anti-papa Noel, anyone?

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anti-papa Noel, anyone?

Post by Arcadia » December 28th, 2013, 9:53 am

in electricity breaks
he tries the red again
( he has lost some kilos but he remains between the parameters required by the physique du rol)
emphatic, sweaty & in a hurry
he uses more words per minute than the usual
(he talks as if the tape will be destroyed in five minutes, like in the old cold war times)
he shout you; laugh! and: don´t laugh! at the same time
(it´s difficult to know if he is really laughing or not but the Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde idea hanging on your head like an old well known cloud makes you smile anyway)
then he makes you feel for a moment
like reading the contraindications
of a modern medicine´s prospect
when you already swallowed
more than half of the box ...

Enjoy it! (or not... :lol: :wink: )

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