I (heart) BO

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I (heart) BO

Post by Arcadia » April 19th, 2009, 9:13 am

well, at least this is today´s cover-title in pagina/12...! :)

it seems there are some kind of new OEA´s images & sounds after Punta del Este and the ´82... And Chavez dedicating Obama Galeano´s "Las venas abiertas de América Latina"... wow!!!!!!! some kind of transfusion?? :lol:


http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 04-19.html

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Post by Arcadia » April 22nd, 2009, 2:55 pm

and now flowers from Fidel saying to Obama "not try to be so cool" ... 8) or something like that ...


http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 04-21.html

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Post by stilltrucking » April 27th, 2009, 3:44 am

I heart him too Arcadia.
He is a reader he will read that book Chavez gave him.
The United States "our cars are too big, our houses are too big, our stomach's are too big." But we must remain the spoiled brats of the new world. We got to keep shopping cause the rest of the world is depending on us to keep their economies going. That is what I read somewhere the other day.

English translation the article for what it is worth.
At his side, standing, one of the entourage interrupted him to speak with the president of United States, saw in it the stamp importuned an oligarchy that never knew hunger and the powerful nation of Obama expect to have the shield that protects the system against the dreaded social changes.

http://translate.google.com/translate?j ... ry_state0=

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Post by Arcadia » April 28th, 2009, 9:28 pm

He is a reader he will read that book Chavez gave him.

maybe! :)

But we must remain the spoiled brats of the new world. We got to keep shopping cause the rest of the world is depending on us to keep their economies going. That is what I read somewhere the other day.

yeah... : tricky, possible but maybe not at all necesario! :wink: gracias for reading, s-t!!!!!!! :)

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Post by Arcadia » May 2nd, 2009, 2:38 pm

“El gesto generosísimo de Chávez ha hecho que la venta del libro se dispare en todo el mundo”, dijo el escritor uruguayo Eduardo Galeano en su primera reacción pública luego de que el presidente venezolano le regalara a Barack Obama un ejemplar de Las venas abiertas de América latina. A propósito de ese libro, el escritor relató entonces un imaginario encuentro con el Conde Drácula: “Lo vi muy venido a menos, pálido, ojeroso, casi lo atropella un auto... Y le digo: ‘Pero Conde, usted por acá, en Buenos Aires...’. El me respondió: ‘Sí, me dijeron que en este barrio hay...’ ‘Ah, acá en Villa Freud’, lo interrumpí. ‘Sí –siguió– me dijeron que hay muy buenos psicoanalistas.’ ‘Sí –seguí–, hay una cantidad enorme. ¿Y por qué quiere consultar?’ ‘Porque ando con complejo de inferioridad, viendo cómo actúan las grandes corporaciones, los dueños del mundo’, respondió Drácula. ‘Es verdad, lo han dejado a usted a la altura de un miserable poroto, con todos mis respetos. Pero también le diré, sin ninguna falsa modestia, que ese género de vampiros que ahora se ha puesto tan de moda, en realidad lo fundamos nosotros: usted con su ejemplo y yo con Las venas abiertas”.

(Galeano´s acid humor in today´s pagina/12) :)

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Post by e_dog » June 20th, 2009, 5:49 pm

BO = Body odour.
I don't think 'Therefore, I am.' Therefore, I am.

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