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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 4:52 pm

Islam did NOT primarily proslytize out of Holy War. Instead of stallions and raised sabres, they went on camels. The Arabic Empire did indeed move mightly, but there was no aggressive proslytizing. Jews, Christians, and Muslems lived together, though eventually most of them did convert to islam over several hundred years.
Islamic warriors were contentious about the Holy Lands, though, and did fight the Christian crusaders.

Early Christians converted by zealous faith as well, but when thre Romans went Christian, the Christian fight was on.

So the Bible was busy work from the first prophets until the last, Jesus, and the Koran was waiting, in the form of a black cube, the Ka'ba all that while. When the Bible was finished, the Koran made a quantum leap out of a slumber and was manifest as the compliment and final word of the greater Book of the Mansion of Abraham.
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 4:57 pm

Now in Mecca, the center of Islam, monotheism without ornamentation or selfish contentious seperation is guarded safely and will be guarded so in case we forget again what we still have not yet remembered.\

In the Koran, the early teaching of Abram to his father's generation that brought them back to the mystery of the one universal unitive God is beautifully remembered, and this teaching tells us about the majesty of the symbal for Islam, the star and the crescent moon.

Abraham asks them one night to consider worshipping the stars in the sky, they are so radiant and surely this must be a god. Later on the moon comes out and he says to them, "surely the moon is ever more brilliant and powerful than tose tiny stars. Surely I should fall down and worship the moon. Then night is over and out comes the sun.
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 5:06 pm

Oy, he says, "lets worship the son, it is brilliant so that we cannot see it directly. Surely this must be what we must worship." And then the son went down again.

All these things are of creation, he says, and THEY RISE AND PASS AWAY!

What is not creation, what is not transitory, is the unifying principle, what Abraham then called God. Furthermore, when we remember this unifying Spirit, we become whole as well. So the symbol of Islam is not about man, star of David, cross of Jesus. It is about what is good and is not god, the only essential image iused as symbol for Islam.

ImageGod is not this, Halleluja, Praise God
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 5:14 pm

so in a sense, Islam is the oldest memory of the God of Abraham and is also the last to emerge in full force. Islam is also the least contentious of the three religions., in terms of how God favors them.

Judiasm thinks they are the chosen people only because of the Bible and they don't like those old fashioned people who run around in robes like the biblical days.

Christians are the most contentious of all, feeling superior to everyone else. And we as well cannot imagine God favoring people who dress like they did in the days of the Bible. We did that in vacation Bible school as kids, dressed up for a day in robes and scarves. etc.

Now people are contentious a lot. Christians think that the apocalypse will happen when Jesus comes again and he takes away the chosen few leaving the rest behind as the material world is destroyed and we all perish into hell. They are wrong and conceited asnd ignoraNT.
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 5:31 pm

We have Jesus the Father of his Church in heaven and goodwill on earth, waiting for the apocalypse. We have nailed him back up onto the cross and are holding Him up on high, having made a throne for God there, captured Him too, confused the two beings and lost the clear view of the unitive source. No wonder Jesus snuck away from the tomb.

Christians will not easily give up the idea that God s the Father, Jeses is the son, and a 1/3 mysterious Holy Ghost is with them the holy trinity. Talk about stupid, I am sorry, man this is absurd. It allowed them to expamd and proslytize with bloody abandon, the most guilty of holy warfaring of all. We need to unmask this hypocracy, just like Ham uncovered his drunken father Noah to expose him in his nakedness, the same.

The apocalypse is the dropping off of illusions about competitive seperateness. this will be a day of armeggadon for Christianity.
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 5:40 pm

The Holy Mountain is waiting. There just beyond the Wailing Wall, at the top of the mountain, is the Golden Dome of the Moque. this is not a contention. It is there, beautiful and serene. This is the future center for universal love of one God.

We will maintain out traditions and they will come alive as never before. This will be the rapture, when we stop our seperate rivalries for God's favor. We no longer need to wage holy war with weapons. God is alive in Man and will be here now for a long while.
It is time for us to put down our swords of holy war.

Our swords notwithstanding remain in full force with ma, but no longer with God. Jesus never wore a sword, although all his Jewish predecessors did, as did Muhammed, for survival of his faith as well, because they were oppressed initially in Mecca.
Mecca stays apart, guarding the memory of the God of Abraham, the founder of the Mansion of Abraham in heaven, to which all Jews, Christians and Muslims belong.
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Post by mtmynd » December 25th, 2009, 5:44 pm

Buddha means 'the awakened one'... Christ means "enlightened" and so it goes... some awakened ones become gods in others eyes in hope they, too, will be enlightened. Mankind struggles with himself more than any beast would ever do, and what has our struggles gotten us so far... theories and ideas, with the heartaches and pain to go along with it. Siddartha was right when he said life is suffering. you've seen it in your business, jimbo, on a daily basis, good thing we know how to celebrate when the occasion calls ... it's the great escape. ;)
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 5:47 pm

Jerusalem is waiting.

The ball here is really in Christianity's court. The Jews will more easily see this because they have no emotional involvement in Jesus like we do. Besides what's this about an immaculate conception? And Jesus's Father is God in Heaven while his social father on earth is Joseph, with seed from David?

I think most Jews secretly believe that Joseph's seed is also Jesus and that Jesus is also his oldest biological son and they are right.

Joseph and Mary were in love. They lay together one night, in a rapture, and Joseph placed his head onto Mary's outer labia. She was warm and wet. They embraced, and Joseph felt her wetness as her inner labia also opened up, and Joseph came mightly and the semen poured forth and went into Mary's unvanquished vagina without penetration, and the holy child was immaculately concieved. Mercy me, the angels are indeed glorious, Halleluja!

Meanwhile the serpentine nature of life goes on, and just like we never penetrated the story of the Garden and the tree of knowledge, just so did Joseph not penetrate Mary, amen.
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 5:54 pm

And so we were tempted by this special miracle of Jesus birth by God's seed, and misled once again, by design. We prosylitized by faith in our special personal miricles for US, yes We Christians, the truly holy people, BAH! Jesus was Jewish and when Mary had conceived and they were well, she and Joseph did indeed condummate their sexual relations and bear more children. Jesus had no biological kids of his own, but the house of Joseph and Mary did.

Thank goodness we all have the same God again. the Rapture is coming. There will be no major physical changes. The world will not end (unless we do not drop our unreasonable contentiousness) and we will know that we are under the soul of the deeps, mercy, and have God's universal love to help us come together again. Meanwhile we are on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 6:01 pm

God's center for worship is in Jerusalem. When we can drop our egoes a little bit, we will be able to better relate to one another and creative ways to resolve our very real physical and territorial contentiousness will began. The apocolypse is the realization, the armeggedon is the crumbling down of damning illusiory seperateness and egotistical spirituaol vanity.

There is a reason that the Golden Mosque is atop the Holy Mountain. Nobody is bowing down to Muhammed. The Chursh of the Tomb of the Sepulchre is on the Holy Mountain, too, but atop the mountain would be a grave distraction, no pun intended. We have to stop bowing down to Jesus. he is sick of it. The wailing wall is Judiasm's equivalent of the Ka'ba, a modest, earthy, non-egotistical, plain, ancient memory of God.

One day there may once again be temple atop the Holy Mount, near the Mosque, and a Church too. But we are not yet ready.
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 6:08 pm

one fine day on the Holy mountain, there will be a celebration of all the good works of Man and God together, and we will have the wisdom to know the things We can change, the wisdom to know the things We cannot change, AND THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. One cannot serve two masters. Beneath us is the snake. Jesus washes the feet of John the Baptist. Siddhartha is the ferryman. Mohammed is the discerning one. David sings songs. Tai Chi is demonstrated to the world. Halleluja. It will happen.

Now we have some faith back. We have work to do.
Imagethe curse of Ham

nice prayer Judih,at the Wailing wall. be careful my goodness it worked oh so well. I am whole now. I finally chose a central path, altho I may keep my contacts in Asia. Thanks Cecil. I did not know that, I always confused Christ with the Cross. So we can find enlightenment with Jesus. and I can practice the yoga of devotion, now that I am no longer kept apart from Jesus by thesee biblical mysteries, and sneaky truths, which await us in full clarity. and yes I was helped by ganja weed, but don't need it anymore. Pot is not a mystery anymore. Neither is the Bible. Now it is a revelation of Man's search for meaning with a lot of help from God.
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 6:26 pm

oh by the Way as an afterthought, on the road to jerusalem,along with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, and the Highwayman from texas, I will also now be reading the Koran as well as the Bible.

112. Pure Faith
in the name of Allah, most benevolent, ever merciful
  • Say: "He is God,
    the one the most unique.
    2. God is the immanently indispensable.
    3. He has begotten no one,
    and is begotten of none.
    4. There is no one comparable to Him."
Last edited by jimboloco on December 25th, 2009, 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 6:33 pm

at last. When we worship God alone, we stop worshipping Mammon. We stop our self centered distractions.

Ask any Christian if they would rather have God and Jesus as one or would they rather have God and Jesus both.

Of course we are prejudiced against Islam and Middle easterners, Judih excepted. We are still immature and petulant and pejorative towards our fellow religions. There is something here for everyone, really. No need to be contentious without reason.

I wanna do tai chi and read the Taoist books I have, yes. But when I am sitting on my cushion, why not avail myself to the help of an empowering God who has strength of character and who knows Buddha's awakening as well as Jesus's humble love and courage and the poetry of David. There is that of God in everyone. Amen.

the spirit of God lives in us. Why the lights kept burning at Channakuh as the Machabees fought off their enemies.

Now we have to put down our swords and wait on the Lord, and I'm not talking about Jesus either. He is waiting with us.

Oh the power of pot and prayer, however, i did not smoke today, and i will certainly have to pray now, my goodnesss!!! 8)
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 6:41 pm

here's one for Jesus and Christians deluded by their self centered egotistical pseudo faith in their own spiritual materialism.
and for me too. I always wondered about this song.
http://www.eric-clapton.co.uk/ecla/lyri ... -home.html
Can't Find My Way Home
by Steve Winwood

Come down off your throne and leave your body alone.
Somebody must change.
You are the reason I've been waiting so long.
Somebody holds the key.

But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home.

Come down on your own and leave your body alone.
Somebody must change.
You are the reason I've been waiting all these years.
Somebody holds the key.


But I can't find my way home.
But I can't find my way home.
But I can't find my way home.
But I can't find my way home.
Still I can't find my way home,
And I ain't done nothing wrong,
But I can't find my way home.
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Post by jimboloco » December 25th, 2009, 6:45 pm

Come down Jesus, come to us now, wait for us in Jerusalem, with Moses and Muhammed.
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