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Posted: February 1st, 2011, 9:29 am
by Artguy
There are two amazing community radio stations in Toronto. They are both affiliated with universities, one my alma mater. They play a huge variety of music that reflects the international flavours of this city. The wisdom of our airwaves regulator the CRTC has decided not to renew the license of one of them,(from my alma mater). This is a huge loss to the cultural fabric of this city. Now there is only one left to swim in the sea of vanilla radio that dominates the air....I use to work on a couple of campus radio stations and I have a sense of what the on and off air folks must be experiencing, as so much gets shared in these communities. It's sad!!!!

Re: damn!!!!

Posted: February 1st, 2011, 1:20 pm
by stilltrucking
the winter of our discontent
and news of a royal wedding don't cheer me up like it used to.

Have you ever tuned into cenacle's spirit radio link on studio eight?