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Re: Summer's End to Autumn - Transition Jam - Right HERE!

Posted: September 4th, 2010, 9:24 pm
by Doreen Peri
Ahhh... Lucy, your poetry is so lovely! I'm so very glad to see you!

And look! Now with the rotation of the seasons, we have our very own rotating banner art and photography show!

Transitioning for the Transition Jam!

Re: Summer's End to Autumn - Transition Jam - Right HERE!

Posted: September 4th, 2010, 9:39 pm
by .Lucy.
Thank you! I was certain I wouldn't be able to write again after everything...but this feels great! I've been hibernating so long and the studio8 email I received about this jam completely jarred me out of it. Thank you so much!!

I've tried clicking on the link you provided but it's inactive :(

Re: Summer's End to Autumn - Transition Jam - Right HERE!

Posted: September 4th, 2010, 9:45 pm
by Doreen Peri
We keep the door ajar for you! :D
Still got your old artlog down there.. remember the advice column?
haha! It was so funny! It's in the "Retired Artlogs" down the page.
I can un-retire it for you any time. ;) Just say the word.

(it's not a link... i just colored it blue... was just announcing that the banners are now rotating all by themselves every time you click or refresh. I think it's pretty cool! I changed them individually manually for 6 years... I like this! I hope everyone else does too)


These days, I get inspired by
waking up in the morning.
Every breath is a miracle.

Re: Summer's End to Autumn Transition Jam - HERE!

Posted: September 4th, 2010, 9:53 pm
by .Lucy.
Well aren't I just a dummy?

I really enjoy all the beautiful artwork displayed, and each new page opens an entire world of thought. Thank you for that!

You always bring forth so much beauty and creativity with this incredible website of yours. Thank you, Doreen.

Actually, I would LOVE to take on the Biotch again, if you don't mind!


Re: Summer's End to Autumn Transition Jam - HERE!

Posted: September 4th, 2010, 9:56 pm
by Doreen Peri
Ohhh fantastic!

We got our Biotch back! Yo!

Gonna bring it back up for ya
put it in the Artlogs/Studios
It'll be in here, m'dear!

We got our Biotch back! Yo!
Whaddya know? :mrgreen:

DONE... scroll down
Member Forums
• Columnists
• Artlogs & Studios <------- the Biotch is in there. ;)

Re: Summer's End to Autumn Transition Jam - HERE!

Posted: September 4th, 2010, 10:38 pm
by judih
out of relentless dreams
again the people
again their opinions

jam slips into morning
something more comfortable
peace of early dawn

frogs proclaim liberty
from aloe to lemon tree
pre-breakfast sanity

Re: Summer's End to Autumn Transition Jam - HERE!

Posted: September 4th, 2010, 10:46 pm
by mb
August's full belly
reluctantly gives way
to September's hurry,
dark mornings framing
urgency and the sliding
away of the sun and
all his summer children.

Re: Summer's End to Autumn Transition Jam - HERE!

Posted: September 4th, 2010, 10:50 pm
by judih
all the children
up the mountain of resistance
pulled by their teeth

school teacher sighs
recalling long summer books
forest hikes

Re: Summer's End to Autumn Transition Jam - HERE!

Posted: September 4th, 2010, 11:13 pm
by Steve Plonk
Remember that anyone the moon shines on is a luminary.
:D We all have lines to share and stories to tell. 8)
So let the moon shine on everyone here and let the festivities begin! :lol:
Let's all get enlightened!

Re: Summer's End to Autumn Transition Jam - HERE!

Posted: September 4th, 2010, 11:28 pm
by SadLuckDame
Let's all get acquainted
and the bubble pop sky
floats zillions of miles up,
but I'm here thinking
"Hello, you. Hello.
See you tonight."

Re: Summer's End to Autumn Transition Jam - HERE!

Posted: September 4th, 2010, 11:41 pm
by .Lucy.
The Van Wyck

I taste the change in season
as I drive down the potholed espressway home.
The scent of oncoming transition
fills the car with its fragrance.

A song that hits the weakest spot
of my bruised heart plays.

Through the flood of tears,
I drive, drive, drive.
I drive on.
The moon is my sole companion
as I drive into
a new season of my life.

Re: Summer's End to Autumn Transition Jam - HERE!

Posted: September 5th, 2010, 12:10 am
by still.trucking
Muleshue Texas
"rain drops on my windshield
tear drops on my steering wheel"

August in Texas.

A change barely perceptible
On the 33rd of August
September 1st
in Husserl's rear view mirror

September's children
always bring spring to my heart
as my mind wanders under the southern cross

Re: Summer's End to Autumn Transition Jam - HERE!

Posted: September 5th, 2010, 12:18 am
by still.trucking
Autumn comes late here
I can't feel much of a change
Sorry I get bummed on September first
Got dam poets.
Now I am past it though
I always cheer up around Panta rhei's birthday

September so subtle here
Turn the page
but not the season

Drive on
into that new season
drive on lucy

please pardon multiple reply

Re: Summer's End to Autumn Transition Jam - HERE!

Posted: September 5th, 2010, 6:40 am
by MatBe
i'm stuck and been stuck for a few years now
i tried things
some big things and failed, ego blew the fuck up

28 now and i feel less, feeling like the little i inside
and if another person tells me i'm young again
i might just use words to let them know
just maybe, maybe some how let them know,
perhaps they should not speaking with such dullness
and yes that taking offense to some comment
such as "You are young, you got a long ways to go."
really is not a motivational speech, but a hinderence
of speaking openly

I am only strong because i have failed so much
but this ain't no sad song or a blues cover in a shabby
hole-in-wall-joint, with the big butts bobbin', dirty shirt stained
one shoe untied sort of night,

and I feel it right there, mid sentence something just fire

something like how my eyes see a spark and knowing how
all that feels

If you could see my face it smiles and a glint in both my eyes sort of licks, with some faint yet drifting thoughts of a trillion words ago something happened to lead me into that frantic yet calming journey which brought me to face truth and see how systems and people and environment clash or click or tick or something like that.

Ya, something like that.

Re: Summer's End to Autumn Transition Jam - HERE!

Posted: September 5th, 2010, 12:02 pm
by stilltrucking
when the poetry clicks
transmissions to transitions
the road was always a refuge for me
till I discovered poetry again
thirty years a million miles
makes me smile
miss my home sweet home with 18 wheels
Driving is centering for me
even now.
My road zen

Oh well
What was it about autumn that I used to love
r the first cool snap
the morning or night
I actually felt the season changing
It was good to be alive
These summer doldrums pass so slowly
Summer in south Texas ain't for sissies
the only worse August I can think of is New York City.