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Posted: May 19th, 2005, 10:33 pm
by judih
Yeah Studio 8 avenue. i for one feel like i'm back home.

Posted: May 20th, 2005, 3:24 pm
by Doreen Peri


Thanks, mousey & judih & Cecil!....

Here are copies of the ones you all are referring to......and thanks to Pierre and Cecil, for your contributions!

Posted: May 23rd, 2005, 8:29 am
by jimboloco
that's Almaygordo all right!
down on the corner word jam
the kids are all mutants
half-alien bastard kids of the Taken
Mescalero, Anglo, Africo, Asio, yo,
male and female they were
absconded, beamed up
coupled, let go,
the men then passed the alien seed
and the women harbored theirs
and when a new zygote appeared,
the alien seed was waiting
a fallopian wedding
little baby poets gestating
singing spoken word lullabyes

Posted: May 23rd, 2005, 8:35 am
by jimboloco
The new green grassy emerald country scene
looping infinity around a blade of grass
What have you been smoking?
I gotta save this one.

Posted: May 23rd, 2005, 11:59 am
by Doreen Peri
That's a great poem, Jim... I love that! I just read it aloud....

I took the photo of the leaves in my garden yesterday. I can't remember the name of the plant. Once it blooms, I'll remember it. ;) It's some type of lilly. I think I'll call it "infinite leave weave." :D

Posted: May 23rd, 2005, 12:50 pm
by jimboloco
i'm on leave from the great culture wars.

Posted: May 25th, 2005, 10:46 pm
by judih
i love the leaves of grass
blades of leaves
green signs of life

Posted: May 27th, 2005, 5:30 pm
by judih
ooh that's a good smokey banner of theda singing in the coolest of clubs (studio 8 avenue has a jazz club, clearly)


Posted: May 28th, 2005, 4:36 pm
by stilltrucking
Dam I should have saved that picture of the torch singer, I hope it recycles soon.


this was a too late post for the last jam re: wedding bells

If you two really do, do it. I demand that I be there to dance at it. I will try to find Preacher Jack and bring him with me. He did a very nice job and my unofficial extra legal marriage to Pickles (that is what my friends called her) at the Shipr Wreck Saloon in Revere Beach back in 1974..

Posted: May 29th, 2005, 9:01 pm
by jimboloco
down the stairs
a shared moment
slight angles,
stacatto toes stepping
a moment's reflection
who would stop to care?
someone who shares.

Posted: June 1st, 2005, 1:39 pm
by judih
the gourds are just the best. I love to click onto the studio to excite my mind. fabulously done, doreen. i want to live in this shot.

judih (getting tired already of sand and dust summertime colours round here)

Posted: June 6th, 2005, 2:19 pm
by whimsicaldeb
I'm enjoying this gate photo.

I love how you can focus in on a small part of an everyday object and make it into something more.

The simplicity of the wood, the old rusty latch, the inter-play of strong sunlight and shadow through the leaves … it’s become one of my favorites

Posted: June 7th, 2005, 8:17 pm
by whimsicaldeb
okay, I hope I don't get in trouble for asking this, but ...

the bet's up to $5.00 that it's a dead baby bird next to the rocks on todays (6/7/05) studio 8 banner. Or it's a puddle of water.

Ummm .... Doreen, what is it? Or, is 'it' an anything at all?

I'm holding the cash.

Posted: June 7th, 2005, 10:27 pm
by Doreen Peri
They're just rocks and grass, Deb.

Geez... Now I'm staring at it too much... looks like a piece of trash in the middle of it... LOL!... I don't see a bird... though I do see grass that could be interpreted as a bird but it's not... it's grass.

Keep your $5.

This is a mess on the side of my house...a rock pile... i thought it looked cool. There's a weed on the left hand side and at the bottom, there's a brown leaf. I truly believe that's a rock in the middle underneath the grass but maybe it's a piece of trash after all... LOL... and to the left of the piece of trash, I see brown grass which maybe could look like a bird, but it's not.


Anyway, thanks for your kind comments about the gate image... I'm having problems keeping up with documenting these so the thread makes sense...

But believe me... truly... I would not put a dead baby bird in my banner.

I thought it was a cool natural composition but now I'm not too happy with that part in the middle that might be a piece of trash.

heh... oh well...

Posted: June 7th, 2005, 10:38 pm
by mousey1
Oh Doreen!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you any idea how hilarious you are!!!!

You've given me my best laugh of the day!!!!

I'm dying here!!!!!

My stomach hurts!!!!

You are too too precious!!!!

Don't ever change!

And yup yup....we're all staring at it now!!!!

And if the banner mysteriously disappears now you know I'm gonna drop down dead just know it!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: