I thought i saw a puddy tat

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I thought i saw a puddy tat

Post by gypsyjoker » July 11th, 2005, 2:59 pm

Talk about being sidetracked, I was on my way to post something mystical about my chinese zodiac, some gallows humor about what my fortune cookie said about abundant health..

mouse traps

tried to imagine
1984 as if my greatest fear was rats
just a thought experiment
Last edited by gypsyjoker on July 11th, 2005, 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » July 11th, 2005, 3:24 pm

Say I remember you, the blind truck driver. Have you ever been able to get hold of a braile road atlas yet?

Impossible to hear them
did you kind of pucker up
when you heard the trap snap

immpossible to hear unless you listen carefully
yes careful writers make for careful listeners, readers even

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Post by stilltrucking » July 11th, 2005, 4:36 pm

So what's up what did you want to rant and rage about. I only got a couple of dozen issues I would like to rant about and rage against, I got more issues than the women's studies department at Smith College.

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Post by gypsyjoker » July 11th, 2005, 4:42 pm

not much really except for that fat lazzy boss of mine,
We need to get to work.

Well you know it is the war, all the other problems, first somehow stop the killing, then at least starvation becomes an option, even.

Other than that and the lazy boss things are just peachy.

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Post by stilltrucking » July 12th, 2005, 2:18 am

I been hearing this conversation in my head for at least five years Not sure if this time will be any different. Maybe that is why I got kicked off of litkicks. All these false starts of mine. Don't matter to me who the figment is here. Both of us, both of us mr truck driver. Sorry I asked about your eye sight none of my business. I got a pretty fair chance of losing my sight. You know anything about the Big Z?

what did she say?
one minute from happening again
oh yes swing low sweet cherry a reddha. It is amazing lengths a careless writer will go to
to avoid checking the spelling of a word.

what ever happened to diesel

can they really wire those goggles right into your brain, what are you going to see that's worth drilling holes in your knoggin?

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Post by gypsyjoker » July 12th, 2005, 3:24 am

Light, just light at first. They really don't know for sure, depends on me. The big Z do you Mean Zero or Zen. What ever happened to Diesel D you mean. I think she got so annoyed at a jesus freak one day that she threw her cb out the window.

I don't know nothing about zen except that tape I gave you, have you copied it yet I would really like to hear it again. I bet I run that thing for a quater million miles. Oh never mind, I just remembered my niece has it, she was on her way to the burning man festival, I was hoping it would help her driving. I got real big on Zen driving towards the end of my carreer. It wasn't weed whites and whine, that was a very nice practice I had. Wish I could pick it up again.

If you meant Zero Hero I ain't heard from that rascal in years.

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Post by stilltrucking » July 12th, 2005, 5:15 am

Zero and me were on a sleeper team together. He was the one who asked me about my white knuckled death grip on the wheel driving style. Made me realize that if I kept living in fear of another blow out I would be no good in the emergency.
You know i got hit by a garbage truck when I was a kid, it, took me a year before I could cross eastern ave again. I even forced myself to walk past crazy sadie the witches house rather then cross the street like I used to. That woman spooked me, worst then the Nuns from St Leo's.
I been trying to imagine what it would be like to have a rat gnaw at my face. What would I do for love, under the spreading chestnut tree.

Oh well I love my truck

"she ain't the latest model
and she can't take much throttle
we lope along and worry
raindrops on my windshiled
teardrops on my steering wheel"

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Post by diesel dyke » July 30th, 2005, 2:28 pm

I know you. You are the one who showed me how to break down those 700 pound drums and roll them off the truck. All my teamster brothers standing around laughing. You were the only one who helped. thank you bro. Are you still serious about starting that porn site? Geez there must be an easier way to make a living. Not only that , I hate to bust your bubble but I don't think anybody is going to be much interested at looking at that fat old body of yours.

Speaking of busted bubbles.

My son finally got divorced.

Now that he is a man I don't suppose there is anything I can do to make amends for trashing his childhood. Of course his father did his part too. No wonder he feels like a motherless child. That is the gift a dysfunctional family, it keeps on giving. I would like to bring him out on the road with me but there so many dangersous temptations for him out here. I am speaking of the go fast.
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Post by stilltrucking » July 31st, 2005, 9:48 am

Howdy howdy double d,
happy to hear you got your ears on again, ain't no jesus freaks going to get you down

A child forsaken, waking suddenly,
Whose gaze afeared on all things round doth rove,
And seeth only that it cannot see
The meeting eyes of love.”
Last edited by stilltrucking on July 31st, 2005, 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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diesel dyke
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Post by diesel dyke » July 31st, 2005, 7:48 pm

I don’t mind the Jesus freaks any more. I am secure in my gender. I had a dream about Jesus the other night,. He was a cool dude, he said don’t worry about those hateful bastards. But I am still going to change my handle. I been thinking about using Squirrely Shirley

DD is too stereotypical now that I am a married woman. I think I am going to keep a lower profile.

Just knocking along quietly
"We are made to be immortal, and yet we die. It's horrible, it can't be taken seriously. —ianeskimo"

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Post by stilltrucking » July 31st, 2005, 8:12 pm

Do the voices in my head disturb you?
The Gods Must Be Crazy

I am going to delete this string. Not working.

I mean I am going to delete it and post it as a story or something this just don't belong on this board.

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Post by stilltrucking » November 14th, 2009, 2:32 am

I wonder what happened to Zero Hero since he was banned from that othe website.

I wonder where I found this quote

A child forsaken, waking suddenly,
Whose gaze afeared on all things round doth rove,
And seeth only that it cannot see
The meeting eyes of love.”
What a wondering morning this is turning out to be.

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Post by jackofnightmares » November 14th, 2009, 3:52 am

She circumcised my heart.


I was not a child foresaken I had a grandmother to watch over me
Like having Gertrude Stein as an illiterate polish peasant woman living with me. She made sure no one put the evil eye on me. But he has no one, and the sins of his grandfather visited on him.

but now he is twenty six and he got to look inside sooner or later at the lies he tells, bad enough he lied to everyone, but the ones that pollute him the most are the ones he tells himself and believes.

I realize how double minded he is but there is not a god dam thing I can do. But wait for an opportunity. Yesterday he wanted to do shrooms with me I should have jumped on it. Says he wanted to explore some inner space get inside his head. Maybe I will get another chance.
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