April Rant :: Bankrupt Nation by Mitch McConnell

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April Rant :: Bankrupt Nation by Mitch McConnell

Post by mtmynd » April 23rd, 2020, 1:07 pm

A Bankrupt Nation by Mitch McConnell

So Mitch McConnell, aka 'vermin face' would rather every state (50!!) to file bankruptcy instead of believing there is an answer for this problem. (I'm sure HIS problems would be solved!)

He's limited in his thinking, lacks any sort of imagination, is frightened at what he sees so in desperation, "Mitchie," goes for the easiest road - file bankruptcy! Unable to even imagine how clogged up and frightened the Nation and all others globally would experience.

I don't have an answer but I do have faith with over 300M people in the U.S. there is an answer that will benefit the majority. The major problem I see is what all problems we have - $$$. Money... dinero... never enough to go around but oddly enough there *IS* enough shelter, enough food, enough creativity to overcome the problem that is in the hands (largely) the (R)'s who call the shots for America and their wallets. "Mitchie" and his wife are both paid well by our government but yet all these people think they know everything there is to know in the Political world. It ain't playing dirty and crooked pool.

The people in our joblessness must be assured they will be fed; they will be freed from debt; they will be cared for by our Government. They will be freed from the chains of fear of knowing what is next. We needn't rewrite our brilliant Constitution but rather learn to re-interpret what our Forefathers intended for this, Our United States of America.

We *must* use our god-given right to vote the true scum out of OUR government and seek the Saviors that hold promise for our Nation. Think! NO More lies out of the tiny mouth of our Fake President and his henchmen. Surely in a Nation as big as ours there are hundreds of like-minded souls that can and will be honest and lovingly care for We the People, 33O MILLION STRONG. It's time we flex our power for the GOOD!

Cecil B. Lee
23 Apr 2020
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Re: April Rant :: Bankrupt Nation by Mitch McConnell

Post by still.trucking » April 23rd, 2020, 8:50 pm

Moscow Mitch :twisted:
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Re: April Rant :: Bankrupt Nation by Mitch McConnell

Post by saw » April 25th, 2020, 10:03 am

power is more addictive than money
but at least there was a time when legacy
had more to do with pride and honor
but the new breed lives for the riches of today alone
they couldn't care less about the besmirched mess they leave
their children, or the world they fucked up when they are long buried in the cold ground
their narcissism is like a golden megaphone and without it Mitch would merely be a whispering turtle
how much money is enough ?.....how much suffering at your hands feels right Mitch ?
How much snickering with the boys and their Kentucky bourbon satisfies your drive to hurt,
how many Cuban cigars did you smoke from the corner of your wicked mouth
are you hiding in your bunker now, waiting for the all clear
will you run to DC , take a vote to maim a grandmother, then scurry back into your hole again
c'mon karma what are you waiting for
If you do not change your direction
you may end up where you are heading

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