editing and composing a peace letter to the president

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editing and composing a peace letter to the president

Post by jimboloco » January 20th, 2012, 2:15 pm

Friends and family, and especially Studio Eight,
I am developing a letter to the president. It is a peace testimony, using logic in the face of present reality. Hindsight has evolved into a current insight, if we can see the past with clarity. We have to carry the past with us, to move forward.
I made the anti-war testimony much stronger, while maintaining a polite tone throughout. The essential tenor is one that moves beyond recrimination to foster growth and learning, like the South Africans. That's why I will able to say what I want, and feel very comfortable writing to President Obama.
Warm good wishes to the Council on Islamic American Relations in Tampa. What I have learned from you is beyond belief, and I am grateful, also from the radio community of WMNF, Tampa.
I will post a link to it on-line in a scroll format at Studio Eight http://www.studioeight.tv for your convenience.
I hope it will help to deter war with Iran and encourage a determined withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Happy 2012,
Jim Willingham,
St. Pete. Florita
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Re: editing and composing a peace letter to the president

Post by Arcadia » January 21st, 2012, 2:26 pm

hola Jimbo!!!!! great to know about you, amigo!!! :) Good luck with the letter & take care!!

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Re: editing and composing a peace letter to the president

Post by stilltrucking » January 21st, 2012, 7:56 pm

Trying to find the link jim. I would love to scroll some to our fearless leader, our commander in chief.

you know Jim when everyone was running around patting each other on the back on how far America had come, how we were no longer a racist nation because we had elected a black man as president. I wasn't buying into that. I voted for him because he was the best man for the job. And I would vote for him again. We are treading on the edge of a "white people's" take over of the federal government if you catch my drift.

thanks for keeping in touch
best wishes for the year 2012.
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Re: editing and composing a peace letter to the president

Post by Arcadia » January 22nd, 2012, 11:25 am

mmm....... yeah, at the moment it seems we are the president!! :roll: :lol:

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Re: editing and composing a peace letter to the president

Post by stilltrucking » January 23rd, 2012, 12:17 pm

I don't know if it makes sense
It hurts me to say it
I try not to judge him
I thought he was smart, smarter than Bush, I thought he was cool, but as soon as he declared his faith in the mighty smitey G d of the brides of Jesus, I became skeptical, I mean I got a reality check, I realized my peace dividend was not going to arrive anytime soon.
It kind of stunned me when I realized that I am so ambivalent about the phrase
"Leader of the free world" yes that kind of does make him everyone's president. I see what you mean. :) I think.

But when I think about the Bozos that want his job
I am pretty sure things can always get worse
Yes we are all bozos on the bus.

You know more about war than I do jim. I hear that we can cut the hell out of the defense budget and still be able to fight two wars at the same time. :lol: Sorry Jim, my sense of humor is got dam sick. Good luck with the letter, if I was going to have a beer with him I would probably congratulate him on his military achievements but express my dismay at the civilian company he keeps.
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Re: editing and composing a peace letter to the president

Post by mnaz » February 4th, 2012, 5:43 am

the problem seems to be empire...

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Re: editing and composing a peace letter to the president

Post by stilltrucking » February 5th, 2012, 10:05 am

Empire. Imagine that. Mr. President tear down that wall.

Five dollars a gallon. I think the price of gas will have to reach $5 a gallon before there will be a war with Iran. In fact if you ask me the fascists are only getting on board with Israel because it is a money making proposition. Don't forget that Je$u$ wants you to be rich. Why else would they be shutting down refineries on the East Coast.

I love paranoia, my life would be so tranquil without it.
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Re: editing and composing a peace letter to the president

Post by jimboloco » April 15th, 2012, 4:07 pm

Je$u$ wants you to be on the East Coast.
Makes as much sense.
The writings I did were all for my own cleansing
as I realised the O Man don't need my help
I'll be at the RNC zombie time this summer in Tampa

they wanna sell more American gas to China
They oughta trade it for our war debts
but the private corporations wanna be individuals and give mega bucks to PACs and politicians
oh my, it's mommy wwars time!
at this moment it seems like the empire wants revenge
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Re: editing and composing a peace letter to the president

Post by stilltrucking » April 16th, 2012, 10:03 am

Hindsight has evolved into a current insight, if we can see the past with clarity. We have to carry the past with us, to move forward.
The writings I did were all for my own cleansing
as I realised the O Man don't need my help
Maybe he does need our help. this my second attempt at a reply

I deleted the first one.
I sort of kindof remember it had something to do with:
Kerry sleepwalking through the election campaign in 2004.
Obama winning a 2nd Nobel Prize for Politics.
And Something about Woodrow Wilson's campaign promise in 1916
"He kept us out of the war"

I worry about the people around him
I wondered about the people around Kerry too, especially those tailor made women.

"American women stay away form me
I don't need your war machine"

Mommy wars indeed
feminism is the only revolution for me
non violent

Maybe Obama ought to step aside and let Hillary take a shot at it.
Ha. Don't mind me jim I am cleansing too

love peace and taco grease from the republic of paradise

post script >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
another day another tangential ramble
speaking of logic

I hear there is a drug that can erase memory
I wonder if many americans are not already taking it
how can the issue be about the economy all of a sudden the deficit and debt is a problem, but not when Bush was jacking it up by cutting taxes and starting two wars. Why is that not an issue? Democrats are so stupid.

How come with all the talk about Obama care and government mandates no one argued before the supreme court that mandates are as american as Martha Washington's apple pie. George Washington was the first poresident to issue a mandate. All citizens must keep a rifle in their home. Or so says Paul Krugman. Why is not Paul Krugman secretary of the treasury, not "Take the gelt and run" geithner?

huff huff puff puff rant rant
okay I am done now :lol:
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Re: editing and composing a peace letter to the president

Post by mnaz » April 16th, 2012, 2:53 pm

peripherally related, i suppose. but i wanted to link the article below.

maybe this is obvious to some folks--- if so, it's worth repeating anyway. much noble language has been attached to our "humanitarian wars" in the last decade, but if these wars are to be our ongoing program, we should take a harder look at its implications. i don't agree with everything in this article, but i think the author makes some good points.

"The WikiLeaks War Logs Don't Show Rare War Crimes--They Show The (Legal) Reality of War. The real problem with the laws of war is not what they fail to restrain but what they authorize."

(by By Chase Madar, 4 / 15 / 12)

http://www.alternet.org/story/154984/th ... r_/?page=1
The slaughter captured in this short film (the Apache helicopter gunning down civilians, including 2 Reuters people, in July, 2007), the most virally sensational of WikiLeaks’ disclosures, was widely condemned as a “war crime” . . . . But was this massacre really a “war crime” -- or just plain-old regular war? Some have argued that the slaughter, if legal, was therefore justified . . . . The reaction of professional humanitarians to the video was muted, to say the least. The big three-- Human Rights Watch (HRW), Amnesty International, and Human Rights First -- responded not with position papers and furious press releases but with silence . . . not because these humanitarian groups are cowardly, or “sell-outs," but that all groups, like human rights doctrine itself, are primarily concerned with questions of legality. And quite simply, as atrocious as the event was, there was no clear violation of the laws of war to provide a toehold for the professional humanitarians.
Here is where the WikiLeaks disclosures were so revealing. They remind us, once again, that the humanitarian dream of “clean warfare” -- military violence that is smoothly regulated by laws that spare civilians -- is usually a sick joke. We need to wean ourselves from the false comfort that the law is always on the side of civilians. We need to scrap our tendency to assume that international law is inherently virtuous, and that anything that shocks our conscience -- that helicopter video or widespread torture in Iraq under the noses of U.S. soldiers -- must be a violation of this system, rather than its logical and predictable consequence.

Let’s be clear: what killed the civilians walking the streets of Baghdad that day in 2007 was not “war crimes,” but war. And that holds for so many thousands of other Afghan and Iraqi civilians killed by drone strikes, air strikes, night raids, convoys, and nervous checkpoint guards as well.

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