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CD release event: Words on War, Baltimore

Posted: March 2nd, 2008, 11:38 pm
by judih
Those in and around the Wireman location, please try to make it to this event. Wireman will be performing of course, along with other poets who contributed to the Words on War CD. Profits go to furthering the cause of peace.


DATE: 12/31/07

BIRD HOUSE STUDIOS INC. announces the CD release of Words On War.

DATE: March 7, 2008

WHERE: LOAD OF FUN, 120 W. North Ave., Baltimore, MD 21201-5813

TIME: Doors open at 6:00 pm, group reading will be between 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm with a short intermission. The Bobwhites will provide live music between 10:00 pm and midnight.

ADMISSION: $10.00 at the door

To celebrate the release of Words On War, a compilation of spoken word/poems, written in response to The War (in and on Iraq) and war, in general, we will be having a reading of some of the work by the poets along with musical accompaniment by Jared Denhard, whose work was included on this CD.

Following the readings, there will be music and dancing. Music by The Bobwhites (, wild abandonment by The Bobwhites' dancers. Come and sway with us now, for tomorrow we may be ashes to ashes, dust to dust and it would be a sin to leave anything to rust.

All profits from the sales of this CD will be contributed to Women in Black in Baltimore, which is part of an International Network for Peace. Women in Black in Baltimore, joins with other women's organizations worldwide to advocate for peace, justice, and an end to violence worldwide. Visit the WIBB site at

Posted: March 3rd, 2008, 9:33 pm
should be great party
i'll be reading judih's 2 poems
and mine w/music..........

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 8:24 am
by Doreen Peri
So cool! How did it go? Got any photos? Where can we get a CD? Hmmmm?

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 5:40 pm
the cd can be had @ a plethora of mp3 sites that can be linked to on for pics....there were plenty taken and video was shot....i was mc which was a gas and now it's on to the next performance saturday the 15th @ dale's haven in thurmont, md, wired me playing some blues harp with a friends southern rock band.....there's a review of the words on war event on

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 11:02 pm
by judih
mark, can't find the review.
not in 'calendar'
not in 'reviews'
hmmm - any clues?

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 11:14 pm
by Doreen Peri
I found the announcement.. here ... &Itemid=28

but like judih, couldn't find any write-ups about the event.

hey wiredOne... got a link? ;)

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 11:28 pm
it's at the bottom of the homepage menu...."poetry reviews"

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 11:35 pm
by judih
click onto poetry
and then there's a forum ... ic=18689.0

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 11:37 pm
by Doreen Peri
Thank you, judih!

Reading it now.

(Mark the reviews link here, ... &Itemid=40
doesn't have it listed... I'm sure it's just not up yet... but the forum link judih gave works great to learn more! I didn't know theirishsea was a baltimore poet... i know him from AC... cool!)

....edit... just read it...
congrats Mark, for such glowing praise... you're a hit! (as always ;))

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 11:39 pm
by judih
yeah, and constantine's there, as well.
small world.

Posted: March 10th, 2008, 11:41 pm
by Doreen Peri
yeah, i knew constantine was from baltimore (didn't know he posted there, though)... his comments on AC led me to discover his baltimore roots... very cool! very small world, yep ;)

Posted: March 11th, 2008, 7:51 pm
discover the world of baltimore poetry
zelda's inferno on sunday nights
is the best poetry gathering i
know of and it grew out of the
revolutionary funks democratic coffee
house scene where i used to read litkickers
back in 2001-02 the poets on this words on war cd
are a who's of baltimore poetry spiced with some special
guests from the 4 corners of cyberdom

Posted: March 17th, 2008, 8:40 am
by Terri
You guys are making me homesick for B'more. I used to work @ Funk's, freelanced a weekend brunch out of the place, too, for a while, but left before your gig there, Wireman. And Dino & I hung out @ Minas' when it was down near the water, Dino did some of his first readings there. Anybody ever go to Peter's Inn (around the corner from Funk's on Ann St)?--the bar with the motorcycle seat barstools? Worked there, too. There's nothing like the smell of Old Bay in the morning... Zelda's sounds so good, boy, I wish we were there.

Posted: March 17th, 2008, 6:02 pm
a funkster....i made janet's place home for a couple of few years...terri i spent new years eve '96 and '97 @ peters on ann street w/ron ray & billie a.
also the infamous monroe of the motor morons....some wild times for sure...

Posted: March 20th, 2008, 9:34 pm
by sooZen
Mark...wish i coulda been there...i am sure it was wired!
Mark Coburn's fantastic voice. The man does not need a microphone. He also has a commanding stage presence:
Wow, coolie smoolie.