Obama Again

What in the world is going on?
Steve Plonk
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Obama Again

Post by Steve Plonk » November 18th, 2012, 6:23 pm

Yes, Romney got shellacked. Updates have it that Obama also won 50.6% of
the popular vote. I am proud to be on the winning side for the second time since the Clinton era. I am a lifelong Democrat & have never voted for a republican for president. My reasons are simple. To me, there is a clear choice between the republican plutocrats & Democratic populists. The Democratic Party, when it is operating as it should, is the party of the middle class, small businesses & the poor.

Yes, we spend...Yes, we raise taxes. Why? Because you get what you pay for.
We put our money where we say we will. Emergency situations call for emergency measures. We stimulate the economy by temporarily cutting payroll taxes for the middle class. Then we raise taxes from the rich who are most able to pay extra.

I am tired of republicans automatically ruling out raising taxes. It's just plain
stupid. Heck, they ran two wars without even selling war bonds. They put
the wars on a credit card backed up by hyperbole & the failing stock market.

Yes, I respect true conservatives, because true conservatives believe in conservation of the environment. True conservatives believe in trying to
balance the budget as close as they can. True conservatives respect people of differing backgrounds & color. I have no respect for tea party secessionists
& wingnut birthers. I pledge allegiance to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
I believe in a country which flies the stars & stripes forever.

If you don't vote, you don't own the results & have no right to complain. I am harsh because this is the reality of the situation. There are people who wanted to vote who had their vote suppressed. I wish that anyone who deliberately doesn't vote could be fined like they do in Australia. Anyone who stuffs the ballots should be fined & put in jail. Yes, I respect true conservatives because they respect me. True conservatives are willing to find
areas where they may compromise.

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Re: Obama Again

Post by Atehequa » November 19th, 2012, 6:48 am

Fines ? No right to complain ? Kind of leaves one bound to this foul two party system having to contend with the lesser of two evils. Bound to this shitty game and it's rules.

I just can't go for this two party partisan pissing contest.

Fuck the Vote -

Steve Plonk
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Re: Obama Again

Post by Steve Plonk » November 19th, 2012, 3:48 pm

Atehequa, In some states, like Vermont & Maine, they've elected independents for Senators.
No, you are not bound by the two party system. You may vote for third parties or independents. You indicated, on another thread, that you once voted & got tired of it. Just out of curiosity, which party did you favor? :?:

There will always be another election in which you may vote. Why throw away your right to vote? Hope you will be among the voters next time. :)
Have a great holiday...

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Re: Obama Again

Post by Atehequa » November 19th, 2012, 8:13 pm

Steve Plonk wrote:Atehequa, In some states, like Vermont & Maine, they've elected independents for Senators.
No, you are not bound by the two party system. You may vote for third parties or independents. You indicated, on another thread, that you once voted & got tired of it. Just out of curiosity, which party did you favor? :?:

There will always be another election in which you may vote. Why throw away your right to vote? Hope you will be among the voters next time. :)
Have a great holiday...
Two and three party systems ? We once had a pretty good system and leaders too. Leaders who were with the people instead of over them. On July 4th, 1776, the founding fathers deemed us the enemy then declared war. We were eventually defeated and subjugated. Often do I think of the presidents and politics we've endured for almost two hundred years.

I've heard it said that November is suppose to be our month.

Have a happy Thanksgiving, Steve.

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Re: Obama Again

Post by Steve Plonk » November 26th, 2012, 1:05 pm

Well, Thanksgiving is over & Obama pardoned another turkey...At the beginning
of November we were praying for his win. Now, there's just a few days left
of November sky. Our month of Thanksgiving...

Certainly, we have much to be thankful for. We have the promise of brotherhood & sisterhood along with the majesty of a crisp & recovering winter...The culmination of our harvests...Many are safely gathered in...A promise of peace is, once again, on the horizon... 8)

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Re: Obama Again

Post by Steve Plonk » December 2nd, 2012, 1:07 am

Yes, Obama is the tested & true champion of our republic. Let's get some cooperation
from the other side of the aisle. Romney has had lunch with the President. All is right
with the White House. Let's see some of the naysayers on this site admit that they were
wrong about Obama & the pulse of the American voters. 8)

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Re: Obama Again

Post by Atehequa » December 2nd, 2012, 7:50 am

Champion of the republic ? Shouldn't he be wearing a purple toga and sporting a gold laurel wreath upon his head ?

Have these elected public servants been elevated to demigods ?

With all it's conquests, oppression and blood sports, Rome was once a republic.

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Re: Obama Again

Post by Steve Plonk » December 2nd, 2012, 4:17 pm

When in America, I do as the Americans do...Hail Obama, Keeper of the Seal! Oh Hell, Yeah!
I really am pleased as punch that Obama is re-elected. 8) Think of the alternative...
Hard for me to contemplate from these heights... :D

I am an honorary member of Obama's "Kitchen Cabinet" & I have the fridge button to prove it. Hoo Hah! :mrgreen: Soon, we are going to have a toga party to celebrate Obama's second inauguration! :lol:

Poor little Romney Annie & Mittens--they're like little lost kittens... :P

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Re: Obama Again

Post by Atehequa » December 4th, 2012, 6:43 am

Steve Plonk wrote: Think of the alternative...
Oh I do, but that thought goes beyond the lies and puppet actor candidates pushed upon people by those who are really calling the shots.

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Re: Obama Again

Post by Steve Plonk » December 4th, 2012, 2:59 pm

Reagan was, reputedly, a puppet actor. :P I believe Obama is his own man. :lol:
I try to use occasional sarcastic & sardonic humor...Atehequa, I'm no conspiracy buff...
Our elections are legitimate & genuine in this country. Voters spoke & Obama was
the man they elected--both by popular vote & by electoral college count.

Atehequa, since you didn't vote, maybe you should stick with what you do & know.
Fiction & Poetry is one of your strong points. I'm trying my best to be kind...You seem
to have a "chip on your shoulder" about voting in this country. Are you Canadian or something? :(

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Re: Obama Again

Post by Atehequa » December 4th, 2012, 8:56 pm

Steve Plonk wrote:Reagan was, reputedly, a puppet actor. :P I believe Obama is his own man. :lol:
I try to use occasional sarcastic & sardonic humor...Atehequa, I'm no conspiracy buff...
Our elections are legitimate & genuine in this country. Voters spoke & Obama was
the man they elected--both by popular vote & by electoral college count.

Atehequa, since you didn't vote, maybe you should stick with what you do & know.
Fiction & Poetry is one of your strong points. I'm trying my best to be kind...You seem
to have a "chip on your shoulder" about voting in this country. Are you Canadian or something? :(
Fiction ? LOL! I can never seem to utilize fiction in the outshining or overshadowing of personal observations and actual experiences. I'm sure they seem fantastic depending on what side of the road, river, or ridge one is familiar with.

Politicians and the same old bullshit spouted for many years by a good number of political bullshitters all over the world attempting to out-bullshit others of their kind.

I've heard it said more than once if someone doesn't vote for and support one bullshitter or another, then that person has no right to express opinion,

but here I am objecting to both bullshitters and their bullshit.

What's the worst that can happen, someone or another telling me I am wrong ?

Canadian ? Please. There's a good chance I am more of this land called America than you, Steve Plonk.

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Re: Obama Again

Post by Steve Plonk » December 4th, 2012, 11:51 pm

Atehequa, you wanted to hear it...So here it is: You are wrong &/or misguided...
Hey, some of my woodland & neolithic ancestors are in museums, too. 8) :(

Obama is OUR president. Yes, he's the President of all of us, not just me & you.
We are all Americans, & we have our roots here in the soil. 8) At least you can laugh...That is a good sign."It takes a village..." Cheer up! Seasons Greetings! :)

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Re: Obama Again

Post by stilltrucking » December 5th, 2012, 2:01 am

I don't who is wrong but I can say this about Obama, at least I don't have the urge to spit on my tv everytime I see his face or hear his voice,like I do when I see his predecessor in that office, old what's his name that you never hardly hear about anymore, but who I have heard is out on the lecture circuit pulling down $100 of thousand speaker fees. Happy as a clam god dam him.

I wish Barry well Steve, but I would wish him even better if he did not have all those financial guys from the Bush admin as his closest advisers. I guess that is just how it is these days. Maybe always was.
It seems so go in cycles, when will our next political savior come?
I was born to follow.
I am a believer. I believe cultures can evolve. Politics too, maybe even human nature.

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Re: Obama Again

Post by Atehequa » December 5th, 2012, 6:02 am

Chip on my shoulder ?

Cheer up ?

Of course you would not be saying these things if I were to agree with you. I remember posting none too positive remarks about Duyba Bush on another forum back in 2005 and someone coming on to say just about the same thing about me. What I said about Bush made me not cheerful person with a chip on my shoulder.

Is this how people all caught up in the democrat versus republican BS deal with others who don't agree with them ? "Oh gosh, he's disagreeing with me, something must be wrong with him" :lol:

What, both republicans and democrats use the same manual on how to handle naysayers ?

Steve Plonk
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Re: Obama Again

Post by Steve Plonk » December 6th, 2012, 9:11 am

Still Trucking, at least you voted..."The better of two evils..." Obama is THE MAN... 8)

Atehequa, I mentioned third parties, but you'd have none of it. I guess you just
fuss, but don't participate in politics...Not much else to say...

Yes, at least Democrats work with the two third parties folks in the U.S. Senate; whereas, for republicans, it is "our way or the highway"... Let's hope someone compromises about something across the aisle.
Otherwise, all of us are in for huge spending cuts in entitlements & tax increases. :(
The so-called "fiscal cliff" is looming... :roll:

Folks, I wish the republicans would agree to "soak the rich" & sponge up more taxes from those most able to afford it... :wink: That's my humble "take" on the whole thing...

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