Some random thoughts

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Some random thoughts

Post by theirishsea » March 30th, 2009, 10:28 am

This section is supposedly devoted to philosophy among other things. These are thoughts ---nothing great but thoughts.

Yesterday I realized that---within a Christian context----there are real problems with the idea of God in history and Salvation etc. First. the Redemption of Humanity is an event in linear history. Eternity is not linear---it is either a perfect circle (cycle) or is an infinitessimal/infinite dot which is real---and a dot that pulses.
If eternity is beyond history, how can humanity be cursed/saved at the same time when all is simultaneous.

I doubt if I made the above clear and comprehensible---perhaps the idea of eternity is incomprehensible. The only thing perfect in existence is a mathematical concept and that is a matter of definition. God is a nebulous over-reaching term---ultimately God means existence itself---I am Who am----God is "To Be'. What is non-existence? What does "not to be" mean? Death is the cause of religion, of inquiry. If we lived forever---without withering on our bones---we would be self-sufficient---perhaps---depends on the need to love---to join with Other---others. Is it because we are finite that we seek others---just like in the sexual union---a fitting of bodies---so love is (spiritually-psychically---mentally---emotionally) the need to join to form a ring of consciousness---to embrace all that we are not.
I know I over-simplify---throw out too much but ....

I see the basic Christian myth lacking philosophic consistency. Perhaps Buddhism is more attuned to the nature of reality. Judaism is a tribal religion. It has transcended its historical roots but it still contains the desert roots---as does Islam. God is anthropomorphic and that primitivism and blind allegiance and obedience creates many, many problems---first & foremost self-defensive irrationality.

There is a good side to religion. The codes for ethical conduct do salvage us from our potential savagery---or, at least, have the possibility, remote though it seems, to do so.

I think the best ideal is to achieve a humble self-actualization. If there is a God, we should stand humble but fully developed (developing--evolving)---we are never fully developed.

If there is no God, then we should still be the most we can be---paraphrasing that army recruiting slogan. Why should we strive to be kind and not selfish and indifferent to others?---I guess you must feel a mystical affinity with creation.

I'm going to hold the thoughts right there for the moment.

My one belief is that the universe and our place in it is bizaarre---it is not the best of all possible worlds but life is worth living.

I know my complicated thoughts are as simple-minded as anybody else's. What clues have we? The prelates, the zealots, the smugness of organized religion? There are people who are charitable. How do we reconcile altruism with selfishness and ego----are we self-centered or other-directed-or just cynics?

It is so much easier writing poetry than it is to write philosophy

Just some random unsystematic thoughts.
The Irish Sea Is Always In Turmoil, Even When Calm.

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Joined: December 22nd, 2007, 4:17 pm

Post by Yejun » April 26th, 2009, 4:40 am

Neither Buddhism nor Christianity is consistent. The difference I guess is that Buddhism never claims consistency. :shock:
If there is no God, then we should still be the most we can be---paraphrasing that army recruiting slogan. Why should we strive to be kind and not selfish and indifferent to others?---I guess you must feel a mystical affinity with creation.
I think one can be completely self-interested and still strive to be kind. Kindness makes your life easier.

The hard part isn't choosing indifference, cruelty, or kindness. It is in the choosing. For me, the existential dilemma, the terrible freedom never goes away. Once you come to terms with that, you also realize that it never goes away for believers as well.

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