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Re: History is a solution...

Posted: January 27th, 2012, 6:02 pm
by mnaz
Steve Plonk wrote:Mnaz, Remember Iran & Iraq fought a war in the nineteen eighties? The U.S. was on the side of Iraq...Also, see the clip on youtube forum: "Mr. Peabody's History..."
despicable actions by the reagan admin., in my opinion. and more reasons for relations to be frosty.
No, even though we deposed the Iranian elected government way back when, Iran is not blameless in the way they have behaved in recent times . . .
I'm with President Obama on the above situation. We may still be able to solve the possible problem of the blocking of the Strait of Hormuz peacefully. The Iranians are feeling the pinch of sanctions in regard to development of nuclear arms.
wrong. there is no nuke weapons program. even secretary panetta says so, despite clinton's misstatements. and why don't we worry about our own behavior before we point fingers at others? iran is responding to the sanctions, which are not u.n.-mandated and frankly illegal in my opinion.

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: January 28th, 2012, 12:32 am
by Steve Plonk
Mnaz, you totally glossed over my statements about Iran holding American citizens who stray into or legally visit their territory. However, to repeat, we have rescued Iranians who've been stranded into our shipping lanes. No Iranian has been taken prisoner because they happened to be stranded... I think that
is positive behavior on the part of our people...You also glossed over the
fact that Iran is supporting Syria's regime.

I do not recall Panetta saying anything like what you said... Our sanctions
are perfectly legal and Iran deserves to BE SANCTIONED. So, I guess, we'll
have to agree to disagree on this matter. Iran has a dangerous and radical
regime... The Obama administration has tried very hard to "get a foot in the door " to negotiate with Iran. Our administration is still working on it...

I suppose you admire the Egyptian junta, also...Speak to me, my friend...

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: January 28th, 2012, 2:01 pm
by mnaz
if you are going to simply repeat what you can hear on FAUX "News" on any day of the week, then there's not much to talk about. and i mean that with no ill will-- just how i see it.

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: January 29th, 2012, 3:58 pm
by Steve Plonk
Mnaz, Sorry about that, but I don't even watch Fox News...nor CNN. :?
You DO know that I'm a Democrat...It's like saying to you: Are you voting in the republican primary or something? ...Let's keep it light from now on... :lol:

My next topic will be the history of "satire" in literature...Does anyone know when satire started? I think satirical poetry was started by "the Goliards"
during the tail end of the Middle Ages. I remember reading "Gargantua & Pantagruel", by Rabelais, way back when---that's what got me started. Speak to me, friends...I know the ancients did satire, but I am talking about the more
modern beginnings. I understand that satire may help change attitudes...

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: June 6th, 2012, 5:42 pm
by Steve Plonk
It seems that no one wants to engage the subject of satire, et al, through
the ages, so I am trolling for readers on the original subject...Folks of Wisconsin weren't smart enough to vote OUT Governor Walker. He's a union busting SOB, and deserved to be recalled. :P We'll see what the lessons
of history are this year...Too bad & so sad...Hey, wake up you faithless generation of Wisconsin rubes! :mrgreen: Doc Hunter Thompson is dead & gone, but I'm assuming his mantle. Fly A-P Airlines... No shot gun shells for me...
I'll fight until there is no more breath in me! :x :o

I hope we can vote out this turkey of a republican governor we've got down
here in Tennessee. Is it possible in 2013? A recall?...Any Tennesseans out here?
Speak to me, Oh lips that never lie...Any other die-hard Democrats out there?
What? Only republican hacks & union busting scabs? :wink: Come on, people, wake up to the lessons of history...

People were fed up in France and elected another socialist...Raise taxes on the rich! Level the playing field for the middle class & the poor! We one percent need to be heard! "A penny for the old Guy..." Hey, folks, you don't want to have to listen to Romney's "republican hack machine" :P Vote Democratic! :)

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: September 12th, 2012, 12:38 pm
by Steve Plonk
A flurry of posts for my Democratic hosts, who stint so nicely, so I lampoon
precisely...Snap back with Barack from the republican headaches
& voodoo economic posturing. Folkses, there ain't no free lunch. The rich
must be taxed. 8) Re-elect that wonderful "soul brother" President! :D

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: September 15th, 2012, 1:06 pm
by tarbaby
” Commenting on the national condition, Paulsen observed: “I don’t subscribe to all the talk about a credibility gap. It’s a rumor without basis in fact. The only time you have a credibility gap is when you don’t know whether or not the government is lying. Obviously we don’t have this problem because there is no longer any room for doubt.”

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: September 23rd, 2012, 5:25 pm
by Steve Plonk
Pretty good quote, for a dead comedian...Yeah, I remember Pat Paulsen. He was a hoot! :lol:

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: September 24th, 2012, 8:11 pm
by stilltrucking
I may vote for George G. Papoon. He has a program I can believe in. :)
papoon.PNG (115.2 KiB) Viewed 2920 times

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: November 25th, 2012, 2:33 pm
by Steve Plonk
Well, we know from your own admission, Still Trucking, that you supposedly voted
for Obama as "the lesser of the two evils". :) Writing in Papoon would be like writing in a cartoon. :lol:

OBAMA BRINGS US FORWARD... THE MAN WITH A PLAN. ( I WAS ALSO SIDIN' WITH BIDEN.) MORE POWER TO THE GREAT DEMOCRATIC PARTY & SPECIFICALLY TO OUR GOOD OLD USA. In my humble opinion, Obama & Biden are the best men for the job. History is on our side at this particular moment in time. 8)

The people have spoken & they chose Obama & Biden. Now, apparently, the
popular vote for them has gone up officially to around 51%. On the first week
of January 2013, the electoral college will meet & Obama & Biden will be officially
re-elected for four more years. I like the electoral college... I think it gives the
smaller states a say-so in the electoral process. 8)

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: December 7th, 2012, 2:35 pm
by Steve Plonk
America & the union then, America & the union now, America & the union forever! 8)
Round up the "sovereign citizens", secessionists, terrorists & other assorted traitors,
try them, & put them in jail. :x :P

I am tired of reading about gun thugs & wingnut militias trying to revolt & destroy the motherland. :roll: We are the majority & we will prevail by the rule of law. Those who live
by the sword, will die by the sword. :x Off the bollocks & up the Democratic Revolution. :mrgreen: Oh hell, yeah.

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: December 8th, 2012, 8:29 am
by Atehequa
Steve Plonk wrote:America & the union then, America & the union now, America & the union forever! 8)
Round up the "sovereign citizens", secessionists, terrorists & other assorted traitors,
try them, & put them in jail. :x :P

I am tired of reading about gun thugs & wingnut militias trying to revolt & destroy the motherland. :roll:
Motherland ? :roll: Is that what you guys called this land back in 1491 ?

Sovereign citizens ? Like the sovereign nations of NDNs ? Are you going to have us rounded up and removed from our homes or reservations and put in prison ?

Gee Steve, does that make my family and I criminals in your eyes ?

Your statement kind of smacks of the creepy if not scary.

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: December 8th, 2012, 1:01 pm
by Steve Plonk
Atehequa, Sorry you really misunderstood that one. :( "Sovereign Citizens" are white people or secessionists who refuse to pay their taxes & claim autonomy from any law of the land.
They try to set up their own courts with militias & are wingnuts which are on the government watch list. :roll:

I absolutely did NOT mean NGOs, nor NDNs & legitimate organizations recognized by the USA or the United Nations.
Atehequa said...Like the sovereign nations of NDNs ? Are you going to have us rounded up and removed from our homes or reservations and put in prison ?

To repeat, Absolutely not!

Amerindians, as you know, have a special status if they reside on the reservations, etc.
I guess you are unfamiliar with that nuance of the term "sovereign citizen". These people
I'm talking about even make counterfeit currency... :roll: I certainly was not trying to
offend. I am quite aware of Amerindian autonomy, etc.

Amerindians are citizens & patriots in our country & in their own sacred places.
I respect our mutual heritage...

I wish you wouldn't "rub my nose" in the years 1491-2. Columbus is not my favorite explorer either.

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: December 8th, 2012, 7:21 pm
by stilltrucking
Yes I admit it I voted for the nigger. :wink:
But I was not going to vote till I found out that the bear voted for the honky.

What I can't figure out are the warriors, why did they fight for this United States of America?
My father's war I heard that they enlisted to get their citizenship.

Call him drunken Ira Hays he won't answer anymore
not the whiskey drinking indian or the marine who went to war

I used to try and sing that song on the cb in the early morning quiet going across the big rez.

Re: History is a solution...

Posted: December 8th, 2012, 8:04 pm
by Atehequa