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Post by mnaz » May 10th, 2007, 11:19 pm

That was Imus, I think.

Why should I pay special attention to this (eventually nominated) gaffe of the year on top of innumerable, unrepeatable, insufferable others, year after year after year, and this time enforced and blindsided by the likes of no less than say, Whimsical Deb the Ultimate Mean Spirited Beat Down Reformer? Realistic question: Why should I let such a mean spirited, unrepentent soul guide me? Or the flip side: why should I question it?

Jeez, the guy seems to have a heart, even if his speech is documented to trip over itself and found lacking in post post modern skills of pushing the envelope until it screams compared to others. And that's why I tried to ask questions about shock humor in general in this thread (and how I was beat down or ignored, alternately, as expected).

Whatever floats my boat.
~in peace~

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Post by mnaz » May 11th, 2007, 3:04 am

Wanna fight?

Whatever floats your boat.

~in peace~

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Post by stilltrucking » May 11th, 2007, 3:45 am

jimbo I don't know sharpton
only what I read and sound bytes
but I remember that incident in Crown Heights pretty good
At first I was pissed at those hassidic jews too.
they sent a ambulance to get their own and left the kid
turns out the cops oredered it that way
another ambulance was there in "moments" they say.

In 1963 I was picketing a Jewish deli in baltimore that would not serve Blacks. Of all the people in the world who you would not expect to be racist, it would be the Jews you would think. As I was standing there a sweet little old grandmotherly type said, "what is wrong with these people, I would not want to go where I was not wanted"

And I thought of the good ship the SS St Louis and the voyage of the doomed.

Not sure what that has to do with anything but it crossed my mind thinking about the diamond merchants.

I got no problem with Sharpton, just trying to not solipsize him into a hero. I notice his hair do has changed, not quite as straight as it used to be. I wonder how much he pays for his hair cuts? There is an interesting bit in The Autobiography of Malcom X about the time he was straightening his hair. None of my business what anybody does with their hair.

Have you heard or seen the Tavis Smiley Show? He is a hero of mine.

Yes that is my hai tree, lightning blasted, half dead, and keeps on growing every spring. Everytime I pass it I think to myself if it can survive another year so can I.
Last edited by stilltrucking on May 11th, 2007, 7:40 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by jimboloco » May 11th, 2007, 6:52 am

is what i shoulda said
it's not goodbye
goodnight is better
i will listen better
like cornell west
tavis smiley i pinged the link
on the today show, but
right now got coffee joe
and have sworn off pot
my muddled mind
needs some clarity
and my lungs hurt
and tired of living in deceipt from wife and work
today is the day
happy mother truckers'day :!:

dr cohen showed me his gold star of david
he asked "what's this" :?:
i sais "star of david"
he said, "no, it's a target for an arab"
a bit rabid if you ask me
i like the six pointed star
i like the crescent moon and star

oh interesting
coffee joe is having hillary on his show
wonder if she is still the phoney baloney old imuss dissed upon
maybe so

moo mooo
i have grown
the texas swinging tree lives
half blasted
i tasted humble pie before
with the vets against the war
when i coulda been flying high
doing the man's bidding
for rank and pay
come what may
humble pie
and the great mother
the american way
Why should I pay special attention to this (eventually nominated) gaffe of the year on top of innumerable, unrepeatable, insufferable others, year after year after year,
nothing special
just this moment
another grain of salt in the sea
another star in thhe sky
another sigh
anothher wondering why
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by stilltrucking » May 11th, 2007, 7:48 am

nothing but vanity on my part
nothing more to say
I was going to delete it.
watching my motives
my ulteriour motives

no practice of meditation
but even so
An intellectual is someone whose mind watches itself.
Albert Camus
Tavis smiley got a sense of humor when white folks start pontificating on blacks

Maybe I ...

I dont know no jews jimbo
I am a pariah among jews
except with my family
always an outsider
a jew with out jews
sweet nurse a few years ago
took my blood pressure so seductively
my arm was stiff for a week
made a date to go to her yoga class
down at the synagogue on a friday night
I never showedd up'
could not face being among so many jews
my last chance at romace it seems
I know I hurt her
one more bit of bad karma with women

but you know what jimbo
it dont seem to matter much anymore
dr cohen could wear an american flag
and be just as good a target.

I dont wear no jewlry
but I got a circumcision of my heart
I can still hear H*tler's voice
coming out of some old radio
and everybody scared
9/11 scared

just history
dont mean nothing no more
the chickesn have roosted

its going to be a beautiful day
trash truck beeping
my foo dog sleeping
daylight creeping

life is still beautiful

and I dont expect anyone to understand
I meant good bye jim

sorry hester
just another hijack
by me

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Post by jimboloco » May 11th, 2007, 8:45 am

the chickens have come home to roost
puk puk puk pcawww
hillary gave'em hell on coffee joe
she's a uniter
where's kinky friedman whhen we need him?
he is iman's amigo still
and he sayss
"the river keeps flowing"
seen hillary and said he was impressed
he says he likes her toooo
even in texas
with the cactiiii
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by stilltrucking » May 11th, 2007, 9:04 am

Where the hell is the merry prankster when we need him

For al sharpton
Sail Away

If he helps his people it is all good.
But I don't know what his agenda is.

A randy newman morning for me
Roll With the Punches

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Post by whimsicaldeb » May 11th, 2007, 11:59 am

jimboloco wrote:goodnight
is what i shoulda said
it's not goodbye
goodnight is better
Ohhhh ... thankyouthankyouthankyou!
Good morning.
Those bluebonnets, the photo ~ beautiful!
I love Hillary ... I hope she makes it so I can vote for her.

mnaz wrote:Wanna fight?
Nope, I'm all done.


For now anyway.

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Post by mnaz » May 11th, 2007, 12:23 pm

To Deb, the Hypocrite:


Yes you are done.


~in peace~

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Post by mousey1 » May 11th, 2007, 2:11 pm

Deb's narcissistic. Unfortunately there is very little one can do to reach this type of person. Far too self involved, self indulgent to see anything other than what she wants to see. There is help for a person such as this but she has to want to seek it. The difficulty lays in the fact that she cannot see her own deficiencies so it will always and forever more be everyone else who is at fault...never she.

A sad case really. More to be pitied.

However, those who preen her feathers whether knowingly or unknowingly are enablers. She will never really begin to ask herself the hard questions in life that she needs to ask if people continue to pander to her. We can feel sorry for her but we must practice tough love. When we notice her bad behavior...and believe you me it shall abound, we must nip it in the bud. To molly coddle her will do more harm than good. It will be a long hard trail we walk with her because her ability to pick and choose only what she wants to see will blind her to any real light of truth.

She can't help herself if she doesn't realize there is a problem and that her behavior damages those who must come into contact with her.

I hereby promise to treat Deb with purest honesty. No beating around the bush and hemming and hawing, she will not understand such and will easily twist it unrecognizable. No sweet little lies for her for she will blow them out of all proportion. Hard truth is the only thing that will eventually sink in. Unfortunately I don't see much chance of success because many of us here are too kind hearted to be as firm as we need to be...but it's worth a try.

Clearly she wants to be a member of this community but it behooves us not to let her run too amok or we shall all be tarnished, our free spirits dampened. She will trod upon us individually if given half a chance. Like a drug addict she needs her constant fix so may our caring disapproval act as methadone.

Gird your loins everyone...we're in for a long bumpy ride.

Group hug. Game faces on. Let the intervention begin.

and please, no huddling in the bleachers, I know its cold but you need to man up, there's a human being at stake here and we really want to see her blossom and grow as a person.
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Post by stilltrucking » May 11th, 2007, 2:17 pm

I am afraid of her mousey1

I don't even want to think about where she is coming from.

Or maybe I am afraid of her calling me a stalker again.

and DP said
I told you not to post to her threads because she was accusing you of harassing her and stalking her.

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Post by mousey1 » May 11th, 2007, 3:49 pm

Yes, that's how she tries to get her own way. She will manipulate and brow beat as much as possible and attempt to turn the tables on you. Knock you off kilter. She prays on your weaknesses to feed her own.

You are not a stalker. You are being yourself which you are completely free to do on these boards, as is she. By being ourselves that does open us up as targets for those who don't understand or who try to twist our intents. If you let her she'll twist your words until they no longer resemble what you intended and more so begin looking like a salted pretzel which she will then devour and spit in your face.

Call her on it. Either that or avoid her. It's your choice. I just know her meanness should not go unchallenged. She'll never respect you if you apologize to her for doing nothing wrong. Always apologize when in the wrong stillt...but Deb feeds off of ill gotten and undeserved apologies. You're trying to be kind to her but all it's doing is enabling her.

You shouldn't be afraid of her. She is someone who has lost her way and when she does that you should try to point it out.

Molly coddling is very bad, she will see that as weakness and exploit it.

Tough love.

And remember, when she posts threads on this board it is open to all, she really has no say as to who can reply and who can't. Of course it's lovely if a discussion can go the way the thread starter envisions but deciding who is on topic and who is off on a tangent is pretty much a perception issue. If you're anything like me you post when you feel you have something pertinent to offer or at the very least is related in some way. If no one else can see that but you, does that mean you have to clam up? I don't think so.

In Deb's case if she could just learn to ask a few clarifying questions before pouncing and biting she might learn a thing or two. Well, she's human as we all are, we shall all benefit from honest and true discourse.

One thing that I think is important is that with Deb you need to speak clearly and plaintively...less chance for her to mangle your meaning.

Tough love.
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Post by jimboloco » May 11th, 2007, 4:04 pm

However, those who preen her feathers whether knowingly or unknowingly are enablers.
it will never end

what i learned in a positive sense
about education
enabling and challenging at the same time
so there is more than one definition about enabling
but hey i got some insight now about the afore mentioned conflict apparatus
and as i said there is a difference between "enabling" an addict
and challenging a loved one to come around

afterall, if i can be opened up
so can anyone else
but i do appreciate your concerns
just won;t block my flow
i'd rather muck up and get ribald feedback
and feel censured

but i can take it to heart and grow
the river flows onward
and i don't know
except that i love youall
if that is enabling then so be it
it's unconditional
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Post by mousey1 » May 11th, 2007, 5:05 pm

Just be you jimbo. I would not ask you to block your flow. I'm not even asking Deb to block her flow. I'm just saying let us be honest in our discourses and when Deb continually twists people's meanings to fit nicely into her ain't it grand being me purse I'm going to voice my disapproval loud and clear. She can't seem to see the weeds in her own garden but she's sure quick to pluck the weeds out of everyone else's and dammit it she's pulling up flowers as she goes as well!

As I said in my earlier post I think we're all pretty soft hearted.

Maybe that's why it's so surprising to me that Deb hasn't resoundingly been told that there is nothing to be proud of in bad behavior. She belittled Hester, mt and soozen and has stubbornly refused to rescind it. Why? Makes no sense. I will tell her so and continue to tell her so.

Does caring about one another mean we have to tolerate and slink around quietly accepting her harsh accusations. I'll certainly forgive her for it, but sadly she has attempted to make no amends.

Unconditional love is very hard to come by. I appreciate your lovely sentiments Jimbo.

I will accept Deb as she is but that doesn't mean I'm going to lick her shoes. When she's wrong she's wrong and to quietly watch her displays of revelry on the backs of hester, mt and sooZen's good names? Nuh unh ain't gonna happen. She's clearly on cloud nine and I just don't get it. She's snubbing her nose and I will call her on it.

If anything of what she has professed in this thread is true she will appreciate my honesty. If not, well then she will blindly carry on ignominiously.
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Post by mousey1 » May 11th, 2007, 6:47 pm

Oh and how incredibly dismissive of you Deb to package mnaz's comments into four little words...

"Whatever floats your boat"

What do you think floats his boat here Deb?

Do you know what I think is floating his boat? Sheer willpower not to be drowned by the injustice he sees all around him.

Apparently we all here are supposed to understand your rancor and venomous tongue but when mnaz speaks up about your mistreatment of several rather innocent folk on this board you as much as categorize it as some whim he's following.

You have been unjust and he's calling you on it and all you can do is snub your whimsical nose at him.

That's not right Deb. There are more sides to a coin than just the one you're looking at.
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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