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Grand Opening!!

Posted: January 31st, 2010, 8:04 pm
by Lightning Rod
Dear Studio Eighters,

I have just launched my new web sites. There are two of them but like everything else in my evil empire they are connected. One is for the purpose of making the material for my new book Cool Calm Collected available online and one is to display The Poet's Eye (which will also appear here.)

Drop by and give them a look. Bookmark them because they will be constantly changing. Tell me what you think of them. I'm open to suggestions about anything I could do to make them easier to use and more effective.

Go here:

Lightning Rod World Headquarters

and here:

The Poet's Eye

I eagerly listen for your comments.

(Somebody make a comment. I don't even know if my comments feature is working yet. Help me test it.)


Posted: January 31st, 2010, 8:49 pm
by Doreen Peri
Congrats! Looks great!

I'm going to move this to Announcements because it's an announcement.

Posted: February 1st, 2010, 12:11 am
by judih
l-rod, the font seems tiny. It could be the default size of your choice of layout (or it could be my eyes at fault).

Other than minute words, the sites look good. i'll be back with a 'zoom'

(by the way - you're lucky to have fingers and toes friends - i've got fingers)

Posted: February 1st, 2010, 1:15 pm
by firsty
looks great!

i have one comment — the sidebar for the l'rod site (not the poets eye) is a little cluttered — i'd try to keep most of the sidebar contained to the length of about one page so the only "scrolling" required is to go thru the posts.