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Orpheus & Eurydice: Making the Lyre (my '99 poetry book)

Posted: July 11th, 2008, 12:04 am
by Cenacle
Orpheus & Eurydice: Making the Lyre (size = .5 MB)

In what seems like another world, I wrote a book of poems based on the Greek Orpheus myth, & my collaborator Barbara Brannon & I turned it into the first RaiBook chapbook back in 1999. Long have I wanted to get it online like the other RaiBooks. Last weekend, my wife KD & I spent many hours working through the formatting & font issues. The result is pleasing to see. I wrote these poems mostly on a crowded morning train commute into downtown Boston, notebook mashed up near my face. They are strange to me now yet I value them, I learn from them, I hope others will read & enjoy them too. Barbara’s wonderful art along makes this book worth your time.

Posted: July 11th, 2008, 5:12 am
by stilltrucking
I just downloaded it
Thank you