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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » July 29th, 2008, 6:56 pm

I didn't know you went to medical school.

One of the smartest guys i ever met was in college park maryland back in the early 70's. He was in medical school. God I wish I could remember his last name. I'm going to have to call Patty. She'd know. John. His name was John. Gawd I loved John. He was funny and the smartest fricking guy I ever met. Apparently he never finished. He dropped out of med school. Shame. The world could have used a doctor like that.

I gotta call Patty. I can't remember his last name.

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Post by stilltrucking » July 29th, 2008, 8:24 pm

Pre-med Doreen. I never went to med school.

What happened to Erato's artlog?

Sorry to see her go.

Like a little less sunshine in my day since she been gone.

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Post by Doreen Peri » July 29th, 2008, 8:33 pm

She sent me a message that she was having a problem posting on the internet and wanted some anonymity. She asked me to delete her artlog. I complied with her request. I'll miss her, too, but hey, I bet she comes back! ;)

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Post by stilltrucking » August 5th, 2008, 11:54 am

thinking about you all morning jimboloco
somebody wrote about decay
and I kept thinking about that thread about buddhism
where you posted that strange picture

when I said suppose the dead do know something

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Post by jimboloco » August 5th, 2008, 12:46 pm

mercy me
it's howdy doody time
birth life death decay
skeletons in th meditation hall
jus hangin round

let th games begin!

slacker stepson
saved by the guiding hand of god
he's movin back t milwaukee
a sextant at th synagogue temple
down by th lake!

so he's takin me t see th dude
face t face
in a lil while

jimbo's secret garden
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by stilltrucking » August 5th, 2008, 1:02 pm

chi tea
be careful Bro

I never thought about it much before but it dawned on me the other day that Vonnegut's novel God Bless You Mr. Rosewater is a novel about PTSD.

Found a quote I liked today while I was googling for some info about the other Chi, not the avatar, but the one pronounced Chee.
Somehow the search led me to this.
Chi Leonardo Da Vinci, who spoke of balance in saying “where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.”
True of the art of medicine too I am sure.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 5th, 2008, 1:16 pm

I think it is a theme in a lot of his novels, but the literary critics don't go into that it don't seem.


Bush proscecuted for murder, why the hell not.

Sorry jim
no idea what war novels got to do with anything.

Who cares about the war
Nobody thinking about that much these days
a non issue except to about 14 percent of the voters I have read.

It is the ecconomy stupid. Oh shit
Just writting what is on my mind this morning

I going to find that picture I mentioned above.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 5th, 2008, 3:09 pm

lots of drug killings in texas us t users try to rationalize it and say it has nothing to do with pot but I think it might, I hope not. I am all for more foreign trade with Mexico.

Even so there is
nothing more patriotic than smoking home grown.

I hope the guy has a victory garden

enough said
going to change the subject
lets talk about raccoons for a while

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Post by stilltrucking » August 10th, 2008, 7:43 pm

tired of the yo yo
the up and down
going to stay put for a while

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Post by Sober Duck » August 23rd, 2008, 5:25 pm

So You Want to Get Stoned?
Richard Moylan
So you want to get stoned? Go ahead, do it. What could happen. I mean it’s just pot right. What could it hurt? How bad is it, really? Well you better think twice about it because a lot more can happen to you than you could ever imagine. It all starts out harmless enough. You go over to a friend’s house, he has a friend who has some stuff. To be cool you let them talk you into trying some. So, you’re on your way now. You are about to begin a journey that will probably screw you up for the rest of your life.
So you’re what, fifteen, sixteen? You didn’t have a paranoid bone in your body but you do now and you acquired it in the few short months you have been using. You know it’s wrong, it’s illegal and it would kill your parents if they find out and they always find out. If you are lucky they will find out on their own and not brought to their attention when you get busted and you will get busted, eventually you will get busted.
So you’re twenty now. Haven’t been in any trouble yet. You’ve had a job now for three years. You have a little money in the bank and things aren’t so bad. Every payday you buy groceries, pay bills and lets not forget the dope run. This can be very complicated, dangerous and inconvenient, exciting to say the least maybe that’s why you keep on doing it. NOT! By now after using for three years you have a healthy addiction to pot to contend with. A monkey on your back.
Twenty-four and there’s so much more. By now you’ve learned the game. Wholesale. Buy in bulk and get yours for free and maybe even make a little money. Now you are a dealer, the man, everyone’s buddy. All of a sudden you are very popular and noticeable. Noticed by everyone, your neighbors, your parents, the parents of the kids who come to buy from you and let’s not forget the ones who make it their job to notice you, the Narcotics Department. You’ve been lucky so far. You have managed to stay out of trouble due only to your paranoid lifestyle and behavior but, you overlooked one small detail. Sooner or later you get busted!
Twenty-six years old and facing twenty six years. Well it finally happened. The most embarrassing thing to happen to you. The door explodes open, fifteen large men rush in all of them screaming and pointing weapons treating you as if you are a dangerous felon. They catch you and your girlfriend asleep in bed, naked. This doesn’t seem to matter to them, they are just doing their job. The whole ordeal is quite embarrassing but not as embarrassing as being led out to the police car in handcuffs in front of the crowd that has gathered to see what is going on and the crowd includes your parents. You’re famous now, you’ve made the newspapers, your parents are proud of you now! But don’t be discouraged. This is just a major set back in many more years of abuse and addiction. If you’re lucky you will go to jail for years and you will learn your lesson but, it’s not that simple. After getting arrested and loosing your stash that you still owe for and the Jamaicans are still mad about that. After using all of your money and assets for legal fees and bail. After loosing the best job you will ever have and after acquiring a criminal record that will haunt you for the rest of your life the legal system deals you the lowest of blows, they let you go with a slap on the wrist, three years of probation. Seems like you got away with something doesn’t it? Think again!
Now you’re thirty. You’re married, not to a nice girl but to a tough woman who is street smart and use to your kind of unstable lifestyle. You have three kids now that you love and must care for however that monkey still ways heavy on your back using up any extra money you may have. You and your wife fight constantly over just about anything. You don’t have a good job because of that little conviction. You’re are now drinking heavily because you tried to quit smoking but were so addicted you had to have something, alcohol, the legal drug. Now life begins to get a little foggy and uncertain. Should I spend that last five bucks on a six pack or the kids?
Well now you’re forty something. You have bad teeth and other ignored medical problems because your addictions are more important to spend your money on. You would rather have a good buzz than a good bite. Your children are reaching the age you were when you started all of this mess and this is scaring you to death. So now you have become a hypocrite hoping they don’t end up like you.
What might happen next is beyond me for I am only forty something. I can only imagine what is going to happen next. Who knows you might get straight. Everyone has the capacity to get straight. You might die from a drug or alcohol related problem or your wife might get tired of your crap and do you in. You might find God and follow a different path but I do know this, today you still have a chance to make the right choice while you are still young, the right choice! Make the right choice while you are still young, before it’s to late. I wish I had!

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Post by stilltrucking » August 24th, 2008, 7:31 am

Great article richard
NORMAL ought to use it in their advertisements for the legalization of pot.

So why the hell is it illegal?

God save us from the protectors of our morals
Last edited by stilltrucking on August 24th, 2008, 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sober Duck » August 24th, 2008, 5:24 pm

I wish it was legal!!! I love it, but it sure turned my world upside down only because it is illegal. It is deffinately the lesser of two evils (booze) and I wish one day that it would become legal but for now I don't condone it's use or any other addictive substance on anyone. life is challanging enough as is it is without having to rely on anything else but life itself!!!

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Post by stilltrucking » August 24th, 2008, 6:33 pm

I remember this one Richard

http://www.studioeight.tv/phpbb/viewtop ... light=shit

I am happy you are a sober duck living the good life.

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Post by jimboloco » August 28th, 2008, 12:13 pm

hinkle was a friend of w burroughs
a junkie friend

am at summer's end
nothing about lsd
no extremes
just dog days, man

gonna smoke another one
and clean th pool

no nature
just th slumbering sky
a high
leepin th tempest away
until another day
magnetic vibes
my karma

tai chi
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by jimboloco » August 28th, 2008, 12:15 pm

slacker stepson moved to milwaukee
i paid out the ass u-box
now nursing his ex lady
two black eyes
and a cubist nose

dear mombo
say a prayer

she doesn't pray
just watches th hummingbirds
and th clouds and sky

blessed be
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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