Banners questions

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Doreen Peri
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Banners questions

Post by Doreen Peri » January 17th, 2010, 2:13 am

Is the sun coming up or is it going down?

Do you have a favorite banner?

If I died tonight or tomorrow and the banner wouldn't EVER be changed again, which banner would you choose to see ALL the time?
(see the banner gallery)

I'm dead serious.... one day I'll find someone (a techie guru) to help by creating a script so that every time you click, the banners rotate from our wonderful collection of banners by all of you talented artists and photographers...

but until then (and lord knows when THEN will be), sometimes there may be a slump like this where I'm too busy to change them daily .... (because currently, I select them and change them manually)....

Sooo... your answers to the above questions will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

(To me, the sun is always coming up)

That said, this banner is boring me.


but it's LATE.. it's 1am and I'm tired and that banner's been on there for a WEEK!


Thank you for your feedback.

Last question...

Does anybody know a techie person who might want to help me with software updates and modifications like the one I'm talking about.... writing some code so the banners change automatically?

That's all. No other questions tonight.

Peace 'n' love and all that good stuff.

(oh ... I lied... one more question.... Do any of you have any insight into how I might stop worrying about the people in Haiti so I can move on with my life and worry about my Mom who is dying?)


This is a Banner Post, huh?


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Post by stilltrucking » January 17th, 2010, 7:22 am

To take my mind off the news from Haiti I think about Bhopal. Not much you can say about natural disasters (acts of god) unless you are Pat Robertson or Rush Limbaugh. But man made disasters give me pause.

Do you know who killed more Indians than Custer?

Union Carbide.

My sense of humor is very grim these days.

That is a sunrise because I think that is one of your Virginia Beach photos. Or so I think.

I am good with that sunrise. One of my favorites. Any beach photo is good for me. I am a landlocked shiftless sailor.
I like that picture of Glorious Amok walking on that beach a lot too.

Thanks Doreen
My advice is from John Prine
Blow up your tv. Eat a lot of peaches
I am not watching the news from Haiti very much. I fall asleep to the overnight news on BBC. I heard the news about twenty minutes after it happened. It woke me up for some reason. I watched the news of the disaster build hour by hour. Hard for me to watch the news because I keep thinking how happy the news media types are to have such a hot story to report report on. All the newscasters hop on a plane to Haiti to report on site.

Sorry about your mother
very sorry
Please be careful.

I thought about you when I found this quote

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Post by judih » January 17th, 2010, 10:03 am

thinking about your mom
thinking about haiti
thinking about enjoying life as i meet it
each second precious
each thought unique
about banners - love your choices - always gorgeous and surprising

all of them (that's the truth)
i'm not a techie, but you knew that already...hope someone volunteers to tech the stuff that needs tech-ing

Steve Plonk
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Post by Steve Plonk » January 17th, 2010, 10:49 am

Doreen, Sorry about your mom...dying of one's parent is rough... I hope and pray for the earthquake victims everywhere.

As for the banner, to me, if it's the Atlantic Ocean, it would be a rising sun...If it's the Pacific Ocean it would be a setting sun. If it is on a lake, it could be either one depending on location.
Yes, nice to think of the sun picture over the water is a rising sun.
I am an optimist like Ben Franklin speaking about the embossment on the old chair in the constitutional convention hall. Someone asked him if he thought it was a rising or a setting sun. Ben said he thought it was a rising sun. I think the above banner is one of my favorites. I don't think I could ever be bored by it...

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Post by mb » January 17th, 2010, 1:05 pm

Sorry to hear about your mom, Doreen.

Haiti - The people who can help them are on the ground there. The love and support is flowing (and money is love and support from those of us too far away to lend a hand). The Limbaughs and Robertsons of the world always get the press, but I am sure that countless acts of kindness and bravery have taken place, and will continue to do so, unmarked by any media.

Banners - I sure like the sun and sea banner. My taoist sensibilities tell me the sun is setting for some and rising for others. I say rotate 'em when you feel like it.


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Post by Doreen Peri » January 17th, 2010, 3:33 pm

Thanks to all of your for the feedback! I appreciate it!

My mom apparently fell out of bed this morning. She's not hurt, nothing broken... thank goodness. I'm on my way over there.

Oh and it's possible she'll live miserably for years to come. Maybe I'm wrong about her dying. Hell, she's young! She's only 94 and has only had 3 strokes in the past 2 years. She could hang on to be 100 for all I know! We'll see. Thanks to all for your kind thoughts.

And also thanks for the wise thoughts about the earthquake victims in Haiti. Every time I want to complain about something, I think of them and shut up.


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Post by SadLuckDame » January 17th, 2010, 5:27 pm

Take care Doreen, and be easy on yourself. Always go well rested and less strained if you can, because it's true about her possibly living to 100. I know a love who survived strokes, heart attacks and brain surgery in her 90's, she'd lived years after them too. Just enjoy her, and let her enjoy you.
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
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Post by mtmynd » January 21st, 2010, 2:20 pm

You must have picked up my vibes, Dor'... you just now changed that banner, (sunrise), after my telling you it's time. Did you hear me? ;)
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Post by Doreen Peri » January 21st, 2010, 5:27 pm

Thank you, SadLuck! You are a dear! :)

Yes, Cecil, I felt the vibes! "Time to change the banner!" .... I *knew* it was you! You're always so perceptive. ;)

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