I wish I was smart enough to get this joke.

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I wish I was smart enough to get this joke.

Post by stilltrucking » November 5th, 2007, 3:18 am

Q. What do you get when you cross a phenomenologist with an asthete?
A. An interior daseiner!
http://kurticusmaximus.blogspot.com/200 ... chive.html

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Post by judih » November 5th, 2007, 11:43 am

i'll wait for the smart ones to show up and explain it.
thanks, still.
guess it's back to rice for me.

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Post by Doreen Peri » November 5th, 2007, 12:38 pm

Not smart here.... just looked it up.

http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?b ... menologist

the study of the development of human consciousness and self-awareness as a preface to or a part of philosophy

: one having or affecting sensitivity to the beautiful especially in art

phenomenologist = your interior, I suppose
aesthete = a designer, I suppose

Stretching it.


I don't understand the misspelling of designer, tho. Maybe it's german? heh

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Post by judih » November 5th, 2007, 1:52 pm

yeah, the "daseiner" spelling confused me.

in any case, as you've explained, it rates a 1/2 ha.
or h...


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Post by stilltrucking » November 8th, 2007, 11:13 am

I liked the guys blog, he is philosohy student with a sense of humor.
Maybe the joke is making yourself beautiful from the inside out. Is there any other way?

I don't do Heidegger j
I recognized the word Dasein as one he used in his phenomenology
Most of Heideger is a rip off of Husserl or maybe I just can't forgive the way that he treated his old teacher and mentor Husserl back in the 19 thirties when Husserl was being kicked out of accademia by the N*zis because he was a Jew. Completely turned his back on him, maybe even denounced him. I need to check that.

Before talking about the essential “in-the-worldness” of Dasein

Heidegger doesn’t intend Dasein like Husserl intended the Transcendental Ego.

http://erlebnis.wordpress.com/2007/10/1 ... and-world/

phenomenology seems like a two bit word for Zen.
at least Husserl's flavor does.

That word existentialist gets bandied about. Levi had a post on his website about how Kierkegaard was one of the founders of existentialism. I thought it was an anachronism cause the word existential was coined by Victor Frankl a hundred years after K.

But Walter Kaufmann has a book called Existentialism From Dostoevsky to Sarte.


Oh lordy I sound like a pedant dont I
I got the perfect education for a truck driver
twelve years as a college sophomore.

Vainity R me
I like acting smart
they say better becareful what you pretend to be
cause you become what you pretend to be.

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Post by stilltrucking » November 8th, 2007, 9:14 pm

not funny doreen
I talk abut n*zis on this board
I would delete it
it seems so inappropriate
but it is what is happening to me
right now
I am working on my interior dasein
I want to think about how to edit it.
I will do it asap
I strive for transparency in this time of textularities. Mourning and Melancholia and an extistential strip tease. As if I had a literary self.
... and uses previously definable words in contexts diverse enough to make understanding impossible, so that the reader will never be able to contextualize Derrida's literary self.
It all sounds like humpty dumpty to me sometimes
"A word means just what I say it means...and nothing more"?

sorry j
move it tomorrow.

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Post by Doreen Peri » November 8th, 2007, 10:11 pm

'truckin.. i'm sorry but I don't understand what the problem is.. is there a problem? maybe i'm not reading this right

what wouud you delete?

what's happening to you right now?

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Post by stilltrucking » November 8th, 2007, 10:59 pm

Must not be a problem Doreen.
If you don't see a problem
I am relieved
All in my head
What is happening with me is a quickening
an opening
with my writing
I am starting to see just how bad it is.
I mean sloopy
I am pushing myself today
almost twenty four hours no sleep
I can't explain it
such a beat sweet feeling
like long haul trucking
I am still addicted to the grind
don't pay me no mind please
This is the humor board and I am talking about N*zis. Just seemed weird.

thanks for the comeback
good night

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Post by Doreen Peri » November 8th, 2007, 11:20 pm


no need for asterisks.

Is that what you're talking about? Nazis?


Talk more if you want. I didn't understand what you were trying to say. :)

Goodnight. :)

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Post by stilltrucking » November 8th, 2007, 11:37 pm

yes there is for me doreen
call it superstition or what you will
I will not spell it out
You know my granmother never could say that word
and she never used the name h*tler. She would just say "him" and if she was outdoors whe would spit on the ground and say "lig in dreard" that is a phonetic spelling of the yiddish phrase, I don't know how it is really spelled. I think it means lie in the earth.

They say a child's life is very much shaped by his first four or five years. Even though I was safe here in america, I am probably the only person here who was alive when H*tler was. I can remember world war two the fear of my jewish immigrant family. Probably what a lot of kids are picking up from their parents about the so called war on terrorism.

No I won't spell it.
Maybe because I don't want anyone to google H-tler or N-zis and find me.
What number do I dial again for paranoia.
I always liked that quote by mindburner on litkicks
"nothing wrong with being paranoid if you are paranoid."

if you do not mind
cut me some slack on the h*tler and n*zis. Have you ever googled your last name and got a hit for JewWatch. Ain't I special. When I told a quaker Friend about the Jews being chosen he said "yes they were chosen to suffer. One out of every three jews murdered in the twentieth century. Just water on the bridge.

getting weirder
I am not going to delete anything here, I may really have some kind of autism, I write inappropriate things some times.
ignore this or delete it.
I am done with it
moving on.
nobody in my family has a problem with their ethnicity
just me
maybe it woud no be an issue if I lived in Israel.
But I would rather live in Canada. Or Ireland.

You never understood why I was so upset with all those 9/11 conspiracy sites that talked about the three thousand jews that did not show up for work that day. You dig down through the site and find out that a lot of them are neo-n*zis.

My grandmother was superstitious too, a polish peasant woman she was always on guard to protect me from the evil eye. If someone asked her how old I was she would lie about my age. If we got a hair cut she would never throw the hair in the trash, she had a wood stove and burned it.

Went to the cemetary today with my sister to visit our mother's grave. Vandalized again. Just the bronze flower urn, maybe just taken for scrap.

pictures from the gone world
moving on

gracias mi amiga
good night

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