Two paintings by........ the mingo!

Digital art & digitally enhanced photos.
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Post by SmileGRL » October 3rd, 2008, 3:58 pm

thank you for the welcome back mr. mingo. so many questions...hmmm

where did i not go? heh. i saw 2 of the 7 wonders of the world, finally met an internet friend of over 8 years, inhaled the ocean, died in the desert, fell in love with mannequins, painted my toenails green in the car, ate buffalo burgers and drank pepsi from a HUGE canfruit bottle at the roadkill cafe on ROUTE 66, got cowgirl boots (yay!), picked up a perfectly dried butterfly, got sneezed on by shrek & hugged by frankenstein @ universal studios, pigged out at the famous bellagio buffet in Vegas, almost shared a motel room with a bat, are a few big names (not in any order): grand canyon, old faithful (yellowstone), las vegas, alcatraz, hollywood walk of fame, mt. rushmore, death valley & monument valley, joshua tree, the great basin, LA, San do i feel about it??? hmmm...i think i swallowed a lot of flies, my mouth hanging open so much...heh. no, i really loved seeing all those places and it's great fun now spotting places we've been on tv shows/movies and being able to say...hey! i've actually been there! but, man! i'm SO glad to be back home. just in laws to keep entertained or pleased...sigh...yay, my bed, my email, my everything. haha.

so, what have i been doing creative wise and what next? mostly what you've seen here...also i did a little surprise project for a friend layering poetry over photographs and merging photographs, etc...had a lot of fun doing that. i took some pictures on my trip that i'm very proud of and will share some time. right now i like playing with photo editing & collages and i wanna do some more of that. i'm finding a style of drawing/painting with my oil pastels & watercolors, which may not be recognizable to everyone as art...but what the heck. i like it. i'm intrigued by the idea of learning origami...haven't found an internet tutorial yet that i can comfortably follow...but maybe i'm just a little slow. heh. i'm thinking of maybe getting a book about it. a friend of mine does things she call "voems" (video poems)...which i love, but not sure i'll do. when i'm big (one day...haha), i'd like to make a quilt, learn the art of pottery, maybe stained glass....but for now i'll stick to what i'm doing and get comfortable with that. take some some more pictures. and of course there will always be poetry. if you're interested...feel free to check out my blog ( which is mostly just playing/flirting with art.

wow. okay...that was NOT the nutshell version! haha :mrgreen:

about art changing...yes. i think art is a growing thing...if it always stayed the same it would just be copying, yes? i think it's great that you went with your gut and tried something new. i don't know your "old" style", but i like the new one.

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