it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

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it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by stilltrucking » July 24th, 2012, 6:06 am

Republican super PACs have brought in $228 million since January 2011 while Democratic super PACs have collected $80 million in that time. The Fix is no math major but that’s roughly a three to one advantage for conservatives.

That chasm is even more consequential when you consider that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and the Republican National Committee ended June with $170 million in the bank as compared to $144 million for President Obama and the Democratic National Committee.

It’s now an absolute certainty that Republicans — from Romney’s campaign to the RNC to super PACs — will outspend the Democratic combined money efforts between now and November 6. The only question that remains is how wide that gap will be — and whether it will be determinative in the final outcome. ... l?hpid=z10

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by Steve Plonk » August 16th, 2012, 5:25 pm

No, actually, it's a lead balloon...Romney paid out all that money just to
pick a Veep candidate whose just a younger clone of himself. Hopefully, this
Ryan fella won't fool anyone in America. :lol:

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by stilltrucking » August 16th, 2012, 5:37 pm

This guilty nation, we deserve Romney/Ryan, but maybe by G d's grace we will get Obama for another four years if he runs with Hillary this time.

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by stilltrucking » August 16th, 2012, 7:49 pm

sorry I don't know what G d has to do with it, I just meant if Romney wins it serves us right. Debt bomb my ass.

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by stilltrucking » August 17th, 2012, 12:31 am

Dangerous times, the middle east is a tinderbox, I guess it always is, at least for the past hundred years, how many wars there?
I don't know Romney. I don't like what I read about him being a bully at that private prep school he attended, something that he shrugs off with a smile and a wink about school boy pranks? Just a little thing but it reveals character I think.
I trust Cool hand Obama more with his finger on the button

Seems like the world situation is always desperate, we gringos have had it good here, even in the bad times, good times ain't over but I feel like we are going down the wrong path with the republican party. If malefactors of great wealth have their way with us we are headed for the gulags. But we will have a microwave oven, a refrigerator, and two and 1/2 TV sets. I guess we will be ok. Except for the children and the veterans of foreign wars.

And life will go on, till one generation makes a leap to new culture, a new american century of love peace and taco grease. It looks so easy on Sesame St, .

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by stilltrucking » August 17th, 2012, 1:20 pm

The end of an Empire is messy at best
And this Empire is ending
Like all the rest
Like the Spanish Armada adrift on the sea
We're adrift in the land of the brave and the home of the free


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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by Steve Plonk » August 31st, 2012, 5:37 pm

Romney & Ryan, erstwhile republicans, remind me of the swiss ice skating comedy team, from the forties, known as Frick & Frack...
What say ye, am I "spot on" or what? All those two chuckleheads need
is some skates & funny hats or helmets... A rebirth of Wendell Wilkie & Co...singing "I'm Your Yankee Doodle Dandy" Hoo hah! :lol:

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by tarbaby » August 31st, 2012, 9:43 pm

I don' remember them but frick and frack sounds like them okay.

Not so much an election as a leveraged buy out of the government of the people for the people— or so it seems to me.
“Where is that man who has forgotten words that I may have a word with him?”

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by Steve Plonk » November 8th, 2012, 3:12 pm

About the only place Romney & Ryan's lead balloon would float solidly
is the Great Salt Lake...The Frick & Frack campaign dropped off like
a used lead condom & hit the ground with a thud. :P Hey, if Romney is
lucky, the Mormons will take him back as bishop. Maybe he'll become
"Prophet". :lol: Then Romney'll have to wear cast iron underwear. :mrgreen:

Yeah, Romney got the bird alright. The only states he won this year that
McCain didn't win was Indiana & North Carolina. Florida is going for Obama, too.
Obama carried 50.3% of the national popular vote in the end. 8)

Romney & his chuckle-headed running mate, Ryan,lost because they were too white. No one wanted to be "Ayn Randed"...The left hand is the best hand anywho. :mrgreen:

The other reason they lost is because they ignored 47% of the working public & tried to talk down to latinos. Their "plane" metaphorically resembled a crop duster. They were putzing around the country frantically running a comedy routine in the jet age. No one believes that old fifties line about no new taxes anymore. :P

They were out-gunned, out dated & skated on thin ice like a couple of guys
in funny hats the whole fricking time. However, in spite of it all, they were
good sports when they lost. They lost twice in Ohio because they offended
auto workers, union workers & teachers. In Florida, they offended military retirees & elderly pensioners by proposing to steal medicare & social security with vouchers backed up with hyperbole & the stock market. :roll:

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by Atehequa » November 16th, 2012, 8:01 pm

He's lean, clean and don't drink caffeine.

Frankly the last election wasn't at all entertaining. I was quite disappointed.

2008 on the other hand was a splendid array of colorful characters and catch phrases. An albino Arizona dwarf, his leggy Alaskan Amazon shield maiden, Joe the Plumber, Tito the Builder versus The Messianic Yes We Can Man, Snide Biden and their ever assisting new age fairy Godmother, Oprah.

Oh what a carnival of cosmic kookiness.

Of course I knew it to be just more unreality television.

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by Steve Plonk » November 17th, 2012, 1:56 pm

Frick (Romney) reminded me of a Salt Lake City used car salesman.
Yes, this election got down to brass tacks & was not as entertaining.
Frack (Ryan) reminded me of a fast talking coal country executive bent
on "tying one on" after he destroyed another West Virginia mountaintop.
They were funny on the extreme.
Especially, when Anne Romney said "Stop it!" She looked like a fat Anna Nicole.
My reaction was one of relief...It was nice to be on the winning side again.
Werewolves of DC! :mrgreen:

Atehequa, I love your sense of humor...Did you vote Green Party or something? 8)

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by Atehequa » November 18th, 2012, 9:36 am

Much to the scrutiny of more partisan minded people, I don't vote anymore. None of these lesser of two evil candidates and winners appeal to me. All are but mere puppets of the corporate ruling elite and fat cat war profiteers.

But Anne Romeny, if only she wasn't Mormon.

I've always had a half-way sick and twisted fantasy about these well kept ultra conservative type of women, you know the right-wing socialite variety. The kind who not would pay someone like me the slightest bit of mind in a public setting...
Last edited by Atehequa on November 18th, 2012, 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by Atehequa » November 18th, 2012, 2:09 pm

It would probably go something like this, in fact it once did.

She kind of looked like Anne Romney

Part One

As far as motor lodge lounges went, this watering hole wasn’t all that bad and I was extremely fortunate to be safe, dry and quaffing down a vodka lemonade instead of overturned in a roadside gulley. Outside raged a particularly savage early summer storm and although the room rates were a bit steep, I silently thanked the guardian spirits of travelers and reveling fools. There were already several stranded travelers no doubt people like me who can’t see in the driving rain. A few stools down from me were an older couple sat sipping scotch. At a table, five twenty something year old kids getting snockered on draft beer, three guys and two girls occasionally casting glances at a creepy old cigar smoking salesman type who was ogling them. The barmaid, a middle age rubenesque woman whose black dye job seem to be giving off greenish glints. Quite bosomy, her tight red low cut top revealed enough cleavage to tinge well with my fourth strong drink. With each dollar tip, my drinks got even stronger.

It was the summer of 1992 and I was on my way back home following a visit with some friends in Floyd County. Hearing a warning blurt in from the emergency broadcasting network on a radio station I was listening to, it was in my hopes to avoid the storm.

No such luck.

This wasn’t the first time I’ve had to shell out money to hunker down somewhere instead of taking my chances in almost zero visibility on the highway. At first ominous dark clouds began to overtake me, blotting out the sun, changing the sky into a weird greenish grey. Thunder, lighting, strong winds and pounding rain. I made out a motor lodge sign and swerved onto the exit. The only rooms this establishment had vacant were a few more doubles so I promptly paid in cash and inquired about amenities. The room was quite spacious and well furnished, not like the usual edge of town motels I’ve bivouacked in. Two king-sized beds, low cherry dresser on which a television perched along with a local dining/shopping guide/magazine. Upon the small cherry nightstand betwixt the two beds, an ornate shaded lamp with shiny brass hardware and the television remote. The room also contained a mini-fridge, microwave and small coffee maker with all the fixings. A smoking room, I proceeded to fill my pipe, flick on the television and attempt to get a weather report. In a more elated state of mind, I recalled the desk clerk’s mentioning of a lounge which was down the hall from the motor lodge’s office. Draining a small flask of emergency booze, I took a few more puffs off my pipe, donned hat and raincoat, then headed to the lounge. A little too much brass and ferns for my liking, but after four vodka lemonades this scene took on a warm comforting glow and I was already picking up on some coy flirtation the barmaid was tossing my way. Although she wasn’t really my type, the vodka was beginning to make her so. She looked to be around fifteen years older than me and had a plump face plastered with makeup. Her sky blue eye shadow seemed to glow in the dim lounge light. Ordering another vodka lemonade, I was about ready to ask what time she got off when another woman entered the lounge. Of middle height and somewhat full figured, she advanced to the bar, cursed the weather and ordered a large margarita. “I almost ran off the road out there !” She proclaimed with a slight Virginia accent.

“Good weather for tadpoles” I interjected looking through her soaked white blouse then slowly up at a rather comely face framed by an over sprayed mane of shoulder length blond hair that showed more than a hint of water penetration. It gave off a slight scent of extra holding strength goop. Her tight blue jeans were wet as well.

“Don’t you men ducks” she returned rather sharply before guzzling down half her drink.
“Tadpoles” I said - “and polywogs”

Plopping down on the next stool, she paid me no more mind and finished her drink in one gulp then requested another. Starr, the barmaid asked this wet woman if she was staying at the lodge - “I wouldn’t want to hear about you running off the road, especially after drinking a lot of tequila"

The blonde woman’s eyes narrowed into slits and she replied - “You call that a lot of tequila ? Yeah I’m staying here, so make my next one a little stronger” Rolling her eyes, Starr proceeded to fix her up. Lighting up a cigarette, I again focused upon Starr until the wet blonde woman feigned a bit of coughing and asked - “Don’t you ask if anyone minds before lighting up”
“I did before you got here” was my reply and continued smoking none the less.
“Well do you mind not smoking around me ?”
Having shelled out the bucks for not only the room, but for my drinks as well, I had no plans of complying with this obviously bossy blonde’s request. “Hey you can always sit next to that old kat at the table smoking a cigar" About that time Starr lit up a cigarette as well. Not to be run off from the bar, the blonde woman issued a snorting sound and proceeded to guzzle down her second margarita while Starr and I engaged in some small talk. Sashaying from around the bar, she leered at me on her way to wait on other customers. Rubbing my chin I ogled her in that tight black skirt and red top.
“How many of those have you have ?” The blonde inquired.
Shifting my attention back to her, I returned - “Bad weather lemonade, it kind of takes the kinks out of being stranded”
“You mean brings the kinky out” she said shaking her head, then saying something else I didn’t catch under her breath.

Rather smoked up and half drunk, my inhibitions drifted about like cigarette smoke at the bar. Offering her a friendly smile I listened as the blonde woman told me about some fund raiser for George H.W. Bush’s presidential campaign back in Roanoke she was returning from when the storm hit. From what I gathered she was on her way back home outside of Richmond. Seeing the huge diamond glittering on her ring I thought - ‘Oh great, a high born conservative married mama with a taste for tequila, not half bad. Just about that time Starr returned to the bar.

Then it started to get weird..

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by stilltrucking » November 18th, 2012, 2:55 pm

that's a frog strangler of a story 8)

Romney's women, well you know
american woman stay away from me I don't want your war. . .but
I liked looking at those tailor made women surrounding Kerry in the 2004 election.

I wanted to leave the country in 2004, f*cking kerry, no doubt a better man than me but just another neo liberal like Obama. I can't stay out of politics, I can't settle that account with reality yet. I used to like that old poetry and politics over on a lot, make politics by poetry,

I only voted for the n*gger because the bear voted for the white guy :wink: .

just a good old boy from 'the white trash mountains of virginny"©
Steve you get so cheerful sometimes about politicians it depresses me, :lol:
Only politician who can still cheer me up is FDR. I stumbled on a neo n*zi website where someone said FDR was a Jew, real name rosenberg. Funny how the libertarians never talk about the Jewish woman that wrote Atlas Shrugged
but I know you are just a good old boy from tennessee like me.
I really did vote for Obama this time because he is a black man. Romney is way to white for me. Religion should not have anything to do with it, but the Republican party is getting to be the Grand Old Party of God.
is there a lesser and a greater evil,
I have to look that up in my Dante's inferno
Yes i voted for the nigger cause "A Jew ain't nothing but a nigger turned inside out"©
I was pretty sure Romney was going to win. I wasted a lot of time reading pundits and polls.

I was pretty sure Mclain was going to win 20008
but most of all I was so sure Kerry was going to win in 2004
that is the election that made me a cynic about the intelligence of my fellow americans. I think about those tailor made women that used to surround him, ah Kerry, looked like college women, I want a girl just like the girl that married dear old general petraeus

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Re: it's a bird, it's a plane, it's President Romney

Post by Steve Plonk » November 18th, 2012, 6:01 pm

Republican whiners take a look at this video. Hey, If you didn't vote, you were sitting on your hands & letting others make choices &/ or rule you. :lol:
See link below: ... re=related

In short, all you republicans & naysayers, stop the whining and let's
get back to the business of working together. 8)

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