.Home From War and Facing Eviction

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.Home From War and Facing Eviction

Post by stilltrucking » July 28th, 2011, 7:36 am

http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/07 ... sure-mills

I was at the store the other day and the cashier asked me if I wanted to make a donation to help military families buy school supplies for their children. It reminded me of when Rip Van Rumsfeld was secretary of war and there were jars sitting on the counter that read "please donate money to help the family of PFC John Doe by body armor for their son."

Everything I read and see on TV is pissing me off.

I need to stop doing this to myself.

Henry Miller was right. Live the good life. Fuck um.

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Re: .Home From War and Facing Eviction

Post by saw » August 4th, 2011, 7:27 am

the fraud perpetrated by the government and corporations ( which are one and the same) has been unconscionable.....the recruiting tactics in poorest areas of the country is as heartless as it gets....the use of psychologists to ramp up the pitch to kids with no future is insidious....the promises are not only empty, they are out and out lies.....we do not have nearly enough veteran's facilities for health care, much less programs that ensure combat veterans will have a home for their families.....and getting back to the health issues, we have vets waiting for prosthetic limbs, rampant brain injuries from the concussions of IED's, and scores of soldiers with profound PTSD and far too few facilities to treat them....

To be frank, we live in a world where the end always justifies the means.....nearly everyone in power lies with a straight face...sure, there a still a few honest souls out there, a small minority with little clout....but by and large we live an existence permeated by fraud, lies, and even vindictiveness....

I'm with you, it's infuriating.....let's hope we won't fade away without a fight, but sadly there are many days I think we will disappear without a whimper as we hide in our rooms playing video games and watching slasher movies

having said that, as a parent and grandfather I must remain determined and hopeful to see a reversal of fortunes.....
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Re: .Home From War and Facing Eviction

Post by stilltrucking » August 7th, 2011, 8:38 pm

the fraud perpetrated by the government and corporations ( which are one and the same) has been unconscionable.....the recruiting tactics in poorest areas of the country is as heartless as it gets....the use of psychologists to ramp up the pitch to kids with no future is insidious
There is a very high suicide rate among the recruiters. ,

That's something you don't read much about anymore. There were five suicides in the Houston office between 2001 and 2008 when the article below was published. I wonder why we don't here any more about the suicides among army recruiters? Does that mean they are not killing themselves anymore.

Houston soldiers' suicides prompt scrutiny
Response team to deploy here after deaths of 2 more recruiters

Read more: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/met ... z1UOTeO7R9

The suicides in the Houston battalion are a "very loud, very bright alarm" that Army officials and politicians can't afford to ignore, said Paul Sullivan, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense

Read more: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/met ... z1UOSP4V1I
Since 2001, 17 recruiters have died by their own hand. The rate of suicide in the recruiting corps is triple that of the overall Army. Army leaders have declared the overall rate — higher than the civilian rate last year for the first time since the Army began tracking suicides in 1980 — “very disturbing.”

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0 ... 00,00.html#

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Re: .Home From War and Facing Eviction

Post by saw » August 8th, 2011, 7:27 am

what a world, huh, where we actually have statistics for suicides among recruiters, it would seem at first consideration to be an extremely rare or non existent occurrence......not to mention the suicides in battle....at one point early this year, I read at that point, there were more suicides in Afghanistan than combat deaths........

as far as why we don't hear more, once again, you will only hear those reports on non corporate media programs......those stories obviously would put a crimp in the recruiting process, so they are squelched....

it is hard to fathom a country that has become comfortable lying to servicemen that make the ultimate sacrifice, putting their lives, their minds, their bodies on the line......but that's where we are......we should never have to read a story about a homeless veteran.....but since we do, we can only assume, that very few in government can be trusted....

I remember a professor from Hopkins, a good friend of mine who has visited Cuba a number of times telling me, the one thing that stood out for him the most, is the people do not feel the government is out to get them, the vast majority belief the government has their best interest at heart......just imagine that.....it's inconceivable here in the US
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Re: .Home From War and Facing Eviction

Post by stilltrucking » August 9th, 2011, 10:30 pm

I used to : sleep at the foot of old glory ... awake in the dawns early : light
john prine

I remember world war two, my earliest memories, I knew who the good guys were, that was when all the evil in the world was overseas in places like Germany and Japan.

My country, my native land,
we may be AA+ in credit
but in war we are still AAA+

Thinking about Libya, if we don't have boots on the ground it is not a war, I suppose.

I don't know when I started not to trust my government. Trying to remember if it was any one thing. Vietnam I guess.

I took some night classes at Hopkins Mccoy college.

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Re: .Home From War and Facing Eviction

Post by jimboloco » September 5th, 2011, 8:01 pm

Glad ya'll are in tune.

They still want to ignore the trauma, and the real trauma over there.

Got a 30% PTSD disability rating from Vietnam, 40 years ago. It was hell going thru the claims process. I remembered a lot.


Now the damn thing gets copyrighted. suicide sucks, but anyone who'se ever been to the edge of despair knows, without help, it becomes a dead end.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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