Dr. Tiller, Abortion, O'Reilly, The Supreme Court and God

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Dr. Tiller, Abortion, O'Reilly, The Supreme Court and God

Post by mtmynd » June 2nd, 2009, 12:01 am

Yesterday an abortion doctor in Wichita, Kansas was assassinated in his church by Scott Roeder, a man with a dubious past as far as his mental health.

Mr. Roeder, like so many others that reject abortion, feels like a spokesperson for the aborted and to affirm that position they seem to invoke the name of Jesus when doing their protesting. Protesting is a right in America covered by the Bill of Rights, First Amendment which covers the right of people to peaceably assemble (among other rights). This covers the peaceful assembly for people who are against abortion to gather and air their protests for the public at hand.

Our First Amendment also covers the Freedom of Press, which of course includes the 'electronic press', i.e. radio, t.v. and internet news. What the Amendment does not cover is inciting public outrage to include murder. Re: Bill O'Reilly of Fox News has led an ongoing campaign against the abortion doctor, Dr. Tiller, over 28 times on his show invariably referring to the doctor as "Tiller the Baby Killer" and even stating the doctor has performed over 60,000 abortions! Obviously a ghastly over-assertion that simply could not have ever been (unless the doctor performed 35 abortions a week for 36 years with one month off a year for those 36 years since the Supreme Court's decision). It certainly has to be questioned if Bill O'Reilly, with his incessant rantings against this one abortion doctor over the 28 times he brought his name up had anything to do with Scott Roeder's actions Sunday. Remember, Scott Roeder was what most would refer to as 'anti-government' to include anti-taxation, anti-anything the government does, and more than likely a listener to someone as vocal against the government as Bill O'Reilly (and his ilk - Rush, Hannity, Beck, et al..). Hopefully this will be investigated legally.

In 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court the decision was made in Wade vs Roe to legalize abortion as "most laws against abortion in the United States violated a constitutional right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment." It's now been 36 years since that landmark ruling and those against the decision include many who were not even born a the time of this decision.

I happen to have been around and know a bit about this decision - during those years before 1973 women who found themselves pregnant and for personal and very private reasons of their own, chose to eliminate their pregnancies. The choices were many with the results often injurious to the woman at best and deadly at worst. Imagine yourself a woman in a position where you unexpectedly found yourself pregnant (in the days before birth control, mind you), and after going through many decisions to do the right thing you chose to abort... not an easy decision for any woman, but like most folks in our country, you had to have the freedom to decide.... who among us would not want our personal freedom to decide for ourselves, especially without government interference? Many I'm sure. The stories of women aborting in back alley sheds by inexperienced people using coat hangers or other makeshift instruments, probably contaminated, to end a woman's pregnancy were probably the root cause for the uproar of giving women the right of abortion in a clean and sanctioned, healthy environment with medical care... not an unreasonable request by women and one that was finally brought to a conclusion with Wade vs Roe. Women now had an alternative to having a child by making their own decision and knowing their decision could be had legally, without moral condemnation towards the women who has already wrestled with her conscience for weeks prior to their decision.

Thirty-six years later we have another case of an abortion doctor, a person given the legal right to perform what a woman has personally decided to do about her pregnancy, being assassinated by a mentally unstable man, who is congratulated by anti-abortion groups as some type of hero who God will allow to sit on his right side for all eternity for the good deed Mr Roeder has performed. These anti-abortion folks have no concern with a woman's rights (abortion is legal, remember), could obviously care less what decision a woman would want as long as it's the decision the anti-abortionists approve of, and these same radical, terrorists think nothing of murder while in the same breath belittle a woman for "killing a child." These radicals want you to know that they have a direct line to Jesus and Jesus tells them that they should murder doctors that are doing their jobs legally for the decision and safety of the woman.

Even though women still have the freedom of choice when it comes to their own pregnancies, the irony of that is over 87% of American counties have no abortion providers. Even though abortion is a woman's right there are not enough providers for women who choose to abort. Are the back street shacks with bent coat hangers in the future, once again? Let's hope not.
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Post by judih » June 2nd, 2009, 8:44 am

glad you wrote about this.
there've been vigils for the murdered doctor, as reported on feministing.com.
He was one of only two doctors in the state who performed abortions past the first term of pregnancy. The stress factor of a woman in need will now severely increase.

Not much more to say. It rings of 'If These Walls Could Talk' - the original movie, part 3, i believe, with Cher as the doctor who gets murdered.
(available on youtube)

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Post by mtmynd » June 2nd, 2009, 10:32 am

Thanks, judih. This whole story may very well bring Wade vs Roe right up front in the public's face once again with opinions on both sides dueling each other without logic or reason, only armed with defensive outcries or offensive decries of outrage. Although the Supreme Court's decision of 36 years ago should have put the issue to rest, obviously the vitriol against the law and those that practice it will apparently never quiet the rage that some radicals who profess to understand their God to condemn abortion but congratulates those that murder the doctors is, to me, a message of desperate confusion of the deliverers themselves, who hold themselves in such esteem they feel at one with God Himself... a true blasphemy of the current age.

Is there any difference between these same sanctimonious terrorists for God and the fundamentalist terrorists for Allah? I think not.

A lot could be said for the inevitable collapse of these same religions that are wreaking havoc upon our troubled world. I say 'inevitable collapse' because the majority of people on this planet are far more conservative in their outlook on how religion either aids or divides their deeply held beliefs that guide their day-to-day lives. They will instinctively choose aid over divisiveness for the good of family and friends over opinions of religious indoctrinations.
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Post by e_dog » June 5th, 2009, 7:41 pm

and what about the doctors, are they not violating the hypocritical oath?

Love yer baby's maker.
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Post by hester_prynne » June 5th, 2009, 9:20 pm

Abortion terrorists. Another god damn religious war with "god on their side". Just like Iraq. Christian is just another word for nothin left to lose.....

No choice?
Then no viagra guys.
And jailtime for fathers who run away.
Can you deal w/that????
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Post by Nazz » June 5th, 2009, 11:59 pm

FOX News is an abomination. They need to just pull the plug on that garbage. Seriously. The inciteful hatred and bile and paranoia that oozes from that filthy channel is non-stop, and now in some cases is functioning as a form of de facto domestic terrorism. I just heard today that some FOX News dittohead nutball whacko from Utah went to the bank, withdrew $85k, bought eight or ten weapons and told everyone that he's going after the President. The feds are looking for him now. He was driving a Buick LeSabre. Hannity and Limbaugh-- and even O'Reilly for that matter-- these guys are cowardly pieces of shit, inciting this kind of bullshit. They all oughta be locked up for a while.

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Post by e_dog » June 6th, 2009, 6:50 pm

When will tha mothers learn>?
from the antiabortionists
to kill the living
as well as their dead.

Professional choice
pro choice
sounds like a good name
for a car insurance co.

Christ died
So, God wasn't afraid
to terminate his son.
shouldn't Mary have beat him

to it?

Too, it
is a shame to let them
they selves.

Hypocritic oaf.

ing a round.

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Post by Nazz » June 6th, 2009, 9:32 pm

Uh, no.

You seem to be moralizing beyond your means, e-dog.

For effect?

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Post by mtmynd » June 6th, 2009, 11:30 pm

yo e-dog... you don't dig no friggin' abortion. no many do.

whose business is it? yours? bullshit! mine? bullshit?

but all abortion doctors are doing what is okayed by the government... no back alley idiots sticking coat hangers where they don't belong. only what the woman wants and what the Supreme Court okayed for those who choose to do so.

get a grip. who should choose for you?
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Post by e_dog » June 7th, 2009, 1:15 am


Thanks fer miss-reading!
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Post by e_dog » June 7th, 2009, 1:30 am

intent = pro abortion pome.

i'm not anti-abortion, only more like anti-procreation.

feminists need to fightback. start goin onn the offensif, pickitting them thar prolifers etc.

Arm,ed grrrilla femnysts.
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Post by Nazz » June 7th, 2009, 2:02 pm

But... you seemed to be attacking the doctors "governing themselves".

And... you seemed to be.. oh, never mind. Yes, I did misread the first part. Yeah-- so aborting a fetus is unforgivable, but murdering a human being because he disagrees with your narrow dogmatic moralism is somehow ok with these people...

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Post by still.trucking » June 8th, 2009, 2:11 pm

Not about doctors
Not about Viagra
Not about sex
Not about N*zis

What It is about
what it is all about
is men having power over women.
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Post by hester_prynne » June 8th, 2009, 9:40 pm

AMEN STILL! Thank you for putting it more eloquently and sanely than I did. It is exactly what I meant to convey in my rather rash post.
Still, you rock. And you are a most enlightened man.
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Post by still.trucking » June 9th, 2009, 9:44 am

You rock hester.

With a father like mine ,may he rest in peace, you look at women through the wrong end of a telescope. Have I changed or am I still a woman hater?

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