The "Let's DUET" Word Jam - POSTPONED

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The "Let's DUET" Word Jam - POSTPONED

Post by Doreen Peri » January 26th, 2006, 1:39 pm

Edit- We're postponing this jam until a later date. But feel free to stop by the DUETS forum this weekend and try it out, OK? Pick a partner and write something together via email or chat and then post your collaboration to the DUETS forum. Or get in touch with a partner and set up a time to meet in the DUETS forum and write together.


Hey poetpeople, jamsters, and all 8ers!

Whaddya think of this idea? Do ya think it's gr8?
Don't hesit8 to tell me.

From Friday Feb 3rd - Sunday Feb 5th
3PM EST until 6PM EST

the "Let's DUET" Jam! Let's do it, ok?

Here's how it will work.

We will do a DUET jam with the darc forums

On Studio 8 we'll have one thread going.
At the same time on the DARC forums we'll have another thread going.
Two websites doin' a DUET.

Then... in addition to that (We'll probably set up a special spot for this), we'll have multiple threads going on on both sites.

Each of the threads will be a DUET.
One person starts a thread then the first person who replies to that thread becomes the DUET PARTNER.
Two people jamming with each other to create a duet of words.

Whaddya think?

Can ya come?

Hey, you can even select a DUET partner or two in advance and make a plan to meet to jam with them, while also participating in one or both of the jam threads on S8 or darc... if ya wanna... or you can just show up and find a DUET partner spontaneously.

Will you be here? Hmmmmm????

Last edited by Doreen Peri on February 10th, 2006, 9:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by iblieve » January 26th, 2006, 3:52 pm

I will definitely be here and at darc, twice the pleasure I think. I am also trying to link to S-8 so that the poets at darc can see whats happening here. If they feel like joining in fine and if not at least we get the total experience. I am looking forward to it. "C"
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Post by judih » January 27th, 2006, 8:14 am


let me see if i understand.
We're talking jammin partners?

i write somethin. XX or XY or XXY or XXYY (or, whoever) writes back and becomes my harmonic partner?
We 2 jam?
No others join in?

no extra chords, scales or sharps/'s all between me and my other?

Is that right?

Meanwhile, back in the larger framework of things, there'll be a similar thread goin on at DARC?

Do i post my stuff here and there to see who joins in?

Fix me up if i've got it wrong.


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Post by iblieve » January 27th, 2006, 1:14 pm

Hi Judih,
We have a similar thread going at DARc and we are working out all the little details, but if I understand it right, yes if you're jamming with someone no one else is going to join in. If you're interested you can go to this link at our site and read the questions and answers coming up in darc. I think we are going to have a main thread for people to hook up in and then as many other threads running as needed. ... 0416#40416
That is the link to see what is happening in darc. Doreen if you have any questions or suggestion please let me know or join in the conversation at our site and here.

We have a new forum set up for this jam so the old jams will not get in the way. The link to it is below if you want to add it to this announcement. ... d18f399fe7
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Post by Arcadia » January 27th, 2006, 1:21 pm

it sounds good!
see you there,


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Post by Doreen Peri » January 27th, 2006, 1:27 pm

The way I envisioned it is like this.

Yes, multiple Jam threads, one-on-one... You and a Partner.


One Big Thread at Studio Eight with EVERYBODY Jamming together
One Big Thread at DARC with EVERYBODY Jamming together

So, what we have are two websites being Jamming Partners... doing a DUET.


People forming DUETS one-on-one all at the same time.

Make sense?

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Post by iblieve » January 27th, 2006, 2:41 pm

Awesome, sounds like a party to me, I can't wait. We will have one thread running at darc linked directly to Studio 8 to your jam so the DARc poets can see whats going on here and if they want to join in they can. "C"
DARC Poet's Society.

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 27th, 2006, 3:39 pm

I created a new forum called DUETS. It's listed under the SPECIALS category.

That's where we'll DUET! ;) I'll move it up to the top of the page during the "Let's DUET" Jam next weekend.

I can't wait to DUET!

(and yeah, we'll put a "Let's DUET in the DARC" link to your site during the jam, too! thanks iblieve! iblieve it's gonna be a lotta fun!)


Note to all... You are welcome to use the DUET forum any time. Post stories, poems or other one-on-one collaborations...

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