How can Obama ask for donations? How is that legal?

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How can Obama ask for donations? How is that legal?

Post by Doreen Peri » May 14th, 2009, 5:13 pm

Just got an email from Obama. Here's what it says. Tell me... How can they solicit for money donations to a cause that's supposed to be government funded? Don't our taxes pay for this? Believe me, I'm all for healthcare reform! I think everyone should have health insurance! I'm not yet familiar with his plan but will read and learn about what it is. But I don't get the solicitation. Can anybody explain to me how this is legal? I don't understand.
doreen --

The fight to fix America's healthcare system is here. Monday, President Obama laid out his roadmap by announcing three principles for healthcare reform and calling on Congress to act this year. Hundreds of thousands of us joined that call online. Then -- yesterday morning -- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi responded, pledging to bring real healthcare reform to a vote by July 31st!

Special interest lobbyists and partisan ideologues will now go into overdrive, spreading distortions and twisting arms in D.C. to water down the final plan -- or stop it entirely. They did it before, and they're betting they can do it again. But they're forgetting something: you.

Will you contribute $25 to our healthcare campaign so we can start today? There's not a moment to lose.

Donate to help pass health care reform

With your support, we can train volunteers, hire organizers, place ads, hold local educational events, bring constituent voices straight to Congress, and make sure your real life stories are heard louder than the lobbyists' spin. But executing this plan will require a lot of resources, and with just 78 days or less before the first crucial vote, we can't wait another minute to begin.

Last November, Americans sent a strong message that we are ready to take the serious steps we need for change. Obama laid out those steps on health care this week with his three core principles: reduce costs, guarantee choice, and ensure every American has quality, affordable health care.

But special interests will spend millions making sure politicians and the Washington establishment forget that message. They'll say reforming health care is too difficult and too costly. And they'll say it's too much change all at one time. They'll say it simply can't be done. But we know the answer to that: yes we can.

For every distortion they put on the airwaves, we must immediately broadcast the facts. For every deceptive pamphlet they send in the mail, we must have a volunteer going door to door, ready to have a real conversation and break through the spin. For every lobbyist cutting deals in the back rooms of DC, we need a thousand calls, letters, stories, and visits from regular Americans who will settle for nothing less than the real healthcare reform this country needs.

This challenge is what Organizing for America was designed for. Together, we can transform the way change is made in this country -- but we can't wait another day to begin.

Your contribution to our healthcare campaign is the vital first step that will enable us to hire the staff, open the local offices, train the volunteers, design and place the ads, and put all the other pieces in place we need to execute this urgent plan. Please chip in $25 today:

America has been wrestling with our spiraling healthcare crisis for a long time. But with your help, this time will be different. This time, the people will be heard. And when the dust settles before the end of this year, every American will finally have the quality, affordable health care we need and deserve.

Thanks for making it possible,


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Post by hester_prynne » May 14th, 2009, 9:20 pm

It seems like they are asking for donations to pay people to go out and get the word out about national Health Care. The big Corporations can afford to buy out folks who want to tell the truth. We need footwork and money to gather up a credible base, larger and more visible and practical.

It could be a hoax too.
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Post by mtmynd » May 14th, 2009, 10:46 pm

I agree with Hes'... help pay the pro lobbyists... or as she noted, perhaps it's a con.

What to do? Get off the mailing list... ;)
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 14th, 2009, 10:52 pm

It's not a con or hoax. It's from my official membership to the Obama website which I joined during the campaign.

I guess maybe it's a private industry group asking for money?

That's the part I don't understand.

Why is it sent by the Obama Campaign website which I joined?

He's President now. I don't understand how they can solicit money without being explicit about who exactly is asking for the money... what group is asking... and offering info about that group.

Definitely this is not a hoax or con. It's real.

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Post by mtmynd » May 14th, 2009, 11:04 pm

maybe forward it to the White House..?
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 14th, 2009, 11:30 pm

heh.. they're the ones who sent it to me!!!!

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Post by Doreen Peri » May 14th, 2009, 11:43 pm

but you're right.. maybe i should make sure somehow, and send it to a whitehouse email address?

sorta strange though, don't you think?

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Post by mtmynd » May 15th, 2009, 1:48 am

You live close enough to deliver it by hand, don't you? The Obama's might invite you in for a cuppa tea and an oreo... that would be nice. You can tell them about S8 and all the poor folks here that write wonderful things and support the President... but not with money. They'll understand and maybe even give you an endowment.

"Great Mr President! Thank you very much and I'll put you on my email list so you can read our columns every day before work."

Hey, Dor', make sure you tell the Obama's hello from me, would you?
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Post by Dave The Dov » May 15th, 2009, 2:15 pm


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