CBS and the Bush memos

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CBS and the Bush memos

Post by hester_prynne » September 20th, 2004, 2:10 pm

This story bugs me.
What I don't understand about this is that the secretary who would have written these memos says first of all that these weren't written by her, but that the content is correct.
I REPEAT. The content is correct. He got preferential treatment.
Isn't the fact that the content is correct the point here?
Couldn't it be that the damn boss wrote the memo's so's the secretary wouldn't see how blatent the preferential treatment was?
Once again, the lady said the content was correct.
Instead, they just focus on the god damn memo's?
This just sums up to me what is going on entirely.
Forget about the content being true, focus on whether or not the old forms were authentic?
Once again I am perplexed and deeply distressed!
Any thoughts on this? Anyone?

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Post by mnaz » September 21st, 2004, 3:00 am

You know, hester, within the context of of the issue, I agree. It's ridiculous. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together should be able to figure out that G.W. Bush used his family name and connections to gain preferential treatment not only in this matter, but probably in many others throughout his life. To be fair, he's not the only one. Established clans of the rich and powerful have always exploited their advantageous connections to some degree, with few exceptions.

I guess what bothers me most about this nonsense is the fact that
it is dominating the campaign headlines in the first place. I'm tempted to issue a heartfelt "shame on you" to the partisan Democratic forces which pushed this issue. But again, in fairness, it does seem to be in response to that brutal Swift Boat character assassination of Kerry perpetrated by forces of the G.O.P. last month.

Here's the thing. This shit all went down more than thirty years ago. How is it relevant for the decision we need to make today?
L-Rod wrote a nice column on this, recently (except he concluded there was virtually no difference between Bush and Kerry, which I
don't think I can afford to agree with right now).

George W. Bush gave huge tax cuts to the mega-rich. His Administration lied about Iraq to gain support for an invasion and open-ended occupation, which has cost thousands of lives and untold billions of dollars, and was essentially a giant "fuck you" to international diplomacy and world opinion, including many of our allies. And this Administration is cleaning out our treasury and sending us so far into the red with its tax cuts and runaway spending that it could well take another generation or two to correct this, even if we snapped out of our drunken imperialistic binge tomorrow.

These things are what people should be thinking about when they head toward the polls. Therefore, if form holds, these things will be exactly NOT what everyone is thinking about. It might end up hinging upon who scores the best "sound bite" in the upcoming debates.

At least Kerry has a nice, full head of rigid hair. That's got to count for something.

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