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Posted: February 3rd, 2007, 8:33 pm
by Doreen Peri
Hey Laurie.. the only posts missing from the debate or altercation or discussion or whatever you want to call it... are posts stilltrucking deleted himself. He deletes himself a lot.

Posted: February 5th, 2007, 11:58 pm
by abcrystcats
I know, Doreen ....

This is just a generic comment but ... if you have to delete yourself a lot, there's a problem ...there's a personal disconnect going on somewhere. I don't always remember what I've said --- that's the truth -- and sometimes I say things really strong -- another truth. But when I read what I've written in a moment of passion. I rarely feel the strong urge to delete. If you can't stand by the meat of what you wrote and you need to delete after posting .... ? what's going on?

I write a lot of shit, but I've pressed "delete" after posting less than 10 times in my life. Maybe that makes me a self-righteous little brat, but I still think having a lot of deletes is weird ....

Posted: February 9th, 2007, 4:37 pm
by firsty
maybe we should make a rule about when it's ok to delete our own posts.