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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 3rd, 2011, 12:55 pm

“Wir sind das Volk” I´ll google it, amigo, I don´t understand german! :shock:

& gracias to you to take the time to read here despite your blurring eyes!!!! :)

I can´t avoid sharing this today´s pagina12 title:

CFK: "Propongo volver al capitalismo en serio" : "I propose to get back to a serious capitalism"

( mmmm..... what´s that? ...& what about the patria socialista??? or maybe it´s only her new definition about Kirchnerism? who knows...? :roll: :lol: )

See more here:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 11-03.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 3rd, 2011, 7:12 pm

I wonder what kind of things Obama, Sarkozy & Cameron would want to learn about our president today... :shock: :?:

& let´s see the bright side!: she talked against finantial speculation and sectors of the economy than "only" do that... , coined maybe the word "anarcocapitalism?", define capitalism as consume & jobs ... and well... her auditorium was filled by worldwide empresarios... context is context... and it seems our country is capitalist!... maybe it´s still our problem if we ask for pears to the elm tree..! :roll:

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 3rd, 2011, 8:49 pm

gracias for the german lesson, s-t! :)

“Wir sind das Volk” (We are the people, not dust!... is that the translation?)
odd I first founded beyond german a parsi translation of it that also enlaces an english one.

have you seen it?

http://www.cambridgefilmfestival.org.uk ... d/reviews/

I like that one more than this one...! :roll: :

"Volk ist alles... Du bist nichts"

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by stilltrucking » November 4th, 2011, 5:37 pm

that german pharase is from an article I read about the fall of the Berlin wall,
be back when I have more time to read. This is a very nice place, arcadia.

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by stilltrucking » November 4th, 2011, 9:01 pm

Germany fascinates me. So many years I lived in fear of Germany.

Watching the vidoes you posted now and no I ain't seen it yet but sounds intesting from wha t I hav e listened too so far. Yes the article was about Leipzig and Dresden

here is a snip from the article. if you want to read it.
It was the failure of the interpreting class :shock:
The End of “German Culture”
The Tanner Lectures on Human Values

Wir sind das Volk

. “Wir sind das Volk” (We are
the people) was a most appropriate slogan indeed. Intellectuals admired
the slogan—and misunderstood it completely. In the framework of
their own mentality, this slogan had to be read as the wish for the
immediate realization of a socialist dream, while in reality it expressed
the farewell to any socialist utopia.

When the Berlin Wall was breached
on the eve of November 9 more than ten years ago, the slogan was only
slightly changed. Now the masses no longer chanted:We are the people,
but: We are one people. This minor exchange of just one single word,
however, revealed their true intentions: to join the capitalist West.http://www.tannerlectures.utah.edu/lect ... ies_01.pdf

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by stilltrucking » November 4th, 2011, 9:24 pm

I don't know what she means by pure capitalism. I am trying to think what a pure capitalist state would look like, maybe Italy under Mussolini, Nazi Germany maybe.

"anarcho capitalism" nobody in control she says I guess I am just paranoid then.

“Wars and panics on the stock exchange; machine gunfire and arson; starvation, lice, cholera and typhus; good growing weather for the House of Morgan,” says John Dos Passos,

I thought it was a good speech,

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by stilltrucking » November 4th, 2011, 9:35 pm

"When we talk of food security, in short, life safety and should speak to ensure market medicinal patent royalties because I believe that Africa is not only starving for food issues but also issues related to health" said Cristina.

"It's so humiliating to starve and die by not having an aspirin or have no vaccine. If we talk of regulation to guard the life we ​​have to discuss all aspects," said the head of state before an audience of businessmen and executives of the world's leading nations.

On the other hand, highlighted the launch of the Agri-Food 2010 Plan and noted that the plan promotes "the industrialization of the sector to avoid the higher the production technology and produce a decline in employment. One of the keys to the Argentine government's policy in the agri is to achieve added value in the place of production of grain. "

I don't understand Arcadia, I mean somebody got run things I suppose, I hope I can add some value to this thread.

Pears from an Elm tree>>
Only Angela Merkel could make that happen

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by stilltrucking » November 4th, 2011, 9:47 pm

Thanks for the music I like this one better than the German one

wir sind das volk iranian version

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 5th, 2011, 10:20 am

I´ll read the article you posted, gracias! :)

Our president talked about "capitalismo en serio" which I translated as "serious capitalism", maybe your translation as "pure capitalism" is more accurate ... I don´t know ... I declare myself unable to understand peronismo (at least until now).... :lol:

Obama-Kirchner meeting: both of them throwing verbal flowers to each other (in an almost literal naive? way... you never know really how much "diplomatic" the gobernantes are..) and it seems bussiness always kept being bussiness... :roll:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 11-05.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 5th, 2011, 7:22 pm

Israel vuelve a amenazar con atacar a Irán
hey, that´s serious... how long can you keep saying it and what for?? :shock:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 11-05.html

Peres destacó, además, que el mundo está en deuda con Israel y tiene que detener las aspiraciones nucleares de Irán. "El tiempo que resta tenemos que empujar a otros países a actuar y decirles que llegó la hora de que cumplan las promesas que nos hicieron y que cumplan sus obligaciones, ya sea con sanciones más duras o con una actuación militar", agregó el político de 88 años

sorry, Mr. Peres, ... I hope you find a way to live peacefully there and I also wish that none of the world countries have nuclear realities or aspirations (yours included) but ... don´t you think it´s a heavy stuff to endorse the whole world to be in debt with the state of Israel? does it help your situation? really?? how??
I want to tell you that I´m not in a moral or whatever debt with the state of Israel, got it? really? gracias for listening & shalom to all of us!!! :)

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 7th, 2011, 6:12 pm

Elections in Guatemala ... :shock:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 11-07.html

USA government´s nose in Siria: why don´t they let the Liga Arabe mediate there if it helps them and step back ?? I wonder for how long they plan to keep doing the same and what for...

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 11-07.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by stilltrucking » November 7th, 2011, 8:41 pm

Code: Select all

According to former Israeli spymaster, the real "existential threat to Israel" lies in the growing extremism of the ultra-Orthodox sectors in their own country. Sin embargo el temor a que Irán, considerado el máximo enemigo de Tel Aviv, pueda tener acceso a armas nucleares, hace que la mayoría de la población se incline por una actuación militar, que podría tener consecuencias impredecibles, ya que puede prender fuego a toda la región. However, the fear that Iran considered the greatest enemy of Tel Aviv, may have access to nuclear weapons, makes most of the population is inclined to military action, which could have unpredictable consequences, which can set fire to all the region. 

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 8th, 2011, 1:08 pm

I just hope they will be smart enough to not press the red button there ... :roll: Meanwhile, yesterday with some friends we bought shawarmas & a beers in Palestine and had to walk some metres to sit & drink & eat them in Israel because we found empty chairs & tables there... :lol: (we are in the middle of the annual Fiesta de las Colectividades here). Ahh, and we finished the travel with Sicily´s pignolatas (my grandmother used to do it but in bastón form and wiht a glase cover, the ones I ate yesterday were like little bullets with some honey-like cover, also delicious!) and Paraguay´s alojas.
I also bought a beautiful white & green t-shirt in Palestine (the only one I liked, with a tree and a little bird flying from it and the word palestine in palestinian, I guess), also took note of some books they sold there, some of them looked interesting, I´ll google later the authors (Gustavo Rojana, Bernardo Gandulla, Mazin B Qumsiyeh, Saad Chedid).

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 8th, 2011, 1:20 pm

well, leaving last night gastronomic & cultural little travel and talking again about our newspapers:

- "The anarcocapitalism is part of the process" : a cuban economist in pagina12 (it seems he was giving a conference in Sala de la Cooperacion in Bs As - a sala owned by the local PC, now alineado with our actual president) considering tactics & strategies and chewing about if there are different kinds of capitalism or not or more or less ...

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/econo ... 11-08.html

Enfatizó que “la actual fase de financierización de la economía no es una desviación del capitalismo tradicional, sino que forma parte del mismo proceso”. También dijo que, “aunque sea bajo el sistema capitalista, en la Argentina se intentan restablecer las bases del Estado de Bienestar”.

El ex funcionario, ahora investigador sobre economía mundial en Cuba, concluye que “esta crisis expresa una falla orgánica, sólo comparable con 1930. Pero no es que ahora hay un capitalismo malo y antes uno bueno. El capitalismo es el mismo”.

Para el final, la acción política: “La salida estratégica, está claro, no es el capitalismo. Pero a nivel táctico, todo lo que apunte a desafilar la tijera neoliberal, de ir en contra de lo que pasa en el mundo desarrollado, es el camino”.

- The sandinists won the reelection in Nicaragua ... :)

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 11-08.html

- Hey!, it´s Buenos Aires ... :shock:

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpai ... 11-08.html

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Re: feel free to choose a topic!

Post by Arcadia » November 9th, 2011, 1:51 pm

it seems Italy´s dark buffo will be finally out in three weeks (but yeah, of course, he shouted "traditori" or something like that and counted 8... :roll:). I guess at least it will be a relief not seeing Berlusconi´s face all the time for them... He is the politician than remind me more to Menem & Bush.

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elmun ... 11-09.html

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