the military’s soul-searching over Iraq

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Post by jimboloco » November 9th, 2007, 9:29 pm

i yam so sensitive
macho dudes call each other names

i aint so macho
never doubt that you are my friend
rest well
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by stilltrucking » November 9th, 2007, 9:37 pm

name calling?


What were you thining jimbo?
Why did you keep bringing me back into that conversation with that woman
I saw it as macho alright
I saw it as posturing
I try to be on guard against it.
But so many beautiful women here
and ain't we all swinging meat

never mind
I think I am done here
or at least until my attitude improves

Vodka is holy water to some of us
"give strong drink to those about to perish" preacher jack
but one man's meat is another's poison

"good night sweet prince"


I always seem to get what I got coming
I never have to ask

happy holidays
see you on the flip side
sorry I hurt your feeling

sufermike if you read this I am sorry about calling you a peckerhead too
that palestinian woman
now that I think about it
I don't think she is a woman
or at least not as we know them.
and I don't think she was palestinian either.

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Post by MrGuilty » November 9th, 2007, 11:52 pm

calling out jimboloco

I am over it jim
I don't even want to post here anymore
unless you are angry at me
I used to be smart

Free Rice

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Post by jimboloco » November 15th, 2007, 10:59 am

it's a pink car nation
where is mary kay when we need her?
a nice diversion from the Irak War
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by stilltrucking » November 18th, 2007, 9:43 pm

It is a zinnia from my garden last year. I have killed more plants than agent orange but the last couple years I been doing better. This year I planted sun flowers.

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Post by jimboloco » November 19th, 2007, 8:23 am

well they're still showing propaganda films from the initial invasion
and i read letters saying how the "surge" is working and
that we doubters are stupid

got a call from my 84 year old friend robin
the one who flew bombers with my dear young daddy
he wanted to know who i was voting for with the vets for peace board of directors

he says that the neo-cons are imperialists
that's enough for me

we tried sunflowers but they were inside
guess they duh needed more sun
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Post by stilltrucking » November 19th, 2007, 7:44 pm

Jimbo wrote
I have to say, in retrospect, that I did not consider myself to be a conscientious objector either.
I did not consider myself to be a conscientious objector until I flunked my selective service physical.

Meetings are different from town to town. I will only ever be a Quaker in Nashville Tennessee. I am sure I will never make it back. It is been twenty three years since those Friends have heard from me.

ten or twelve sometims as many as 15 people sitting in a living room on folding chairs. I felt like I was in Notre Dame cathedral. I carry those dear and gentle people with me like my family.

I guess I put this here because it was such a well written letter jimbo, I felt like I did not want to embarass you with this compulsive scribbling of mne just in case he dropped by and read it. . If you think this should have been posted to creative let me know and I will move it. I am addicted to GO, everthing just a go,

Everything like a silent meeting for worship
I let the spirit do the typing

Instead of speaking
I type.

I will always remember what a Friend in the Pittsburgh Pa Meeting house around the CMU campus said to me in 1974. "Yes the Jews are chosen, they were chosen to suffer." Anne Coulter said the least we can do is become Christians.

I love that Quaker humor. And those Quaker women with their calm steady gaze.. .

I come back to Nashville in the summer of 1976 with my head stoved in and stinking of shrimp. I have never needed a hug so badly in my life. I joinged the Meeting. Interesting process, I had to write a letter requesting membership in the Religious Society of Friends. j once said religion is all about belonging, and I needed to belong. I must have sweated over that letter for a week. Even though I am probably dropped from their membership rolls after 23 years I can still say my religion is friendship


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Post by jimboloco » November 19th, 2007, 10:56 pm

you have me quaking
we are meeting, brother
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by stilltrucking » November 20th, 2007, 4:38 pm

re: "quaking"
Yes, where is whimsical deb when we need her?

Non, je ne regrette rien

Well I do wish I had taken The Calculus my freshman year.

Oh well

Interesting story called The Unified Field Theory about a janitor who thinks he understands Einstein.

Uncle Albert said the "picture" is everything, the math is just the book keeping.

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Post by jimboloco » November 20th, 2007, 5:40 pm

that was a movie with robin williams and whoziewatzit
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by stilltrucking » November 22nd, 2007, 9:58 pm

I could not find the movie

a government is a government is a goverment

mousey1 wrote on her Canadain Rememberance Day post
Forgetting it, that would be a bad thing.

I cannot fathom the horror, stillt. When I do think of it, and especially this once a year, I do so out of respect for those innocent men and women drawn into it to do what they felt impelled to do, out of conscience or whatever.
I wrote on perpetual jam
I want to bring our troops home from Verdun
yes there will be peace in the valley one day
when all the veterans are dead

always a new generation of honorable men
war after war after war
yes the messiah will come
and he will be wearing a brooks brother suit
and wearin a rolex
I am done with war jim ... &start=990
yes there will be peace in the valley one day
when all the veterans are dead

That is a hell of a thing to say jim
This november 11 there was one veteran still alive from the great war. He is 106 years old. Chances are next year he will be gone. I read that World War One is the war no one wants to remember. After he is gone who will remember it.

They say the world war two vets are dying off at a thousand a day
Steve Goddard's History Wire: A Thousand A Day, WWII Veterans ..."America's World War II veterans are dying at an alarming rate, nearly 1000 a day, ... Listed below are links to weblogs that reference A Thousand A Day, ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
I do not not what the mortality rate is for your generation's war jim. But I am hoping you make it to a 106. Scares me how short our collective memories are.

I think about the whole swift boat deal with Kerry. At the Republican convention that year fat cats wearing purple heart band aids to mock him.

I am still pissed at him for letting that campaign get away from him. I watched Karl ROve on the Charlie Rose show last night, feel asleep during the show woke up pissed off.

Reading the local paper a vet was disapoined for the low turn out at this years veteran's day parade in San Antonio.

What the hell is patriotism these days. When they classified me 4 f in 1962, I was trying to enlist in 1964 after tonkin. I wrote them and asked them to change my status to 1A. I wanted to go do my patriotic chore. They finally relented and raised me to a 1Y. I was told that when the Russions got to Cleveland they would call me up.

I did not see the light until the early seventies. I was born to follow.

I regret that remark about the veterans dying.

e-dog's post about the signing bonuses being reneged on to soldiers that were wounded and could not complete their tour. That is something I wonder if any recruiters are mentioning to those high school kids.

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Post by jimboloco » December 1st, 2007, 9:05 am

Murtha says the surge is working
the Iraqi government won't step it up.
Hopefully we will see a solid Dumbocratick majority in the congress,the senate, and the wart hut

Rove is saying that it was the Dumbo's that initially wanted the Irak War, not the prez

how did Rose manage to not puke?

I emailed a teached in nearby Clearwater, who had left a note in the latest VVAW the veteran about needing books for a course he is teaching on the Viet War
I emailed him,
he said the course is almost over,
snail mail

at 106 i will be smoking pot, drinking cognac
and taking viagra
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by stilltrucking » December 1st, 2007, 9:56 am

after almost four years
of denial or out right lies by rumdum, condosleeza, bushie, and their sycophants in the pentagon
After shinseki drummed out for saying that it woud take more troops
they surge. Oh well the lies are just history now.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Reflections on Tom Ricks' Fiasco

Contrary to my previous impression, Wolfowitz, Bush, Rumsfeld, and Rice realized early that Bremer and Sanchez wereren't getting the job done, but with an election coming up, they didn't want to rock the boat and so fell back upon their one undeniable skill: lying. (emphasis mine)Congress and the Army need to take a hard look at how the military has failed at key challenges since World War II. They also need to take a hard look at how General officers are trained and selected. It's more or less inevitable that every war will produce some incompetents like Westmoreland, Franks, Myers, and Sanchez, but absolutely unconscionable that they aren't quickly replaced.

http://capitalistimperialistpig.blogspo ... iasco.html
I like this guy he calls himself The Quaker's Colonel

"I'm a walking talking miracle from viet nam" johnny cash
So now that I have blown smoke up your ass would you like to buy a used car from me?

I can see your future jim, you will be shot by a jealous husband at the tender age of 107.

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Post by what me worry? » December 21st, 2007, 7:19 pm

jimbo should be worried
no doubt
he cannot tell a lie
unless he's cornered and wants to save his ass
he don't care about saving face
i bet

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