Rocks Rock

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Rocks Rock

Post by Barry » May 6th, 2009, 10:54 pm

Rocks freaking rock. I love them. They love me. They must. Many of them want to be with me. Here are just a few.
This is the whole cabinet.
This is the lower cabinet.
This is called Cathedral Quartz, and it's awesome. Here's some info on Cathedral Quartz, if you're into that:
Meditating with Cathedral Quartz can access the Light Library. It aids attunement to the universal mind, and acts as a receptor and transmitter for group thought, which is raised to a higher vibration through contact with the pure energies of the crystal. It also provides access to the Akashic Record. Cathedral Quartz is a cosmic computer that contains the wisdom of the ages. It is a Light Library, holding a record of all that has occurred on earth. Some Cathedral quartzes are extremely large, but even a small piece will give you the information you need. It is also a natural generator. Cathedral quartz may appear to be composed of several convoluted or separate pieces, but these are in fact all part of the main crystal, which has multiple terminations with at least one point at the apex. It is believed that Cathedral Quartz makes itself known every two thousand years to aid the evolution of consciousness by raising thought to a higher vibration. Cathedral Quartz can be programmed to bring about a better world.
This is the upper cabinet.
This is the purple section.
This is the green section.
This is the black section.
This is the white section.

I love rocks.

Peace & Love,

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Post by mtmynd » May 7th, 2009, 8:12 am

heavy. 8)


taken at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show, 2009
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Post by Barry » May 7th, 2009, 10:43 am

Looks like rocks love you, too. And all that petrified wood, looks like from Oregon. Rock on.


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Post by mtmynd » May 7th, 2009, 1:27 pm

I don't know where the petrified wood or even the quartz is from... i was just gawking around a very small part of the show snapping some pictures of things that were tripping me out.

Your collection is impressive, Barry. How many pieces you think you have now? How long have you been collecting? Mostly from Nature?
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Post by Barry » May 7th, 2009, 7:18 pm

My mom took me to a Farmer's Market when I was like five or six. There was a table there with crystals in egg cartons (clusters and single points) for 25 cents each or $2.50 for the whole carton. I begged her. She said it was too much for rocks, but relented. I was already hooked by then, but this just made it worse. I actually still have a couple of those crystals.

I've been collecting as long as I can remember. But I don't think of it like that. I think they just want to be with me, ride around in my pocket for awhile, then join the big party in the front yard. The outside stuff is almost exclusively collected by me from nature. The inside stuff is mostly purchased, most by my wife, SueZen. We met at a rock shop where we both worked.

I was white water rafting with a buddy once. We pulled up to the bank to pee and have a smoke. While we talked I noticed circular wood grain in a boulder over his shoulder. You should have seen the look on his face. He thought I was completely insane to be bringing this fifty pound rock into the raft with us. "Well, I ain't leaving it here," I said. It's out in the yard now.

When I hunt, I find my head moving around, triangulating, like I'm tracking them more by sound than sight. Dig that, dude.
Thanks for the compliment on the collection.


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Post by Doreen Peri » May 7th, 2009, 7:55 pm

Awesome! What a fabulous collection! Barry, thanks for sharing these!

Collections are a personal special thing. Your photos and the story you posted about how your interest got sparked in them makes them all the more special!

I only have 2 collections. Duck decoys. And boxes. Neither of which come even close to being this extensive. If you have 2, it's a pair. If you have 3, it's a collection. I donno how many duck decoys I have or boxes but I started calling them collections at 3. Not nearly as many as your rocks!

BTW, I love the crystal ones especially!

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Post by Barry » May 8th, 2009, 12:32 pm

Thanks, Doreen. I'd love to see pics of your decoys and boxes. My wife collects a very specific type of box. They're little tiny bakelite boxes in carved animal shapes. I found out this when I got her a box of the wrong type, thinking she just collected small, carved animal boxes. Nope, just the bakelite ones. :oops:


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Dave The Dov
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Post by Dave The Dov » May 8th, 2009, 2:15 pm

Rocks or crystals? Great collection you have there!!!! :D

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Post by Barry » May 8th, 2009, 3:20 pm

Yes, the proper term is "minerals" but, you know, we all just call ourselves rockhounds. :wink: Thanks, Dave.


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Post by Arcadia » May 31st, 2009, 12:25 pm

wow!!!! beautiful!!!, I would call that sistematic love for minerals!!!!!!! :lol:

I also have a little collection of rocks & little ramas I´ve found in the roads while walking different places I specially liked. No specific place for them in my house but they are mostly in bookshelves, on the tv set and on little tables among other things.

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Post by Barry » June 11th, 2009, 9:54 pm

Arcadia, you rock!:)


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