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Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: March 31st, 2012, 1:21 pm
by Steve Plonk
Hurray for the Falkland Islands and may new oil discoveries bring them prosperity!
May the union jack always wave over the Falklands! 8)

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: March 31st, 2012, 6:18 pm
by stilltrucking
That is good news steve. Maybe the price of gas will come down. It is true that the sun never sets on the British Empire. I wonder how long the sun will shine on the American Empire?

Porbably nothing to do with this but You ever hear a song called Mohammed's Radio?

Good lyrics,
Everybody's desperate
Trying to make ends meet
Work all day and still can't pay
The price of gasoline and meat
Alas their lives are incomplete
Don't it make you want to rock n roll
All night long
Em C G
Mohammed's radio

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 15th, 2012, 4:45 pm
by jimboloco
Those islands should belong to Argentina
Las Malvinas, mercy
British imperialism has to go
at least one fine day England will go to the Indians
May the union jack not always wave over the Falklands! :mrgreen:

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 4:08 pm
by Steve Plonk
Jimboloco, Despite the Argentine claims, the Falkland Islands have been a British possession since 1833. So your point is mute... Half the Western USA
has been in our possession less time than that. Now that the British have
discovered oil, they have even more reason to stay. So, too bad and so sad
for Argentina's thin claim to the islands... :lol: Boo Yah!

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 8:51 pm
by Arcadia
Jimboloco, Despite the Argentine claims, the Falkland Islands have been a British possession since 1833. So your point is mute... Half the Western USA
has been in our possession less time than that. Now that the British have
discovered oil, they have even more reason to stay. So, too bad and so sad
for Argentina's thin claim to the islands... Boo Yah!

Steve: I thought in replying to that, but today I´m more acid than usual and my sense of humor tends to be dangerous when that happen, so have a good night!! :roll:

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 9:01 am
by stilltrucking
The issue is not how long the British have occuppied the islands. The issue is when they will be returned to Argentina.

Hair of the dog

That the Latin Americans unanimously back Argentina in the dispute over the Malvinas is no wonder. For all that the islands were uninhabited by indigenous people when the Europeans- in turns French, British and Spanish- occupied, abandoned, re-took and fought over them during the period of European colonial expansion (though discovered artefacts prove that they had been visited by people from the South American mainland before the Europeans arrived); they are South American islands, not European Islands. When, after1776, the Malvinas were ruled by the Spanish, they were not ruled directly from Spain as a separate entity- they were administered from Buenos Aires as part of the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata.
After it won its independence from Spain, the nascent Argentinian state asserted that the Malvinas were part of its territory and established a settlement there; but Britain sent a naval expedition, which seized the islands from the Buenos Aires government in 1833. ... vinas.html

"Boo Yah!" : :?

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 4:57 pm
by jimboloco
thanks for the history review
how much blood
oh don't you love all-white english speaking places :?:
onward christian soldiers marching into war
with the cross of Jesus marching on to war
kill the basturds :evil:
Jesús versus Jesus
and any environmental damage will affect Argentina
mute I am not unless
i see the angel Gabriel :shock:
nor is my point
because britain is the neighborhood bully
give ireland bAck to the
Irish :mrgreen:

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 5:01 pm
by stilltrucking
Sorry Jimboloco I was editing while you were posting
I too was wondering what would Jesus Say, So I tried to channel Jesus and what I heard was "Boo Yah My Ass!"

Too late to give Hawaiii back to the Hawaiins, but I was gratified to learn that there are a few of theHawaiian Islands that only native Hawaiians can set foot on.

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 5:07 pm
by jimboloco
boo yah is a really obnoxious expression
and applied like this is absolutely violent
i am surprised like that steve got so imperial over the oil
i love Jesus
turn the other cheek
boo ya my ass
even a reverend can be :twisted:
and i uphold progressive ministers of all faiths
nails in hands and feet
like a mantra
"forgive, forgivce, forgive"
i ithought of you arcadia

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 5:11 pm
by stilltrucking
George Fox the old quacker used to rant about the "Professors" Nobody perfect I suppose. When I think about my personal Jesus he is always a lot like my brother Gene. A kind man with an ironic sense of humor. Steve professes to believe in Jesus but I don't recognize him sometimes.

What gives Steve, you talking the walk? Well you know we all far short of the mark. I would expect you to call me on it too.

"Boo Rah!" indeed, sounds okay at a football game I guess.

That war over the Malvinas was a lot like our bogus Iraq war a think. A nasty sad affair, a last gasp of the murdering generals that were running Argentina at the time. It was going to be a cake walk for Argentina they said, it was going to keep them in power they thought.

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 5:16 pm
by jimboloco
I like the secret book of James
Peter says to Jesus,
"Why are you telling Mary these things?
She is a woman and women are no better than an animal."
Jesus said to Peter,
"Then I will change Mary into a man
and change men into women!"
He is truly my favorit holy man
a nice Jewish boy!
like you said kind but deep and strong
with a wry wit :roll: :?

been back to quackers a few times
minding the light
shine some sun on the briar patch
wars of the world may kill us all
before we slam to a grinding
buenos dias

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 5:31 pm
by stilltrucking
Jesus was okay with Nietzsche and Jesus is okay with me too.
Nietzsche had no problem with Christ, it was Christians who jacked his jaws.
That's my take on it. For what it is worth.
Thank G d for Nietzsche, I would have been another Jew for Jesus if not for The Genealogy of Morals and the diethyl amide of lysergic acid...
It was my baptism by fire.

Of all the men in the Bible J.C. stands tallest for me, he knew women, he had more respect for them than any other man in the book.

There seems to be so many different Jesus Christs these days, :?
Like the Jesus George W. Bush professed, I don't know that Jesus at all. Steve Plonk is a good guy I just wondered if the was having a bad hair day. I would expect him to call me on my walk with Christ if it seemed like jive to him.


Funny about her I always thought she was a guy all those years I replied to her posts on litkicks. I think it is the Buddhism.

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 18th, 2012, 5:52 pm
by Steve Plonk
Long live the Falkland Islands folk...May they always have plenty of mutton & beer. Yes, hoohah, a bad hair day... :lol: Malvinas shminas! Yah BooH! :P

May the English Falklanders get filthy rich on their discovered oil and
become "Los Honchos" of the Western Hemisphere! Yah BooH! :twisted:

Nah, and we ain't giving "Atzatlan" (sic) back to the Mexicans either!
Mexicans keep yer hands off Texas! May New Mexico always be, NEW MEXICO,
a state within the Untied States of Aremica! "Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead!" No Cubans have claim to Florida...It ours ours ours ours! So there! :lol:
Long live the Queen. May Mr. Brown stay in town... :mrgreen:

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 18th, 2012, 6:05 pm
by stilltrucking
here is to might makes right
gringo jingo lingo and fifty four forty or fight
here's to the white mans burden
Richard Burton and elizabeth taylor's violet eyes

Oh what fun it is to troll right through the night
like coming into NYC in the morning light

"Roll right through the night"

Here is to Firesign theatre
We are marching to shiboleth
This land is made of mountains,
This land is made of mud,
This land has lots of everything
For me and Elmer Fudd.
This land has lots of trouser,
This land has lots of mausers,
And pussy cats to eat them
when the sun goes down! ... 82614.html

Re: Hurray for the Falkland Islands!

Posted: April 18th, 2012, 6:05 pm
by Steve Plonk
Bad Hair Day INDEED! :lol:
Trolling, trolling over the Barbary seas!