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Nine Jam at 8- WordJam: November 18th (Thursday)

Posted: November 11th, 2004, 3:24 pm
by judih
November 18
'cause 1 and 8 equals 9 and nine is cool.

So November 18. Set your stopwatch, windmill or hourglass.

at 9:00 your time,
wherever you are, and let it go on 9 hours whenever that ends. (i mean do you really think the world was created in 7 days of 24 tick tock hours as we know them?)
so it is with 9 - it is what you make it.

9 at Studio 8

be there, be ware, be daring and let it flow


Posted: November 11th, 2004, 3:43 pm
by Doreen Peri
great, judih!

looking forward to it... (hope I can make it this time... these people who I work for actually want me to WORK for my salary..*smile*... I'll be here when I can!)

Love the title!

I changed your post to an Announcement.

Hope that's ok with you.

Posted: November 11th, 2004, 3:54 pm
by judih
Announcement is what it is. Thanks, Doreen for stepping in and polishing the plate glass.


Posted: November 11th, 2004, 3:59 pm
by Doreen Peri
whoops! Now I see the "sticky" symbol by it... I didn't see that before and didn't know you posted it that way, judih!

That would have worked just as well to keep up up at the top of the page... but anyway, I try! :)

9 @ 8


the days are numbered.... counting down 'til the time!


Posted: November 11th, 2004, 4:22 pm
Hallelujah......time to get the limbo goin'.....this is a better time.....let's get the news out there and invite all the jammers..........................

Posted: November 11th, 2004, 4:45 pm
by Doreen Peri
psssssst.... judih

do you mean 9am or 9pm? :)

Posted: November 11th, 2004, 10:56 pm
by judih
9 a.m.
in israeli speak, 9 is 9

p.m. is 21:00

pick your 9 and do it - there'll be a partner for ya somewhere in the world.


Posted: November 12th, 2004, 12:38 pm
by panta rhei
next friday?
at 9 +9?

sounds like something that might be possible... coutn me in for a sip of champoem or two....

Posted: November 12th, 2004, 1:59 pm
by judih
Ha! great! and with every jam entry, our faces will be visible.
ultra cool
we could change our avatars to go with our mood.

very trippy.
so good to see your faces, do, mark and anemone! yeah! who else is on board

p.s. Do - about the group of 12 jammers you were lookin for - maybe we can pick up 9. 9 is good.

9 is good.

Posted: November 12th, 2004, 2:26 pm
by Doreen Peri
yeah, jude... or even 8

8 is good, too!

i love the idea of changing avatars with our mood

by the way, we're setting it up on another website to do jams on a regular basis

go to

The spot will probably "look" something like Critic Corner...... Thom is setting aside a special spot for us.

First Jam over there will be mid-December, probably ... working on it... I'll keep you all posted.

take a moment, when you get a chance and go on over there and register and post something on Critic Corner to get a feel for the place, ok? That way, some of us can be registered in advance. :D

For now?

November 18th
at the 8, at 9

Posted: November 12th, 2004, 3:21 pm
eight ~~~~~~~~~~9......all sounds fine to wired me....WOW! it's wild to see the faces and the people in the faces.....makes it more of a writers POW_WOW!!!!!!!....I'd sure like to make a world wide poetry tour with this awesome gang-a poets.......word jammer' ....are....always I hear a bee buzzin'........just got done jammin' with my about wired....and the dude can't talk back to you......well now I'm a band leader......hey mAYBE i CAN MAKE AN ELECTRIC BOX ORCHESTRA.................OOOOOOPS......WOW THESE LIGHTS COME ON WHEN IT'S A RAINY DAY.....i LOVE EM........

Posted: November 15th, 2004, 7:55 pm
by Doreen Peri
uh oh.... doreen peri's confused again... *sigh*

November 18th is Thursday, not Friday.

Soo.... are we having this Jam on Thursday? If so, I'll change the announcement or judih, you can change it to reflect that.

If it's Friday, it's November 19th.

Which day are we doing this?


Posted: November 15th, 2004, 11:20 pm
by judih
thursday the 18th

Thursday is The day.
Friday is also a day
but it's not Thursday

18th it is.

and let's see what happens


Posted: November 15th, 2004, 11:54 pm
by Doreen Peri
thanks, judih!

i guess i screwed up when i made it an announcement or something... maybe i added the 'friday' to it... i don't remember... hell, i don't remember last friday and it's only monday... come to think of it, i don't remember much about today


i hope my conversational style isn't ruining he quality of these boards... LOL!

ok... well, we'll see you all then! I'll be here come hell or high water... gotta be... i missed the last two!

Oh, and please go over to the Scroll

and register because Thom is setting up a special board for us roving poetry jammers and we're going to do one in December over there... what a sweetheart he is to do this for us!

Take a look at Critic Corner and post something, ok?

there will be a new Word Jam board something like that.

Can't wait until the 18th!

THURSDAY... THIS thursday! It will be a Word celebration because you know what? It's my son's birthday... and in the beginning, there was the Word and this is how I figure it happened... I said.. YES and boom, I was pregnant... heh

the 18th @ 9
because 1 plus 8 is 9
be here, you word jammer people!
gotta love it!

(i'll send out an email to Studio Eight registered members the night before, ok?)


Posted: November 16th, 2004, 12:05 am
by judih
a reminder message! too cool.
what a mind.

conversationally, this works for me.
and the best work of all is a kid's birth. Let's celebrate and birth a few new seedlings.
