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Posted: December 22nd, 2009, 1:27 pm
good air
summer down
south waze
iced capn' and oj
fine by me

Posted: December 22nd, 2009, 1:53 pm
by judih
languishing with tea
while a jam saunters in
sits beside
around me
takes over
joint jamnation

Posted: December 22nd, 2009, 3:31 pm
by mb
the migratory forest
sways to the wind
in the backs of trucks.
cut off at the knees,
captured with nets
they are dark shapes
huddling in the lots
held in by rope and
strangled with lights,
and one by one
they are pulled away,
to wither in the corner
underneath the bling
and the jing-aling.
they died with their
skirts on, an
angel dancing
on their heads.
jesus is the reason
for the season
and the treason
towards the trees,

Posted: December 22nd, 2009, 3:38 pm
by mb

Posted: December 22nd, 2009, 9:12 pm
by keithalanhamilton
jammin’ the solstice
until the new year
2010, wow can’t believe it
two years and then 2012
that Mayan calendar
that Nostradamus thing
what the hell, screw it
let us jam uninhibited
despite all that shit :arrow:

Posted: December 23rd, 2009, 12:10 am
by judih
nostradamus jammed his day
words and figures
into the pipestream
a mind like that
a shame a mind like that
left the scene

Posted: December 23rd, 2009, 12:31 am
by Steve Plonk
Oggy Doggy and Doggy Daddy are a hard pic to follow,
So is the Mayan Calendar (sic) controversy,
"Don't Worry, Be Happy" says Deda Meher Baba,
That is my motto when dealing with the inscrutable,
Or insurmountable...Let us get into the gentle karma
Of this Solstice Season...So be it, selah, and all that good
Stuff, carry on a bit, give and receive, spread some
Joy, joy, joy and keep those cards and e-mails coming...
Onward into the new decade...the oughts or noughts is just
About over and the pre-teens are about to commence with
2010...a decade of fear and fortitude is passing as we speak...


THe hour is getting late and soon the bears will hibernate
If they haven't already, and the steel mills are winding down &
Closing making way for solar and windmill factories &
Propane tank manufacture...So lets keep on a-chooglin' &
Save our space for outer space if we possibly can...
Green the earth & stop that mountaintop removal, even if you
Gotta take 'em to the cleaners in the courtroom...
Make 'em dig for coal the old fashioned way and not strip mine
Whole mountain peaks and fiill the valleys with slag...


I speak tongues so that the hyperbole will drill some sense into
Some strip miners head and things will need to settle down because
They are getting ugly up there in West Virginny, I know of what I
Speak cause the strong must take care of the weak...
It took millions of years for G-D and nature to build those mountains
But only two short decades to tear some of them down...
I get down on my knees and pray that the strip miners see their folly
Instead of seeing the money lining their pockets...
Restoration of the sites is needed and the damage may never be
Undone...'Nuff said, don't want to boogerize y'alll's head...
But, in the name of the Lord, strip miners stop tearing up our hills!

Like Ken Kesey said, "We're all bozos on this bus called "Earth" ",
So it's high time we show mother earth some respect...

Posted: December 23rd, 2009, 4:09 am
by stilltrucking
Well I don't Nostra dome us
but Yogi the bear say
it is hard to make predictions
espeially aboot the futue

oh yes we have faith
move that got dam mountain
we are mountain top removers
have we not become as gods

ah well
hells bells and jingle bells
I know it will work out right
every thing on time on schedule

I am just playing in the band
I wish
What's nostradamus done for me lately
Yogi the beara
the future is not for us to see
Peggy Lee is singing
Kay sera sera
and I am looking for a beat

Jerry Garcia now there is a cat I miss
some folks trust in might
but I know it come out right
just gimmee a beat boys to free my soul

Edisonian typing if I keep it up I might just stumble on a poem

Posted: December 23rd, 2009, 6:57 am
jam sticky
morning coming on
streets a mess
2 cops roll by
give me the eye
wired and on the prowl
jam a constant
forward to the heights

Winter Solstice Jam

Posted: December 23rd, 2009, 8:18 am
by Steve Plonk
If there any heights left to forward &
If our rivers aren't turned to waste
I find my way past the fuzz down the highway,
To find my future beat(ific)
Rhyming is so terrific,
Easing up on any prediction,
But it's so easy to see
That the climate is changing,
Faster than my two eyes can see...


Kesey and Garcia rode the same bus Further,
I know this to be true,
Soon the poisoned waters in the rivers
Will be sliding after you--
So heed the warnings of the wise,
Vote the right people in, &
As the old year's winding down
Let's find a new way to begin...


We have a soul brother in the White House,
Only been there a year,
Let's continue what has hardly begun,
Way into the next four years...
I say good riddance to the old regime,
I don't want any of them back,
So let's say hello to the Love Train,
Which is coming down the track.

Posted: December 23rd, 2009, 8:57 am
by stilltrucking
them mountains were blocking my view
I can see clearly now
all the way to Kentucky

I try to keep a positive attitude
"Whose to bless and whose to blame"
All I hear is lyrics

The music fades
Words nothing but words
Silent words and a "neon god"

Bring on the children
teach the children
it "is a circle game"

painted ponies
round and roun
seasons come and go

jam don't lie
first thought
and last thoughts

good days
bad days
all good to be alive

girls in their summer dresses
girls in mukluks
how sweet it is

Posted: December 23rd, 2009, 9:27 am
by Steve Plonk
Yes, it's great to be alive,
Looks like we're all full of jive,
Spoken like a true strip miners son,
You must like the flatland,
With the mountains on the run...
We're riding on the same bus,
But it looks like you missed your stop.
So flip the flapjack flop,
What you don't see you don't know
Without the vision, make folks will perish.
"So gather ye rosebuds while ye may"
We'll replant and live to see another day.

Posted: December 23rd, 2009, 9:34 am
by Steve Plonk
Would you believe many folks will perish, if they miss the stop?

Posted: December 23rd, 2009, 9:35 am
by stilltrucking
Well I guess I should have used an emoticon
Can jam be sarcastic
I guess not

Always looking for the bright side
I wish they would all be california girls
Poor Appalachia they could never pull that stuff in Califronia

I don't think about him as a brother
He is just this guy doing the best he can
it ain't about race

He believes in clean coal
He believes in ethanol
He is a politician after all

I wish him well
I wish us all well
I am a well pusher

I am no poet
I can't hear the music
Brain wrong

Even so
I love to jam
with a little tolerance from my friends

in search of a beat
oblie dah
life goes on

Jeriamiah was a bull frog
singing joy to the world
blessed are those who are dead

I got them old metaphysical homelessness blues
Everytime I see a pregnant woman
I see another optimist

Unless she is living in a refugee camp and had no choice
A child is born to cary on

Posted: December 23rd, 2009, 9:45 am
by judih
optimist wakes up in the morning
gets outa bed

pessimist wakes down in the morning
gets into bed

we all gotta do what we gotta do
life is this
this very thisness