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6th Annual Spring Equinox Word Jam - March 20-27, 2010

Posted: March 20th, 2010, 6:19 am
by Doreen Peri

>You Are Invited
to the 6th Annual Spring Equinox Word Jam"
A spontaneous collaborative writing event.

You who plant ideas in the minds of readers
with verse. You who enrich life's soil by fertilizing
it with thought. You who bloom when poetry assumes
its proper place .... a garden of rhythm & metered metaphor,
exploring the new birth of spring! Bring your friends,
your lovers, your new flirtations. Bring your energy,
subliminal and overt, you who are alive, alert, ready
to dance with words for whatever reason. You who
wish to celebrate the season!

For 1 week!
Starting today - Saturday March 20, 2010
until - Friday, March 27, 2010

at Studio Eight dot TV
in the Jam Session Forum
at the top of the page.

Because words which connect with other words can
bear fruit. Because words which unite can flower and
become powerful, springing to life, singing your soul free.
All things being equal as day and night at Equinox,
don't ask why! Ask why not?

Never been to a Word Jam? Word Jams are a series
of ongoing spontaneous writing events hosted by
Studio Eight dot TV –

Bring Your Own Muse
or get inspired by the muse of others.

>Hope to see you there!

Studio Eight dot TV
Uniting the Arts