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Spring Word & Image Jam?

Posted: March 24th, 2011, 10:39 pm
by Doreen Peri
Kurt (Artguy) had a great idea to have a Neighborhood Jam where we would jam about our where we live with poetry and photos of our neighborhoods. I love this idea!

What better time to do it than during the spring when gardens are blooming?

What do you all think? When would be good for you? Should we do it for a weekend, a week, or a month?

What say you, art and word jammers?

Re: Spring Word & Image Jam?

Posted: March 25th, 2011, 12:04 am
by judih
Spring's started officially so let's start it artistically.
month sounds good.
Spring it on.

Re: Spring Word & Image Jam?

Posted: March 25th, 2011, 8:42 am
by Doreen Peri
The blooming as barely begun where I am.... and snow is coming Sunday!? Whoa!

When's Passover & Easter?

I think April. My calendar has no holidays on it. That must be a metaphor for a poem, I think. Why no holidays on my calendar? weird....

Maybe we should so do it mid-April through mid-May...

Does that sound good?

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood Jam... (I'll be singing Mr. Rogers for a month)... corny... but I did love him! He was a fine pianist and his show was wonderful for kids. He even went to the Senate once to present his case about educational television for children.

Need a title ;)

Re: Spring Word & Image Jam?

Posted: March 27th, 2011, 6:46 pm
by Artguy

Re: Spring Word & Image Jam?

Posted: March 27th, 2011, 11:32 pm
by judih
Our spring season lasts about a week at most and then it's hot as hell again.

But, i hear the snow in your part of the world, and with it i understand the wish to wait till April.

Passover is April 18 - our school break begins a week earlier.
Your date sounds fine to me! I can scout the hood for spring photos till your snow melts.

Re: Spring Word & Image Jam?

Posted: March 28th, 2011, 9:20 am
by Doreen Peri
How does April 15th - May 31st sound?

Re: Spring Word & Image Jam?

Posted: March 28th, 2011, 10:48 am
by Artguy
Sound wunderbar....or is it wonderbra???

Re: Spring Word & Image Jam?

Posted: March 28th, 2011, 10:49 am
by Artguy B-day today yahoo 29 again....

Re: Spring Word & Image Jam?

Posted: March 28th, 2011, 11:03 am
by Doreen Peri
It's your birthday, Kurt? Wowowow!


PS ... if you go into the user control panel top left, you can now add your birthday and it will be shown at the bottom of the page

Re: Spring Word & Image Jam?

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 8:55 pm
by Doreen Peri
We need a name for the Spring Word jam....

The theme will be our neighborhoods in spring....

James suggested Block Party. I sorta like that.

How about Worldwide Spring Block Party - Poetry & Image Jam


Any other suggestions?

Re: Spring Word & Image Jam?

Posted: April 4th, 2011, 10:56 pm
by judih
Spring Block Party
excellent (i think worldwide is understood - or at least can be part of the who/what/where)

Re: Spring Word & Image Jam?

Posted: April 5th, 2011, 6:26 am
by Artguy
Your block,,,my block..our block...ya lets' party on the block...block party jam sounds great...