
Also include crafts, jewelry making.
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Post by palephx » November 4th, 2005, 9:33 pm

Also called collage, assemblage, and "pieces of crap you got from National Geographic and threw together when you were drunk, you bitch."

(my apologies to those on dialup, as I am recently from that digital graveyard, myself)

"To Grow Up or Not to Grow Up"

"Gentleman's Wardrobe"

"Fetish 002"

"Symbols of a Doomed Mission"

"Digital Karma"
[color=#A0522D][b]Look classical, speak grunge, think goth, but [i]feel[/i] disco. Your day will rock.[/b][/color]

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Post by mtmynd » November 4th, 2005, 9:51 pm


I used to be a collage myself. Those were days when snakes had names.. you know, personalized names like, Marty or Wenda, I even met one called Boocha. I know, it was not a common name (one that most people, much less snakes, have ever heard of) but Boocha had impact, man, at least back in those days.

But I digress, palephx (I initially pronounced that "pale-fix", but now I know better), I got off the track from when I was a collage. But you've got to understand, being a collage messes up some people. At least it fucked me up... that is until I crumbled and arose like (no.. not a phoenix) smoke.. curling into the midnite air, no moon in sight (altho it's always there, isn't it?)... clawing and grasping at the breeze that my regeneration brought with it, I ended up empty handed, but a sense of calm came over me as I rose higher and higher. I just let myself go. Fuck it. There was nothing left to lose (you know the feeling?)... a surrender into the ethers. Damn! What a great feeling.

[Thanks for sharing your collages. I enjoyed the journey.]

Snake with no name -


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Post by Dave The Dov » November 6th, 2005, 8:26 am

Your work reminds me of d.a. Levy!!!! :D
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Post by Sober Duck » November 6th, 2005, 11:02 am

WOW! These are great. It just so happens that my most prized posession is a montage my great, great, grandmother created way back in the 1850s. I have spent hours studying her piece of Amerian Folk Art. It's hard to see the seems between the cut outs. I believe most of the characters in the scene are of fairy tale characters
Sorry for the glare in the photo but it is covered with glass and I won't take it apart just to take a good photo. Sure would like to to take it to the Antiques Road Show.

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Post by gypsyjoker » November 6th, 2005, 11:06 am

Ten four on the family treasures
I am going to photoshop it, see what I can do with the glare.
thinking about a silent wind that robbed me of my child hood treasures.
I hate graveyards and old pawn shops (Souvenirs)
thanks for sharing
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Post by palephx » November 6th, 2005, 8:46 pm

That mid-19th C. piece is terrific, Sober Duck. It seems like we both did our best taking digital photos of things that are for want of an actual scanner, but hey, we work with what we've got--and that's what collage is all about, for me.

And tmynd (which I'm mentally pronouncing "T'mind" until corrected), I hope you didn't do the fire thing literally. I hate when I hear that someone has hit one of those phases--or rough weekends--when they set their artwork ablaze. I firmly believe in 'clearance,' by almost any means necessary, but I'd sooner give the stuff away than destroy it.

Here's another one for everybody:


"Just What I Always Wanted"
[color=#A0522D][b]Look classical, speak grunge, think goth, but [i]feel[/i] disco. Your day will rock.[/b][/color]

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Post by palephx » November 8th, 2005, 11:46 am

Thank you, sir, may I have another! Yes, yes you may...



NB: BTW, S8's snazzy board code resizes many of the images in this thread, so it doesn't get all stretched out and hard to read. If you want to get a look at slightly larger version, you can right-click to 'View Image [in New Window...]' depending on your browser.
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Post by mnaz » November 8th, 2005, 1:16 pm

'Fetish 002' is great.... lighter than air. They're all fantastic. Thanks.

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Post by palephx » November 10th, 2005, 3:22 pm

You're very welcome. I've got a few others to share today.


"Le Morte Juste"



And this one I'm including so you can get a look at one of my journal pages, where these latter two appear (the rest are 12" x 17" and over):


"Self-Portrait 01"

Colored pencil illustration. The top poem was done by my friend, Chris; the bottom, by me in reaction. The blatant visual allegories were set to paper some time in 1994. I consider the image overwrought and histrionic, so feel free to criticize any aspect you like.
[color=#A0522D][b]Look classical, speak grunge, think goth, but [i]feel[/i] disco. Your day will rock.[/b][/color]

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Post by palephx » November 11th, 2005, 1:48 pm

A trifecta of horror for your three-day weekend!


"Wild Animals"




"Mates Are Made"
[color=#A0522D][b]Look classical, speak grunge, think goth, but [i]feel[/i] disco. Your day will rock.[/b][/color]

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