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I invite all to join new innovative, high tech artists site

Posted: April 3rd, 2010, 1:34 pm
by Veiled Poetess
Free VIP membership to the first 25 people who join (normally $12 per year) the majority of the membership money shall be put back in the site for contests, rewards for your creative efforts. Your art shall be honoured as it should be!! This has been my dream that is now a reality...I have put my heart, soul and tons of time and money to make this site something amazing for all artists! Lots of features. Just put a V at the end of your location so I can count up the first 25 members and you are in free for one year!! This is a non-profit site created just for you to call your artistic home. When the numbers grow we can support each other. The site has enough bandwidth to support 10 million people, so the sky is the limit on what you can create within the site, it is like having your own website within a large website. See you on the site, just register, that allows you to create your own profile page, I will watch for you and update you to VIP so you can have full access to the site. This is not about me it is about you, Global Poets shall take care of your artistic needs and wants, we are here to serve you, because as an artists you are a very special person to help heal our broken earth with truth and beauty!!! See you soon on the site!!! I have a special place for all publishers and agents. No vanity press, this is only for the real deal!

Posted: April 3rd, 2010, 3:22 pm
by Doreen Peri
It looks great! Thanks for stopping by Studio Eight to share the link and info about your site!

Wishing you all the best success!