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Smithsonian gardens

Posted: December 28th, 2004, 1:16 am
by Doreen Peri
photography + 1's and 0's


Posted: December 29th, 2004, 11:37 pm
by Doreen Peri
i can't get the darn garden wall (the back one) to look right... pooh! I've messed around with it and changed it more times than i can count which probably accounts for the number of views to this topic because i'd change it, upload it, refresh the page to take a look has it's limitations... as do my skills... :(

oh well.. i'm abandoning it.. i'm done with it..

easel and paints coming soon thanks to LR who honored me with such a beautiful gift which i expect to be delivered within the next week

i think i'll stick to abstracts when i start painting again...... that way nobody will figure out that my drawing skills suck ;)

Posted: December 29th, 2004, 11:41 pm
by judih
doreen, it's pretty
if you were to blur those trees/bushes in the background, you'd give the impression of a ghostly presence coming from the bend.

Posted: December 30th, 2004, 1:47 am
by Anonymous-one
Looks darn good on my monitor , in fact , it looks like an Aquarelle .

The threes in the back are perfect .
They´re lighter in composition , wich gives
more depht to the whole ensemble.Something
Da Vinci called ; Atmospheric depth , reffering to
the effect sunlight and air has on objects at a certain distance. A-O.

Posted: December 30th, 2004, 3:44 pm
by Dave The Dov
AUUUUUHH doreen!!!! Claude Monet is turning over in his grave when he saw how BEAUTIFUL your work turned out to be!!!! DON'T GIVE UP YOU GOT IT ALWAYS!!!!
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