Redneck Joke

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Redneck Joke

Post by Nazz » August 25th, 2008, 7:40 pm

Ok, ok.. This one's a little sick and twisted too. Sorry. (Must be contagious around here)..

Three iron workers, an Irishman, a Mexican and a redneck, used to eat lunch out of their lunch pails up on the girders of the skyscraper they were working on. Larry and Joe, the foreman usually ate with them.

The Irishman became increasingly disgusted with his lunch fare until one day he exclaimed, "No! Not corned beef again! Aye, if she packs corned beef for me one more time I'll jump off this building!" The next day he finds another corned beef sandwich in his lunch pail, and sure enough, he jumps off the girder and lands in a swimming pool, lucky for him. Larry and Joe look at each other in disbelief.

The next day the Mexican blurts out exasperatedly, "No! Not burritos again! I swear, if she packs burritos for me one more time I'll jump off this building!" Well, you guessed it. He opens his lunch pail the next day only to find more burritos. True to his word, he jumps off the girder and lands in a pillow recycling truck (what are the odds?). Larry and Joe can hardly believe what they're seeing.

The next day the redneck bitterly complains, "Oh no! Not bologna again! I swear, if I find one more bologna sandwich in this pail, I'll jump off this building!" Well, the next day, he unwraps his sandwich, only to find more of the despised bologna. With no hesitation he leaps from the girder and lands in a big old weeping willow tree. What luck. But this time Larry looks more puzzled than shocked. "Gee, that's odd." he says. "How's that?" asks Joe. "Well, he told me he packs his own lunches"...

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