :)

I know this much
sooner or later
over the past two thousand years
the major theocracies have always been able to agree on one thing, all the world evils are brought into the being by a tiny racial, whatever the hell that means, tribe. I used to think it was hip to be a yid. Ha

I listen to the music
it is my staff of obscurity did I ever tell you how much I dug that bit.


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