The Taliban in Pakistan

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The Taliban in Pakistan

Post by Barry » April 22nd, 2009, 10:39 pm

The Taliban, through the acquiescence of the legitimate Pakistani government, have become the quasi-legitimate power structure in a region of that country which borders Afghanistan known as the Swat Valley.

Anyone who doesn’t think this is a problem is either a fool or a liar.

I cannot fathom why every woman in America is not up in arms about this and fully behind the president and secretary of state.

I remember back to about 1999 or 2000, before Bush II, during the first Clinton administration, when there was a thriving movement in America, a branch of the decades-old women’s movement solely dedicated to educating the public about the horrific scourge, a purge, if you will, or pogrom, enacted by the Taliban against the women of Afghanistan, the wholesale enslavement of an entire generation of Afghani women. This was my introduction to what the Taliban and their enshrining of their own bogus version of sharia was all about: women and young girls made prisoners in their homes, taken out of schools and denied education and basic rights for fear of public sanction up to and including death at the hands of men, their men, all in the so-called name of God.

And now that the Taliban have been booted out of Afghanistan, probably the one good thing Bush II did in office, though almost certainly for reasons of political gain not even remotely connected to any wish to address much less relieve the horrendous plight of Afghani women---now the Taliban have been allowed to establish a foothold in Pakistan, where they’re doing the same shit all over again.

Something has got to be done about this. As stated above, any man or woman who doesn’t think this is a problem is either a fool or a liar. If these men want to flog each other in the streets for breaking religious law that’s one thing. The systematic reduction of over half the population of any region, no matter how small, backwards or out of the way, is another thing entirely.

Women of America, rise to this challenge. Appeal to your president, your secretary of state, to the first lady, the wife of the president. Get something done. The women of Afghanistan thank you already. So will the women of Pakistan.

Peace & Love,

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Post by Nazz » April 23rd, 2009, 3:36 pm

"Get something done."

You mean militarily perhaps? If so, what exactly would you propose we should do? And if you feel urgent military action might be required, shouldn't that be more of an international effort? Why should it be solely the United States' responsibility to police the world militarily? And even if one wants to argue that the U.S. has some sort of moral obligation to do so, who decides where and what and how? Why choose the Taliban in Pakistan over, say, stopping intermittent genocide in Darfur? Just curious.

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Post by Barry » April 23rd, 2009, 9:56 pm

You make many broad assumptions here, as is your wont. By "get[ting] something done" I refer to the previous effort referred to in my original topic post. Perhaps a letter writing campaign on the part of American women to the First Lady and secretary of state. Not to encourage military action but other means to reach an end. Perhaps an educational effort on the part of American women to illuminate the suffering of women in Taliban governed regions. You make many overly broad assumptions regarding my character and intent, which reflect nothing more than your own character, while your intent is itself kept veiled.

What exactly are you up to?
People should know and be made aware.


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Post by Nazz » April 23rd, 2009, 11:34 pm

Well, I apologize if I misread your intent. I probably got it wrong. When you mentioned US military intervention in Afghanistan as probably the one good thing Bush II did while President, those questions were the first to come to mind. Obviously it's a touchy subject and I need to approach it as calmly and rationally as possible.

I have no problem with the idea of education and illumination (as long as it doesn't stray toward propaganda). It seems quite a few authors, Muslim and non-Muslim, have written books on the subject of religious extremism (tied to Islam in particular) in the last decade or two, but you're right-- there haven't been any grass roots protests or attempts at illumination on a more widespread scale. Can't argue with that. Beyond that I'm not sure exactly what can be done to greatest effect.

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Post by Barry » April 24th, 2009, 11:09 am

I have a question for you, Nazz. When you were a boy did you ever come to the physical aid of a smaller, weaker sibling or classmate who was being bullied or picked on by stronger, older, meaner kids?

If so, was that a mistake on your part?

And if not?


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Post by Nazz » April 24th, 2009, 12:45 pm

Why do you ask?

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Post by Barry » April 24th, 2009, 2:43 pm

It's a simple question. Either answer or don't.

I don't play games.


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Post by Nazz » April 24th, 2009, 2:46 pm

Okay I won't.

I don't play games either.

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Post by Barry » April 24th, 2009, 2:48 pm

As always in all ways, choice is yours.


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Post by Nazz » April 24th, 2009, 2:50 pm


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Post by Barry » April 24th, 2009, 2:55 pm


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Post by stilltrucking » April 25th, 2009, 3:25 pm

Do you remember the ultimatum shrub gave to Pakistan before we invaded Afghanistan? ... ion_ul.htm

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Post by Barry » April 25th, 2009, 11:34 pm

I don't know. I'm not so sure the woman in Pakistan who was flogged on the street for alleged adultery in front of a news camera is "for" the Taliban or Al Queda. I'm betting she just wanted not to be brutalized.
And of course, the idea of the Taliban or Al Queda gaining control of nuclear weapons is nothing at all to be concerned about. I mean, we don't live in Isreal. Right? Why the fuck should we care?
Let me outline some things. The Cold War is over. Children no longer grow up fearing they won't grow up. The Taliban or Al Queda running Pakistan starts that whole ugly-ass ball rolling all over again. Why would we want to lay that back on our kids? Just to prove we're right? That we're the "good guys"? The liberal, level-headed ones in this?
All that says to me is we've been fucking duped.
Pakistan is a nuclear power. It matters a damn lot who runs that country. If we don't see that, we're either fools or liars. Period.


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Post by stilltrucking » April 27th, 2009, 3:19 am

Yes we were dupped redupped and super dupped by Bushco
Pakistan was dupped by us, Afghanistan was dupped by us.

If we had kept our word, kept faith with Afghanistan there would not be this situation.

So what now?

Beats me.

I would like to remind our secretary of state that she has played her part in this disaster and please do your homework this time. Read the got dam reports yourself. No more bullshit execuses about if you only knew then what you know now.

Twenty seven US Senators knew that war was bogus. She never read the intelligence reports on WMD's herself. She was too busy going along to get along, too busy triangulating her up coming run for the white house.

The Pakistan military runs Pakistan. Last I heard there was no problem with the nuclear control chain of command. That ain't going to happen. Like I know. Like I know anything more than what I have read in a news paper or heard on TV. We have united our enemies against us. Thanks to the Previous administration and a coalition of congressional chicken hawks.

The nukes will probably come into the country through a Somali connection.

That is my cheerful thought for today.

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Post by Barry » May 6th, 2009, 10:23 am

The Taliban are upping it a notch even as we speak. Less than 100 miles from Islamabad. Yeah, no cause for alarm them getting access to the button or anything. I mean, they wouldn't push it right away, you know. They'd wanna caper and gloat for a while, cream their jeans just looking at the thing, dream visions of Israel in flames and all that. And the Pakistani military, yeah, they'd never let those little pissant militants get that far, would they?


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