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Winter Solstice Jam

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 5:51 pm
by Steve Plonk
Zaeger & Evans had a really gripping hit back in the day and it still speaks
to me today. Hey and one more time around the wheel and I would have
the time to feel about how to deal with all of this here mess. Sorry about that, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. Would you believe that it's been
forty and half years since Woodstock and when they landed on the moon?

History and Herstory is very interesting...we turn the page as we speak,
This old year has got left a week, the factoids are out there for all to see,
Some lived, some died, some laughed, some cried... Some just muddled
through--that's me. We are part of the wheel or mandala and we help
It turn by grinding out our daily grind or whatever it is that each of us do...

What a beautiful day here to be out in, the mockingbird is chirping &
Making the cat jump against the window pane. So comical...the wind blows the neighbors wind chimes and the clouds pass like feathers up
against the skies...Still alive and kicking cans, still writing and making plans...we are rooting for a good new year.

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 6:07 pm
by jackofnightmares
I think about the year Zero C.U.E.
and I have to :)
cause it seems like only yesterday
that we started counting

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 6:15 pm
by jackofnightmares
Latin term for years since the founding of rome I think
what difference does it make
call it anytime
miles davis jamtrack

one edit

working with out net
spontaneous just another word for lazy I heard
call it anything

music is a trip

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 6:35 pm
by HaroHalola
...If I could save time in a bottle
I would be encroce...

But, "I Must Go Gather Comfort - There Was A Maid So Lovely - When Judah's Loy" (Maggie Sansone, from Ancient Noels)

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 9:32 pm
by mousey1
the jam is afoot!

Toe jam anyone!

But I digress
or is that undress?

Yes twas the eve before
all winter's solace
and not a footprint was stirring

in fact the pudding was a mess
and the mouse in the house
fell flat faced into the mix

and died laughing

Poor thing.

But jam on

for with words like these
you'll catch the disease
words coming out fighting

wham bam thank you jam
now back to your corners
and when the bell rings

let the slugging begin again
and the last word left standing

has the win
has the wind at her back
and her sails flying
unzipped for all to sea!


Now jam that!

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 9:35 pm
by mousey1

and on a gentler note

the night sky
black as ink
drew me in
cartoon character
flying high

till the pen ran out of ink!

Oh well I'm still in the pink
and the orange

but no blues.


Posted: December 27th, 2009, 10:11 pm
by stilltrucking
poor little words
my poor little words laid bare
naked truth is a woman or a mouse
to see lines between the minds
jam wham tank you mam
I don't know what year it is
what ever it is we have made the trip around
one more time
should never be forgot
the good times we had
another year comes to an end at Doreen's tea time party
we got the last sunday stream
and the last painting by kurt
and new friends
and how sweet it is

lets go
again in 2010

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 10:16 pm
by stilltrucking
that mouse is quick
she come and goes with a click
one post behind
I am light a note

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 10:32 pm
by mousey1
Lickety split
the postings come fast and quick

and you're darn tootin'
we'll be jamming on, line by line
passed this past year of 2009

"to infinity and beyond"!

May our words come softly
and hit the right notes
just right!

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 10:43 pm
by still.trucking
just a number I tell myself
just a number
don't mean nothing
We just turn a page
and a year passes

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 11:06 pm
by mousey1
Yup, just numbers
but aren't the pages turning fast
fluttering fluttering
blinking past.

No time it seems
to pull up a chair
stay put
stay right there.

We're moving on
we're sidling passed
and when our numbers up

we're outta gas!

But it was a helluva ride!

Pedal to the metal
seeya on the flip side.

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 11:19 pm
by Steve Plonk
Going, going, but not gone yet...this year is chooglin' to its
Final conclusion next weekend. May we all see no hard times
May the road rise up to meet us and may the wind be at our
Backs, may the greater roads be waiting with the cinders on
the shoulders...Yes, I can hear the New Year Train coming
About 500 miles, soon it will be here at the station...
So let's remember what was good about this old 2009,
Some of it sucked and some of it was fine...I wonder if we
Showed up to fly nekkid, would they give us a special discount rate?
Fly Air Nude, Nudists welcome, express strings attached...
Just slipping and sliding on the seats with our bad selves hanging out...

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 11:53 pm
by Arcadia
mi Simon & Shuster es tu Simon & Shuster
( :lol: )
amorosa familia cibernética
en lugar de
una especie de enemigos estúpidos y sin cerebro
se siente bien!

esplendorosa noche de río gordo
debajo de una luna telescópica
desapareciendo lentamente
en el horizonte
mientras los barcos naranjas
encienden las luces

Encuentro a viejos amigos
mientras camino
mate & guitarra
litoraleñas, zambas y chacareras
(momento perfecto para cantar de nuevo
Jangadero y Luna tucumana!)

"Qué linda noche, che!"
"Sí...! el río se ve hermoso desde acá, pero esperemos que pare un poco de crecer el caudal!"
"Te acordás del verano pasado??"

my Simon & Shuster is your Simon & Shuster
( :lol: )
loving cyber family
instead of
stupid-brainless sort of enemies
it feels good!

splendorous fat-river night
under a telescopic moon
vanishing in the horizon
while the orange-ships
turn on the lights

I meet old friends
while walking
mate & guitar
litoraleñas, zambas y chacareras
(perfect moment to sing
Jangadero y Luna tucumana again!)

"Hey, what a wonderful night!"
"Yeah, so beautiful the river from here... but let´s hope it stops growing caudal for a while...!"
"Yeah..., do you remember last summer?"

Posted: December 27th, 2009, 11:56 pm
by judih
nude lounging in first class
pillows, lots of pillows
and leg room
the flight need not take off
we levitate into rubens and picasso land
wings on steady

Posted: December 28th, 2009, 12:05 am
by stilltrucking
circle the wagons
the camp is made for the night
gypsy wanderers gather together
around the world in disembodied words
across a computer screen