These jerkwads should be glad there's -

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These jerkwads should be glad there's -

Post by Atehequa » September 9th, 2011, 9:37 pm

laws to protect their sick little asses.
Just about every morning, somewhere around dawn, my morning commute takes me through about 13 miles or so through a National Park. Sometimes I'll see people going out of their way to run over wildlife.

Purposely running up on the shoulder to kill a grazing groundhog. Like I saw this morning, or the other times they have intentially served over to flatten a roadside box turtle while it's warming it's shell or plowing through a family of Raccoons crossing the road, with very little traffic and plenty of room to slow down.

Killing with huge high horse powered, monster wheeled extentions of their nub-like puds,
I really cannot fathom what makes these sick fuckers tick.

Angry, somewhat psychotic southern rednecks.
They're as thick as bats down here.

What kind of fucking raging inner demons would make someone purposely kill baby animals or a peaceful grass eating groundhog ?

For about 3 miles there were thoughts of following 'Bubba' to his destination and running him down once he parked and got out, but alas no.

Instead, I took off a half day and spent part of the evening attempting to drink that ugliness away.

Damned inbred goober made me take to the bottle, a rare thing these days.

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Re: These jerkwads should be glad there's -

Post by judih » September 10th, 2011, 12:30 am

intentional cruelty. intentional murder.
alcohol won't solve their brutality, even as it helps you forget for a few hours.
next time, get their license plate number and turn them in. Take a cellphone video of their actions as proof- you might need a passenger in the car to get it done.

There must be others who are sickened by such acts. Perhaps you can find them (through facebook, the local newspaper, your nearest gov't official?)

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Re: These jerkwads should be glad there's -

Post by stilltrucking » September 10th, 2011, 2:42 am

this song sends chills down my spine
talk about payback

Never sees me when I hit him with my brights. His life don't flash
Before his eyes, he's blinded by my lights and so I hit him with my
Bumper doin' sixty, sixty-five; they take 'em frozen down in Halletsville
They don't take 'em alive. The jackal cri....i....i...ied
The jackal cri....i....i...ied The jackal cried, "Look there's two of
Them a-walkin' down the line. I can't believe my luck tonight this here
Makes twenty-nine!" And so he rolled the first one runnin'. The second
Was too fast. His breaks and laughter squealin' as he stomped down on the
Gas. Good-God, his car was sideways flyin', when the bridge wall met his
Door. The impact shook the river bed his foot went through the floor
Forevermore....or....or...ore Forevermore....or....or....ore
Forevermore was his last moment from the bridge wall to the stream; from
The speckled blood around his smile a-spewin' gasoline. And then he
Screamed his raspy epitaph, before he turned to flame:

On the other hand I am scared to drive with people who will run their car off the road to avoid hitting an animal. I try to stay cool on my stool and steer around it. Slow down whatever, but gotdam if I will run into a tree to save a rabbit.

I am not St Francis.

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Re: These jerkwads should be glad there's -

Post by Atehequa » September 10th, 2011, 8:28 am

Oh but the drinking did ease the ugly a bit, actually allowing me to write about it. After all this is the rant and rage section. Better a bottle in my hand than a pistol or a Winchester. The bottle comes out of the cabinet easier than a rifle.

And that’s a good thing.

Calling in plates to the depleted National Park service does little good in this area as a lot of these folk are related to each other. They have no great love for these groundhogs who often tunnel under the road and are sometimes trapped by the park service. The rangers are more concerned about catching speeders or making sure no one like the Parkway murderer returns to the area.

Once I called in about a little spotted fawn nearly meeting it’s end in the same manner, but nothing ever came of it as I see that asshole still driving on the park road.
I am a rural southern man, but realize that it is the forest, field and wildlife that makes me such, not the country music industry, NRA, NASCAR, Larry the Cable Guy or right wing cracker-ass politicians.

Just another act of brutality in a brutal world. One thing is for sure, every so often another one of these goobers will get rather tanked up thinking he is in the Big Bubba 500 and not make that curve at a high rate of speed discovering rather quickly that a Chevy Silverado truck cannot take down a 2 or 3 hundred year old oak in that last second or so of his sick life.

Those same big oaks keep me off a cell phone while driving.

I blame a lot of this behavior on the dumbing down these people have been subjected to the last decade or so. Many of them are absolutely smitten with personalities such as the former governor of Alaska who took part in and encouraged the killing wolves for sport from the safety of an aircraft. I honestly believe these sick fuckers would be killing other humans if it was legal.

That is if they have the guts to shoot at someone who may just return their fire.

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Re: These jerkwads should be glad there's -

Post by Atehequa » September 10th, 2011, 8:53 am

"On the other hand I am scared to drive with people who will run their car off the road to avoid hitting an animal"

but I'm talking about a wooded road during times of little traffic where there is scant difficulty in slowing up, stopping or veering around.

The speed limit ranges from 45 to 35 MPH and for that very reason many choose not to commute into town on that route. Rising a bit earlier than most, I enjoy those 13 or so miles of forest, meadow, river and creeks before a grueling day at work.

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Re: These jerkwads should be glad there's -

Post by stilltrucking » September 10th, 2011, 7:33 pm

Virginia has a law that if you hit a dog you have to stop and try and render aid or find the owner. No such law for cats though, just keep on trucking. I sometimes wonder about that.

I think it takes a sorry son of bitch to go out of their way to hit an animal. I have hit a couple in the million plus miles I have driven. Up around Lubbock thirty years a go, a little white dog ran out i front of me, I can still feel the sicking thump as he passed under the right front tire.
Maybe if I had not been so tired I might have reacted faster.
Have you ever had a trucker's nightmare? That is when you are having a dream about driving a truck and you wake up to find out you are driving a truck.

Yeah it is a good thing we have laws I suppose. Zen and the Art of Driving, a book that influenced me greatly, a mind set that I try to practice behind the wheel.

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