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Why is it alway easier to remember the slights of others

Posted: March 4th, 2009, 9:43 pm
by stilltrucking
Then your own?

Or am I the only one here who sees a mote in his own eye. and the beam in everyoneelse's

It is a night of Georg Trakl and trains
and thoughts that pass in the night.

Thinking about Teddy's sad story on

And the one I tried to tell

Man I loved electric trains as a kid. I would have done anything to play with those trains.

Posted: March 4th, 2009, 10:57 pm
by mtmynd
"Man I loved electric trains as a kid. I would have done anything to play with those trains."
Flashback! I was an model railroad enthusiast, myself. I built a couple of layouts, the last being only 4x8' plywood. I was a young teen, maybe 13 -14 when I finished the hobby. On occasion whenever I'm in Barnes & Noble wandering around, I will see the magazine, Model Railroader, (been around forever, it seems), I pick one up and flip thru it. The really good model railroaders are artists. I'm sure you've seen how highly detailed some layouts are... an amazing amount of time and effort goes into recreating scenes that the modeler has seen or envisioned.

There was a fellow back then that I ran across in magazines. His name was John Allen. His profession was photographer and writer who contributed many articles in the various RR mags of the times, including his fantastic photos. These photos came from his own enormous layout - Gorre & Daphetid Railroad, which became pretty much a legend in the model railroading world. Why? It's difficult to put into words and as they say a picture is worth a 1,000 words.

If your interested for starters click on the different spots on the left side. These are all photos John Allen himself took of his own layout. Actually, he had quite a few as he moved from house to house as time passed but he always kept the same name of his railroad. He was known as the Master of Monterey...

Thx for the flashback... hope you enjoy it, truck.

Posted: March 6th, 2009, 12:24 pm
by stilltrucking
hope you enjoy it, truck

Yeah you are a funny guy Cecil.
that's what four degrees said too.

Say just wondering do you ever edit your posts after someone has replied to them? Not for typos but for meaning?

And teddy prefaced her story with a warning "sensitive material"

maybe I should have done the same.

Posted: March 6th, 2009, 1:50 pm
by mtmynd
Yeah you are a funny guy Cecil.

I'm just guessing but I thing you're referring to -

"Thx for the flashback... hope you enjoy it, truck."

I only edit what I think needs editing. Do you think that needed editing? Makes perfect sense to me... :)

4degrees..? he called me funny? isn't that curt... the writer I went on about..? odd.

btw: kindle 2 has arrived.

Posted: March 6th, 2009, 2:00 pm
by stilltrucking
this is a tenuous thread

I was thinking about a number of times that I have misread you.

four degrees comment was about me enjoying it.

Something must have got lost in translation here.