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A Huge Thank-You to Doreen

Posted: December 6th, 2004, 7:25 pm
by jbrianlong
It is rather unlikely that I need to tell anyone reading
this post how wonderful a patron and promoter of
poetry is Ms Doreen Peri. I would imagine such a post
would be old news. Nevertheless, I felt it necessary to
"say aloud" what is genuinely obvious (in this case)
so that Doreen receives at least a mere ort of the credit
she so rightly deserves. So, thank you, Doreen, for all
you do to help promote and proliferate poetry; art needs
people like you.

Posted: December 6th, 2004, 8:53 pm
by hester_prynne
I heartily second your post here Brian....
shout it from the rooftops, cyber and all!

H 8)

Posted: December 6th, 2004, 9:21 pm
by Doreen Peri
awww shucks.... Thanks, Brian and hest.

I appreciate your participation in this project and I'm honored to present your writings!

Earlier today, I received an email and someone gratefully thanked me for "sponsoring" them. And now, Brian is calling me a "patron." LOL! I'm laughing because I've been looking for a sponsor and patron for years.

I have to tell you that Studio Eight is also somewhat of a selfish project. If you noticed, I also published my own material and credits. Maybe one day, if I keep nudging at it and continue supporting the work of other creative people, that sponsor or patron will notice me and come along and offer us all funding so we can all do the work we were meant to do.

Artists need to work. We need to paint. We need to play music. We need to write. We need to perform. It's rare we can make a living at any of these artistic endeavors.

I'm lucky that I am able to work for a living doing something which has some semblance of artistic creativity. I write ad copy. And brochure copy. And text for websites. I design websites and I get paid for doing it.

But this is not my REAL work. My real work is the same as yours. I'm a writer. We are all hopefully creating "art." Let's just keep doing it, OK?

Maybe one day we'll be able to have a place in the *real* world where we can have regularly scheduled spoken word performances and permanent art galleries and studios and studios for composing and recording music. Studio Eight LIVE! This is my dream.

I hope one day to find a patron or organization to help fund it.

Again, thank you both for all you've given to the beginnings of building an Arts Community. You are both special and I appreciate your talents!

Posted: December 6th, 2004, 11:46 pm
by judih
i can't begin to imagine how much work the Studio has required.
Thankfully you're surviving it all with your sense of humour intact, doreen.

Congratulations on a site that has the makings of a live art museum.
