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I'm a pacifist.

Posted: September 2nd, 2010, 11:11 am
by Doreen Peri
War should be abolished. Pacifism is my religion.

Wanna fight about it? ;)

Re: I'm a pacifist.

Posted: September 2nd, 2010, 12:55 pm
by stilltrucking
Okay buster, bring it on. Image

"Fight Pacifism. because you can't have a pacifist without a fight ..."

Re: I'm a pacifist.

Posted: October 17th, 2010, 11:36 pm
by jimboloco
yore a pacifist with a fist
i hope you don't need it
yore a peri with a paci
i hope you will grow it

Re: I'm a pacifist.

Posted: October 18th, 2010, 12:30 am
by Doreen Peri
Nope. No fists for me. My hands are open for friendship and embrace. I don't do violence. I never clench a fist unless I'm holding onto the stick for a Skinny Cow Chocolate Truffle bar.

What's a paci?

Re: I'm a pacifist.

Posted: October 27th, 2010, 6:15 am
by jimboloco
a paci is a noncense word
i thought someone of your
literate ilk
woud know that

it is a pacifist without a fist

there is a strange man who is a Nam vet
he lives in Hardee County, Florida
he built a castle out of corrugated metal
he has a statue trophy in his yard

"gun for a conscientious objector"
an m-16 without a trigger

I agree, the Quaker peace testimony,
to take away from the occasion for war
de-escalation, alternatives to violence

But I ain't no pacifist
I obey the woman commander
show some restraint