ElectroLounge 11th Anniversary Site Revamp

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ElectroLounge 11th Anniversary Site Revamp

Post by Cenacle » April 7th, 2009, 7:59 pm

It was some weeks ago that I set my wife KD the task of re-designing Scriptor Press's website, The ElectroLounge [http://www.scriptorpress.com] & so she began. I taught her the basics of HTML coding & then she started to learn the web development application Dreamweaver. We divided the site's old main page into two: a splash page which retained the original design, & a table of contents which KD designed, switching the contents from a long list of text-based links to groups of related graphics-based links. My writings on the site (Notebooks, poetry, fixtion) were placed on a left-hand side bar, and external website recommendations were placed on a right-hand side bar. The guest page, visitor counter, & copyright & contact information were kept as before at the bottom of the table of contents.

The results are wonderful to see: a combination of the site's old look & a new one that is easier & more coherent to navigate. Click on http://www.scriptorpress.com & take a look around. Email your feedback to editor@scriptorpress.com.

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