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Global awareness

Posted: April 27th, 2010, 9:54 pm
by hester_prynne
What is your definition of global awareness?
Just wondering,
H 8)

Posted: April 28th, 2010, 6:42 am
by stilltrucking
Global awareness starts in my feet. With the awareness of what I am standing on.

My first inkling of global awareness came in 1969 when I saw this picture.


Posted: April 28th, 2010, 9:30 am
by mtmynd
I'll define 'global awareness' as being in tune to the one-ness of this planet and all the life that depends upon it for existence... the more we learn of it and accept that the more aware we become.

How's that for 7:20a.m. after only one cuppa joe? :)

Posted: April 30th, 2010, 2:15 pm
by hester_prynne
Ive been thinking about the meaning of global awareness more intensely since i've been reading this book by Arnold Mindell called Year One global process work.
He defines global awareness as:
"having knowledge of our feelings and fantasies when alone and in groups; being aware of the reactions of other group members and network parts when representing our own ideas; and having awareness of our racist tendencies to gossip about, tyrannize or neglect those who are different from us".
I think there is alot of truth to this, at the same time i wonder if such a thing is possible.
I think it's a worthy issue to ponder.
Appreciated your responses.
H 8)

Posted: May 1st, 2010, 12:16 pm
by sooZen
my daffynition of Global Awareness is being aware, awake and observant of the actions of Nature and all within.

If one is aware, one is a watcher and knows that every action has a like reaction. And realizes the connectivity of all. Every thing in Nature has a reason and understanding that very essential thing helps you know what to do and not to do to make this world a better, more humane, more loving and compassionate place.

Also, I think (ruh roe!) that understanding of our tiny place in the universe is a gobal awareness. Our home here is a jewel in the crown of our sun system and the only place that will sustain us (now.) We had better be good caretakers and gardeners if we want to be around for the next big bang.

Posted: May 5th, 2010, 5:40 am
by Traveller13
Hi everyone,

(wow I haven't posted here for like ages)

For me global awareness is how often people ask themselves things like what am I doing, why am I doing it, do I want to do this, am I doing it of my own free will or am I following engrained beliefs that no longer serve me, etc. A bit like self awareness but an a mass scale. It has a spiritual cannotation to me, and is a very powerful concept.

I like to think that global awareness is increasing, because thinking that makes me happy.

Posted: May 5th, 2010, 6:33 am
by judih
It's Jeremy! Hi Traveller!
global awareness is knowing that a volcano erupts in Iceland and i sneeze in Israel a few weeks later.
Everything affects everything. One man's greed influences another man's homelessness. One conscious act has repercussions in far away lands.

we care for our globe because it's our home. my globe. my home. i have no other.

Posted: May 5th, 2010, 11:32 am
by Barry
When I was a boy, like seven or so, I was with my mom and dad in Chinatown in San Francisco. There was a woman speaking Chinese, not a word of which could I understand. I remember the confusion, the wishing I could "hear" what she was saying. Then she laughed, and it was like all the sudden I knew Chinese. I understood her every utterance in that moment while she laughed. It was like there was a barrier between us before she laughed, which came down when she laughed. I think that was my first taste of global awareness, and the moment I realized I was an Earth citizen. What I understood even at that young age was that no matter how different we all seem, really we are all the same. We all laugh the same. We all cry the same. We all get mad, experience joy. We all live and we all die. Everything else is just. . .clothing.

That's what global awareness means to me.


Posted: May 7th, 2010, 9:29 pm
by hester_prynne
Fantastic answers everyone!!!!!!!
Each one has given me more to think about re global awareness.
Keep em coming, this is good stuff to be talking about.
Judih, "one man's greed affects another man's homelessness"
A quotable quote for sure!
Barry, your story rocks.
H 8)